2023 Issue 3
Palm Sunday - Holy Week
Sabbatical Leave

From the United Church of Canada:
Sabbatical leave is a paid leave of absence for at least three months. It is available to ministry personnel called or appointed to a community of faith. These ministry personnel are eligible for a sabbatical each time they have completed five years of continuous service in the same pastoral relationship. Every call or appointment must include provision for sabbatical leave.

The essence of sabbatical is rooted in the biblical practice of the Sabbath day described in the creation story. Jesus kept this practice when he took time in his ministry for renewal. He often went away to pray and reflect in silence and meditation “on mountain tops and by lakesides.” The daily practice of ministry may involve the pressure of many tasks compressed into too few hours, leaving little opportunity for reflective, prayerful time. In the context of ministry, sabbatical time is for learning through reflection, revitalization, and recreation. It is, therefore, personal and individual in nature. It may include study, spiritual retreat, and rest and will probably be a blend of all of these. When ministry personnel take a sabbatical, communities of faith benefit from the opportunity to reflect on their mission and ministry and experience different gifts of lay leadership. The sabbatical offers the community of faith a minister who returns with new energy and clarity about the tasks at hand.

The ongoing global COVID pandemic brought new stresses as we all focused on providing ministry in uncertain times. As circumstances and information changed – sometimes even day by day – there was a need to learn and adapt as we went along. Isolation, although necessary, was challenging for all including those in church ministry. This isolation challenged me both as a minister and personally as the usual ways I had to identify and meet my spiritual needs were not available. This has all left me feeling spiritually depleted and emotionally spent. I believe it is absolutely possible to love what I do and still be exhausted by it.

On my sabbatical time, it is my intention to focus on renewal; especially working to find again the connection to the Spirit who called me into ministry so many years ago. Celtic spirituality is a rich, deep relationship with the divine through intimacy with nature. I am hoping that by immersing myself in creation, I can learn again how to be with the Creator. 

There is an ancient monastic practice called lectio divina (sacred words), where participants repeat a passage of scripture over and over until they feel that they are actually hearing God’s voice. A newer practice is visio divina (sacred seeing) where one searches for God in what can be seen around them. I will be trying to practice visio divina as I spend intentional time with nature in at least three separate locations. 

I plan to start the sabbatical in my own back yard by exploring the beauty of the Niagara Escarpment and the Dundas Valley. There are many hiking paths nearby including the Bruce Trail that runs just past my property. I will be spending time getting my hands into the soil of my own gardens, hoping that giving them more attention will yield results.

I will get away to our place on a lake near Bancroft, Ontario. Traditional medicine tells us that minerals and gems have healing properties, and this area is known as the gem and mineral capital of Canada. It has always been for me a restful and peaceful place.

In June, I will travel to British Columbia to participate in a guided wilderness tour of the Pacific coast area. Spending time in the forests and by the ocean should give me plenty of opportunities to connect with plants and creatures I cannot see in Southern Ontario. And I will have long-delayed visits with my family in Victoria and Nanaimo.

When I return in early August, I hope that I will be rested, reconnected with my faith, and will have rediscovered my joy in ministry again.

I am extremely grateful for the support of our Ministry and Personnel Committee and the Leadership Circle for making this time away possible. It was a frustrating process to secure someone to provide supply ministry. I think everyone should offer thanks to the search team: Kathy Andres, Nancy Blackport, Sylvia Arnold, and Trish Campbell. They have worked many hours to get the right person in place, and I know that I am leaving you all in great hands. 

In peace and love, Kathi
From the Chair of the Leadership Circle
To be ready for Easter, I bought some Easter eggs, conveniently forgetting that I have no willpower against chocolate. The eggs did not make it through March. At our annual general meeting we talked about our plans to be ready for this year and for the years to come. We outlined the ideas that came from our Café Sunday that Inspire will help with, the projects that Affirm will be working on and the increasing in-church activities that will resume.   
I am happy to see that some of our plans are already coming to life. We had a great turn out for PIE day with an uplifting service and, of course, delicious pies. There have been two movie nights with gradually more outside community people attending. The Jazz Vespers also drew in new people and created a relaxed upbeat atmosphere with many staying afterwards. Women for Women celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a social night. Even our choir is expanding. And more events are happening in April. It is good to know that while
carrying out plans that involve chocolate can be difficult for some, we have
the motivation to move forward with our plans to grow the church. 
Implementing the current and future work of our church takes time, talent and finances. It is important for us to know that we can rely on your support during this Easter season. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help. 
As most of you know, Kathi will be taking a sabbatical leave starting right after the Easter service and will return in August. This is a cup half empty and half full situation. On the one hand, we will all miss Kathi’s gentle guiding spirit. On the other hand, we know that this journey she is taking of rest and renewal, she
will use to benefit us all. I am sure you will all join me in wishing her success on her trip. 
I am happy to announce that Morar Murray-Hayes will be our sabbatical replacement minister. Many of you will recognize Morar as she has done some of our services and participated in some of our activities. Morar brings a wealth of experience and an outgoing personality to this role. She is anxious to meet everyone and I know you will give her a warm welcome. My thanks to Nancy Blackport, Sylvia Arnold, Trish Campbell and the Leadership Team for the work they did to find a good replacement minister. 
May this Easter be a time of family, friendship and new life. 

