Update from Childcare Task Force
The Childcare Task Force would like to provide the following update on our process to open our building to a certified daycare and preschool provider in the Fall:
We are exploring viable partnerships with existing programs looking to expand childcare in South Salem. We were set to apply for grant funds through the state of Oregon on March 20th, but these funds have now been put on hold through May 15th due to unprecedented demand. We plan to proceed with or without this grant funding. We have requested funding from the Presbytery’s New Ministries Team to cover the cost of our conditional use permit with the City of Salem. Our next steps include drawing up a letter of intent for our childcare partner of choice, starting the permit process with the city of Salem, and negotiating a lease for the Fall. We will keep you updated as we know more information.
Vik Schaaf for the Childcare Taskforce
Pastor Kelly will be preaching at Capital Manor this Sunday, April 2, at 3 pm, and plans to stay afterward to visit with Westminster members.
In preparation for the annual Easter egg hunt, we are welcoming candy donations in the narthex from 3/12-4/2. Donations should be individually wrapped and sized for stuffing into eggs. Small stuffable trinkets are also welcome! If you are able to help family ministries committee stuff eggs, please drop by the church Wednesday, April 5, at 6 pm.
Vacation Bible Camp plans are underway. We would love for anyone with a heart for children, the Bible, and activities that engage children in knowing God's love to join us in our planning. We will meet April 6 at 9:30 and invite you to join us. If you have questions, please contact Terri Crall, Teri Mohney, or Carole Brewer. We welcome your input to make this the best VBC ever! This is not a commitment to be part of the VBC staff, just to help us plan!
Invite all the kids you know to the annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 8. Registration begins at 9 am.
Consider adding a plate of cookies to the spread for our mini Easter brunch following service.
Women's Night Out is April 10 at 6 pm at Epilogue Kitchen/Cocktails (corner of State and High Streets) on Trivia Night! Downtown parking only. The deadline for RSVP is April 2--no exceptions (call Michele Hare at 408-402-2396)!
The youth geranium fundraiser is happy to offer you Egan Garden's BEAUTIFUL Geraniums for pre-order!!! Flowers are $6 each and hanging baskets are $30 each. Flowers can be picked up on Sunday morning, May 7th from 9-11:30 AM. Delivery is available for $10 if necessary. Pre-Orders are due by April 12th. We will have a limited amount for sale out front at Westminster on Sunday, May 7th. Please make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church with "Youth Missions" on the memo. All proceeds will benefit City Camp and the Puerto Rico Mission Trip. Order here.
A Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, April 16, at 11 am for the purpose of electing elders (Bill Faust, Steve Kandra, Teri Mohney), deacons (Angie Willoughby), and the nominating committee. More details and nominees to come.
New Members Classes will take place Sundays April 30 and May 7, 11:30-1:00. If you have considered joining Westminster or just want to come and find out more information about membership, the Outreach team is excited to meet you. Please RSVP to the church office (office@salemwestpres.org or 503-364-3327) by 4/27 at noon.
Sign up to be a greeter once in a while--be the welcoming face everyone sees on a Sunday morning. For more info please contact Katie Nelson at nelsonkatieallstar@gmail.com.
Holy Week
April 2 Palm Sunday: 10 am Processional Worship Service with Communion
One Great Hour of Sharing offering
April 2-April 7: Labyrinth available in Boulder Hall (self-guided)*
April 7 Good Friday: 7 pm Worship Service with Communion
April 8: 9 am Easter Egg Hunt
April 9: Easter Sunday: 10 am Worship Service
Mini-brunch following the service
Labyrinth hours:
*April 2 before and after worship
April 3-6 during office hours (9-2)
Maundy Thursday 5-7 pm
Good Friday 6-7 pm
Save the Date
Pick Up Sticks: Annual Grounds Clean Up: 4/15 9am-12pm
Blessing of the Animals: 4/29 10 am
Vacation Bible Camp: 6/26-6/30 for incoming 1st-6th graders