May/June 2022

As a true testament to the important of the Supportive Living Program in Illinois’ long-term care continuum, advocates, senior leadership from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Legislative leaders, Lt. Governor Stratton, and others convened yesterday at Victory Centre of Roseland – a supportive living program community – to witness Governor Pritzker sign HB 246 (read press release here). The signing of this historic, equity driven nursing home rate reform legislation marks the culmination of two years of tireless work. It elevates Illinois as a leader and innovator in reimbursement methodology.

AALC commends the House and Senate legislative sponsors, HFS Director Theresa Eagleson, and Governor Pritzker for championing this legislation that recognizes the enormous need, now more than ever, to protect Illinois seniors and people with disabilities that are entrusted to our care.

Supportive Living communities play a vital role in giving Illinois seniors an alternative to institutional care and HB 246 will bring important resources to the SLP communities. The remarks from a Victory Centre resident, a retired schoolteacher of nearly 30 years and proud great, great grandmother, best demonstrated the tremendous impact this reform will have. This resident beamed as she spoke about the level of care, compassion, and friendship she enjoyed at Victory Centre. The Supportive Living Program has allowed her to continue to live a vibrant, active, and independent life.

Closing the health equity gap

The COVID-19 crisis has led to a spur of action by hospitals, policymakers and other healthcare stakeholders to address long-standing health inequities in the state. What’s being done to address gaps in health outcomes that predated the pandemic, and what other efforts are needed? What barriers remain?

A panel of experts will address these questions and more at a Health News Illinois live event June 22 in Chicago.


·       Dr. Omar Lateef, CEO, Rush University Medical Center

·       Ayesha Jaco, Executive Director, West Side United

·       Shannon Andrews, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, Cook County Health

Register Now

The 2022 Health News Illinois Event Series is sponsored by:

AARP Illinois

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois

Illinois Health and Hospital Association

Illinois Primary Health Care Association

Novo Nordisk

Third Horizon Strategies

Health Management Associates

To learn more about Victory Centre of Roseland, click here!

Betsy, Victory Centre of Roseland resident, spoke at the signing of HB 246.


HAI Updates, and Q&A Webinars for Long-Term Care and Congregate Residential Settings

2022 Webinar Schedule


Description:  IDPH is hosting a bi-weekly webinar to provide healthcare-associated infections (HAI) updates and answer questions from long-term care and congregate residential settings.

Dates:  To register, please click on the WebEx links below.


June 3, 2022 - 1 PM to 2 PM

June 24, 2022 - 1 PM to 2 PM

July 8, 2022 - 1 PM to 2 PM

July 22, 2022 - 1 PM to 2 PM


We know the Webinar attendance is limited, so if you cannot register or get in; Email:

We will be recording the webinars and sending out the links of the recordings.

Visit AALC's Website for Additional  COVID-19 Resources

Legislative Update

AALC is working with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) regarding the implementation of our legislative language that links SLP Medicaid rates to 54.3% of all nursing home rates, including any add-on payments contained in the new nursing home rate methodology. AALC legislative team worked closely with legislative leaders on language that passed in April, which will result in a significant rate increase for SLP providers for services beginning on July 1, 2022. Today, Governor Pritzker signed this historic legislation and HFS filed Administrative Rules as required per the legislation suggesting Illinois is on pace to implement these new rates on July 1 pending approval from federal CMS. To learn more, click here.  


AALC remains incredibly grateful to our legislative champions for their commitment to the SLP and to HFS for the partnership as we work to implement the increased rates to supportive living communities across Illinois.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services has posted a new Public Notice regarding Home and Community Based Waiver - Supportive Living Program.

You may view the new Notice here:

AALC is reviewing the changes and will offer comment.

View Current SL Rates Effective January 1, 2022

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We have buttons, t-shirts and masks are a great way for staff and residents to show pride and support of the Supportive Living lifestyle.

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MEMBERS! If you know of a vendor who might be interested in joining AALC, share their information with us at and we will reach out to them.  Are you a vendor member and interested in bringing content to our Supportive Living communities? Let us know and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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