Kathy Andres
Chair, Leadership Circle
From the Finance Committee

As we indicated at the congregational meeting earlier this month, 2023 is going to be a challenging year financially for EMUC. A deficit of $35K has been projected as a result of increasing costs along with decreasing revenue. To prevent the deficit from growing, it is necessary to meet our budgetary targets including amounts included in the budget for special givings at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, which includes $3,600 for Easter this year. We encourage you to consider a special donation to your church as you celebrate Easter.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
Thanks to:

  • All those who read scripture at services in March
  • All those who volunteered to host coffee on Sunday mornings
  • Joanne Hines and the Affirming Group for planning the PIE Day service, pies, and refreshments
  • The Movie Nights Team (Cindy Young, Janet Morrison, Larry van Goozen, and Barb Jennings) and the volunteers who ran the first two movie events
  • Cathy Scattergood and Nancy Blackport and all who helped with the Women for Women St. Patrick’s Day evening
  • Kathy Andres, Nancy Blackport, Trish Campbell, and Sylvia Arnold, who formed the search team to find a sabbatical supply minister
  • Sylvia Arnold, Brian Takayesu, Nancy Blackport, and Rev. Kathi for reading at the Jazz Vespers service
  • Len Feldman for his music for the jazz Vespers and for getting our guest Andrew Canning, bass player

A Thank You from Girl Guides of Canada

EMUC received this lovely email of thanks from Melanie Nicholson and Cherylyn Sawatzky, Provincial Commissioners of Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council.

We wanted to reach out with gratitude to your organization for helping to provide a safe space for members of Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council to gather together. Without your cooperation in providing the 284th Mississauga Guide Unit and the 52nd Mississauga Brownie Unit a safe space to meet, we couldn’t provide the quality youth programming that we do – thank you! We look forward to continuing our partnership in the future. 
Life at EMUC

PIE (Public, Intentional, Explicit) DAY

PIE Day was celebrated on Sunday, March 12. It reminded us that we continue to strive to be Public, Intentional and Explicit with our welcome of the Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ communities and all those living in the margins. Members of the newly formed Affirming Focus Circle took part in the service, and Rev. Kathi prepared a thoughtful service that included wonderful music and an inclusive message. Then, of course, we ate pie! Delicious pies were prepared by many amazing bakers. Thank you to those that shared their very tasty gifts with all of us!


Spring has arrived and our flower beds will soon be sprouting. Similarly, working groups from our Café Sunday held in March have either launched their idea or are actively working on projects geared to welcoming our community into the life of EMUC. You will most likely be hearing about these ideas over the next short while. Stay tuned for more information about an upcoming author's afternoon, Circle of Friends – Zoom style, more movie nights, the return of vesper services, a special Earth Day event that is sure to attract youth/children. The energy in reaching out to our community is inspiring and growing, and it demonstrates our commitment to our core values of spirituality, friendship, helping others and openness to all. One of the most important things you can do to support these ideas is to share and personally invite a friend, neighbour, or your entire street.

From the Inspire Committee
Women for Women

Women for Women met at the church on Friday, March 17 for a St. Patrick's Day get together. Thirteen women (including two from the community) enjoyed a variety of “green” coloured snacks, putting together a couple of jigsaw puzzles, doing some St. Patrick's Day colouring sheets, and engaging in some lively conversation – all with Celtic music playing in the background. Thanks to everyone who donated food and to all for wearing various articles of green clothing. We were all Irish for a few hours!

Submitted by Cathy Scattergood
Jazz Vespers Service
After three years, EMUC held its first Jazz Vespers Service on March 26. Len Feldman, our music director, on piano, and guest musician, Andrew Canning on bass, played selections honouring the music and lives of some jazz greats. Included in the program were “Speak No Evil” by Wayne Shorter, “Lush Life” by Billy Strayhorn, “Mercury Blues” by David Lindley as a tribute to Huey Smith, “Alfie” by Burt Bacharach, and “Sunny” by Bobby Hebb in memory of Joey DeFrancesco. Readings were given by Rev. Kathi, Nancy Blackport, Sylvia Arnold and Brian Takayesu.
The service was attended by about 35 people. It was a very enjoyable service which was followed by light refreshments and time for community. Thank you to Len Feldman and all who organized this service and provided refreshments.
Movie Nights

The Movie Nights Team has organized two movies. On February 24, Ghostbusters was shown, and on March 18, we held a matinee showing Peter Rabbit. The movies were advertised to the congregation as well as to neighbourhood communities through Facebook. Attendance was low but grew a little for the second event, which also attracted some community folks and five children. 

Feedback from attendees was good… “Yes, the kids had lots of fun and enjoyed the movie; it made me laugh so hard. I want to come back. It got me happy; it was nice having the concession available; the snacks were good; the movie was good; great movie; loved hearing the kids laugh!”

