Friday Newsletter

March 31, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

“May we not just ache, but act.” --Amanda Gorman


The presence of mass shootings means we are living in a war zone even if they are geographically in another state. Our young people killing our young people means they need something very different from us than what we are currently providing. Let’s help them instead of blaming them. When we conceive of the problem in terms of war and peace, the work ahead becomes clear. We have a long history with building peace (it is in our Presbyterian DNA) and we know how to do this – decrease access to deadly weapons, limit violent propaganda, increase access to health care, quality education and well-paying jobs. It is not one thing or another. It is all the things. If your neighbor is working toward an assault weapon ban, encourage and join them. If your friend is working toward expanded health care for everyone, encourage and join them. In whatever ways you may be contributing toward increasing peace and decreasing war, keep going! If you can do more, do more. If you have not yet thrown your hat in the ring, do not wait any longer. I believe that we are at a point captured by the British statesman Edmund Burke when he said, “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” If we replace “people” with “churches,” it brings the message home even more.


The power and adrenaline of extreme violence is addictive (literally), and people of good will can find themselves in shock and denial in the face of it. When the atrocities keep coming, we can find ourselves unable to shift into the kind of presence of mind needed to stop it. Prayers that move us to act are the kinds of prayers called for in this moment. (The symbiotic relationship between action and contemplation is long held in our Christian tradition). We can think about it this way – would the traumatized parents in Nashville (or Uvalde or Sandy Hook) prefer we pray for their comfort or act so that it doesn’t happen again?


A note about Palm Sunday and Good Friday –


Palm Sunday is this week. We will meet in the “City of Boulder Hall” and process to the “City of the Sanctuary” where we will share the Palm Passion service together. We will start with the celebratory palms while singing “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna.” Many of my clergy colleagues have debated this week whether the festive tone of Palm Sunday is appropriate in light of the horror that took place in Nashville on Monday. Westminster’s service will start with this celebratory mood but we will follow the story through to Jesus’ arrest, and the tenor changes pretty dramatically half way through. In other words, at 10am we’ll wave our palms but by 10:30am we are facing, as Jesus did, a tragic shift in the world.


For a few months now, Westminster’s Good Friday service has been planned to be “A Modern Day Passion: Gun violence and our children.” The liturgy pulls from Jesus’ crucifixion story in Matthew 27 as well as a modern day lament from a parent who lost his child in Uvalde, TX. The violent loss of a beloved son in 33 A.D. and the violent loss of a beloved son in 2022 A.D. After prayer and consideration, we will continue with this plan although some emotional prep may be needed to do it well. Please plan to take advantage of the labyrinth this week as well as reaching out for additional prayer opportunities.


We acknowledge:


  • Our parents who took their children to school Tuesday morning while trying not to fall apart themselves, we salute your fierce love.
  • Our children who claimed their inalienable right to an education every day this week, we salute your young lives.
  • Our educators who showed up in classrooms this week while managing their own (overwhelming) fears and distress, we thank you.
  • The Tennessee young people who stormed their capital to demand better from their leaders, we stand with you.


In solidarity,

Pastor Kelly

For the PCUSA's Stated Clerk's statement, please see here.

This Sunday

Bulletin available here. Children's bulletins available here.

Processional Worship Service

with Communion: 10 AM

No Sunday School

Nursery care available

Coffee Hour after Service with

Listening Table: Focus on Music

Regular Youth Groups

Update from Childcare Task Force   

The Childcare Task Force would like to provide the following update on our process to open our building to a certified daycare and preschool provider in the Fall: 


We are exploring viable partnerships with existing programs looking to expand childcare in South Salem. We were set to apply for grant funds through the state of Oregon on March 20th, but these funds have now been put on hold through May 15th due to unprecedented demand. We plan to proceed with or without this grant funding. We have requested funding from the Presbytery’s New Ministries Team to cover the cost of our conditional use permit with the City of Salem. Our next steps include drawing up a letter of intent for our childcare partner of choice, starting the permit process with the city of Salem, and negotiating a lease for the Fall. We will keep you updated as we know more information.  


Vik Schaaf for the Childcare Taskforce  


Pastor Kelly will be preaching at Capital Manor this Sunday, April 2, at 3 pm, and plans to stay afterward to visit with Westminster members.

In preparation for the annual Easter egg hunt, we are welcoming candy donations in the narthex from 3/12-4/2. Donations should be individually wrapped and sized for stuffing into eggs. Small stuffable trinkets are also welcome! If you are able to help family ministries committee stuff eggs, please drop by the church Wednesday, April 5, at 6 pm.

