Weekly Newsletter 03/17/2023

Dear Parents,

We were so excited that our new kindness shirts finally arrived. Thank you for your patience and understand with all the delays on it's delivery. If you did not order, we ordered extras so if you would like a shirt, please simply ask. Remember for the summer kids can wear either school T-shirt all 5 days of the week if they wish, the polos are optional for summer.

This week our academic program in VPK, Kindergarten and First Grade started winding down in anticipation for their Non-Instructional week next week. As the public school has spring break, we are not allowed to "teach" that week. All families will be billed their regular rate as a camp week but attendance is optional. If your child is in one of those classes and you have not let the teacher know your child plans to stay home, please send a message so that we don't over shop for our lunches next week.

This week in the science lab our VPK kids continued their plant study unit of living and non living things. They made terrariums and took them home to observe. If your child took one home, DO NOT REMOVE THE LID. The terrarium is a self contained ecosystem and needs no water, only a sunny day place it by a window. I have one that started with 2 leaves 5 years ago that has never been opened and now has more than a dozen leaves.

Our kids in Kindergarten and First grade met with our guest scientist Miss Stephanie and learned about density in a wonderfully exciting St. Patrick's Day lesson.  

With regard to St. Patrick's Day I loved seeing all of the wonderful projects our teachers put into their lesson plans. I learned of some mischievous Leprechauns who visited some of our classes. I know the kids also enjoyed wearing green on Friday!

I am so proud of our staff! The state has come up with lots of grant money for staff to take training hours. Many of our staff have signed up to take 24 hours to make themselves better for your students. I also met with staff on Friday who are committing to take an additional 16 hours to be the very best for your child.

Please mark your calendar for our annual Spring Egg Hunt. The family event is on April 5th. We ask that on that day all families send in 12 plastic eggs filled with NON CANDY ITEMS. Some examples include: goldfish, fruit snacks, mini cookies, small plastic toys or party favors, stickers, etc.  As candy does not support our healthy initiative, and candy filled eggs will be sent home. Please use a small piece of take to tape your eggs closed so that they don't open on the playground. The children will collect eggs and when in class will sort them so that all kids will go home with an equal amount. The classes will decorate bags for the hunt so no need to send in baskets. All eggs will be opened at home. We do this as some eggs might have items that are choke hazards for our little ones and we would like for you to supervise the opening of the eggs.

There will be a schedule up next week with the times for each hunt. Parents are invited to help hide the eggs and also be here for the hunt. Due to the size of our playground the number of kids attending, we need to limit parent participation to two parents/guests per child. Stay tuned for more information but start filling your eggs now! The Dollar Tree and Amazon and the party stores have great things for egg filling!

Please also mark your calendar now that we are closed on Friday April 7th for my birthday.....just kidding, yes it is my birthday, but it is also Good Friday...I slipped that in to see how many parents are reading my letter....LOL.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Beth Rosenthal Davis, Ed.S, NBCT


Green Door

Red Door

Yellow Door

Blue Door


Rainbow Door & Orange Door

Gold 1 & 2 Door

Silver 1 & 2