The organizing team is learning as we go along. The biggest learning is that we need to advertise more and advertise early. Movies are scheduled for April, May, and June (see upcoming events). You can help us advertise by sharing the information sent out on Facebook if you are a Facebook user, handing out flyers, and by just telling people. Word of mouth is the best way to get people involved!
Upcoming Events
The Easter Vigil  

The Easter Vigil has long been a tradition at Erin Mills United. The vigil is where you can sign up for an hour and be in the sanctuary to pray, read, reflect or simply “be.” Prior to COVID, we had trouble filling all the time slots. Last year we had to cancel all the vigil except for Maundy Thursday evening. This year we didn’t want to cancel it outright without seeing if there is still interest. Therefore, a modified schedule runs from Maundy Thursday at 8 p.m. through to Good Friday at 5 p.m. The schedule is posted on the bulletin boards beside the office…So we will see what happens and “go with the flow.” If you have any questions, please see Sylvia Arnold or call Tina in the church office (905) 820-9466. 
Easter Bread and Bake Sale

The Easter Bread and Bake Sale will be held April 7 after the Good Friday service. Easter baking from the congregation is always welcomed. Anyone planning to make bread, please contact Sue Ogilvie (905-820-2387) or Barb Jennings (905-607-1626) with an estimate of the number of loaves you may bake. Baking may be dropped off at the church on April 6 during the day or evening.
Circle of Friends on Zoom

At our Café Sunday discussions, our members on Zoom requested the return of Circle of Friends. This will be on Zoom so our friends can spend some time together just chatting and reconnecting separate from the short time before and after church services. Our meetings are set up for the second Wednesday of April, May, and June, from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The Zoom link will be published in the Friday Message, prior to the Wednesday meeting date.

If you have any friends or neighbours who are housebound and would like to join us for some informal conversation and fellowship, please invite them to join us by sharing the Zoom link.

Looking forward to getting together on April 12 at 1:00 p.m.

Submitted by Patti King, your coordinator for this exciting return of Circle of Friends.
Movie Nights

Movie Nights are planned for April, May, and June. Come and enjoy some good family time.

Friday, April 14 – A Dog’s Way Home

Saturday, May 13 – Turning Red
Friday, June 16 – A Wrinkle in Time

Doors open at 7 p.m.; movie starts at 7:30 p.m.

Share this information with family and friends!
EMUC Striders’ Outing

The Striders will be exploring the waterfront of downtown Oakville April 16, 2023. Consider joining them for a relaxing walk on a Sunday afternoon.
After Sunday Service, the group sits and eats their bag lunches in the Narthex. Carpooling is arranged, and at 11:30 a.m. they’ll be ready to set off for the destination. 

In Oakville, street parking will be used around Robinson St. and Allan St. close to the start of the trail for Dingle Park. At 12:15 p.m. the hike will start on the route shown on a map (to be provided.) 
At least four parks will be visited including Dingle, Lakefront, Tannery, Water Works and Burnet before returning through the main drag. If time permits, a stop for coffee might be possible when approaching the point where the cars were left. Expect to return to the Church parking lot by 2:30 p.m.

Book Club 2 meets the third Tuesday of each month, between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. We all love to read, but have a wide range of interests. Each month one of us presents a book they have enjoyed. Conversations are lively. 

We will be meeting at the church in the future. However, if you prefer to attend by Zoom we will be able to facilitate. If you wish to join the group, contact Mary Anna Williams at (905) 820-5305. 
Saturday evening, April 22, 2023

Earth Day: First celebrated in 1970 and now observed in 200 countries, it was created to encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our earth a more livable and sustainable place. Membership and Pastoral Care is pleased to invite you to mark this important day by joining us for an indoor and outdoor (weather permitting) event. Gather upstairs that evening at 6:30 to watch a Disneynature film called Earth, narrated by David Attenborough (rated G). Teri Hart, from The Movie Network/Family Channel says of it: “Absolutely thrilling; don’t miss it.” Shortly after 8 p.m. we will head outside for star-gazing with a telescope or two, along with a mini-lesson on basic astronomy.

As a warm-up for this fun and interesting evening, you may gaze at the Friday Messages for more information. This is a free event. Mark your calendars and invite your friends and neighbours to join us on Saturday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m.
Coming to Women for Women in April

Women and Heart Disease: What You Need to Know

Join us as Pam Pogue, former Nurse Practitioner in cardiac health, leads us in a conversation about heart disease in women. Are you curious about what makes women’s heart disease different than men’s, unique symptoms, risk factors, and how to reduce your risk of developing heart disease? All of these questions will be covered by Pam in an informal and interactive way. 

Mark your calendar and join us at the church on Friday April 28th, from 7 to 9 p.m., for an evening of friendship and learning. Watch for the email invitation or call the office at (905) 820-9466.
Bunch for Lunch

Sunday, April 30, you are invited to join in a time of fellowship following service.

We will meet at 11:45 a.m. at the Symposium restaurant (3055 Dundas St. W., on the north side of Dundas just west of Winston Churchill Blvd.) Separate cheques.

Please let us know you are coming so we can advise the restaurant of numbers.

You can sign up on the signup sheet posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church. Alternatively, let Tina in the office know, so she can add you to the list.

Larry van Goozen