Vacation Bible Camp plans are underway. We would love for anyone with a heart for children, the Bible, and activities that engage children in knowing God's love to join us in our planning. We will meet April 6 at 9:30 and invite you to join us. If you have questions, please contact Terri Crall, Teri Mohney, or Carole Brewer. We welcome your input to make this the best VBC ever! This is not a commitment to be part of the VBC staff, just to help us plan!

Invite all the kids you know to the annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 8. Registration begins at 9 am.

Consider adding a plate of cookies to the spread for our mini Easter brunch following service.

Women's Night Out is April 10 at 6 pm at Epilogue Kitchen/Cocktails (corner of State and High Streets) on Trivia Night! Downtown parking only. The deadline for RSVP is April 2--no exceptions (call Michele Hare at 408-402-2396)!

The youth geranium fundraiser is happy to offer you Egan Garden's BEAUTIFUL Geraniums for pre-order!!! Flowers are $6 each and hanging baskets are $30 each. Flowers can be picked up on Sunday morning, May 7th from 9-11:30 AM. Delivery is available for $10 if necessary. Pre-Orders are due by April 12th. We will have a limited amount for sale out front at Westminster on Sunday, May 7th. Please make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church with "Youth Missions" on the memo. All proceeds will benefit City Camp and the Puerto Rico Mission Trip. Order here

A Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, April 16, at 11 am for the purpose of electing elders (Bill Faust, Steve Kandra, Teri Mohney), deacons (Angie Willoughby), and the nominating committee. More details and nominees to come.

New Members Classes will take place Sundays April 30 and May 7, 11:30-1:00. If you have considered joining Westminster or just want to come and find out more information about membership, the Outreach team is excited to meet you. Please RSVP to the church office ( or 503-364-3327) by 4/27 at noon.

Sign up to be a greeter once in a while--be the welcoming face everyone sees on a Sunday morning. For more info please contact Katie Nelson at

Holy Week

April 2 Palm Sunday: 10 am Processional Worship Service with Communion

One Great Hour of Sharing offering

April 2-April 7: Labyrinth available in Boulder Hall (self-guided)*

April 7 Good Friday: 7 pm Worship Service with Communion

April 8: 9 am Easter Egg Hunt

April 9: Easter Sunday: 10 am Worship Service

Mini-brunch following the service

Labyrinth hours:

*April 2 before and after worship

April 3-6 during office hours (9-2)

Maundy Thursday 5-7 pm

Good Friday 6-7 pm

Save the Date

Pick Up Sticks: Annual Grounds Clean Up: 4/15 9am-12pm

Blessing of the Animals: 4/29 10 am

Vacation Bible Camp: 6/26-6/30 for incoming 1st-6th graders


Children's Easter books are on display in the church library! Check one out to enjoy at home.

April is Earth Month. Check out the all-new Creation Care page on the church website here.

Keith Chrisman passed away this week. He held a special place in the history of Westminster, as told here by Bill Foster. "Starting in 1985, Keith Chrisman was the lead architect with Pacific Region Architects, a consortium of smaller firms that had banded together to survive the economic downturn of the early 1980’s, and were the architects for the sanctuary expansion. The church had established a Building Committee, chaired by Marion Embick. Keith interacted with the committee and groups of the Congregation to design an expanded facility for Westminster, with a groundbreaking in 1986 and completion in 1987. Keith continued to be a loyal member of Westminster, and was later joined by a former architectural partner, Howard Grimms, until his death. Keith and the committee coordinated the installation of the carvings in the sanctuary by sculptor Roy Setziol, and provided the design for the pulpit and communion table." Keith and his wife Elizabeth, who passed away in December, will both be celebrated on Saturday, April 29, 2-5 pm (open house-style) at Willamette Valley Vineyards.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


Both Peter and Benjamin Crall will be honored at their Eagle Scout Court of Honor this Saturday, April 1, at 2 pm in Boulder Hall. Everyone is invited to attend this event. It will also be livestreamed, so you can join that way by following this link.

Pray for

  • The Chrisman family at the passing of Keith this week.
  • LeAnn Goodenberger who continues tests and treatments for a rare blood disorder. Pray for good sleep and continued ability to handle the chemo treatments well.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


On Palm Sunday we will collect the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. This offering is the single largest way that Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world. The three programs supported by OGHS, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. If you would like more information about OGHS or the programs it supports, check out this short video and this engagement map. You can interactively view the map to see programs around the world that are supported by OGHS and click on any of icons to get information about specific programs and projects.

There will be special OGHS offering envelopes available by the offering box as you exit the sanctuary or you can give online using the DONATE button on our church website (be sure to select One Great Hour of Sharing in the dropdown box). I hope you will consider giving generously to support these mission programs.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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