
Yogic Living Newsletter

November 2022 - Volume 2

"There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it." ~ Amanda Gorman

The importance of gratitude is one of the few things in life that most of us can agree on, and what better season than now to reflect upon it. 

While we teach our children to be thankful, preach it in places of worship, and even have a major holiday devoted to it, remaining thankful in spite of all odds is easier said, sometimes, than done. Returning to the grateful heart is a practice and an affirmation – a prayer. 

In this week’s Yogic Living, we dive into the magic and medicine of the grateful heart.

Winter Solstice Celebration 2022

For the first time since COVID, we will gather in person for an intimate Winter Solstice Celebration in Northern California this year. You’re invited to the Santa Cruz mountains, overlooking Monterey Bay, to build from the heart-up what is better and stronger than ever before. This cozy event will only be available to the first 125 people to register – don’t miss this opportunity to be together in person! This is a precious time for our global community. May we breathe this new world into being!

Learn More and Register Here

Meditation for Gurprasad

For this meditation, sit in Easy Pose with a tall spine. With your upper arms close to your sides, bring your hands to the level of the heart with the hands side-by-side and cupped. The eyes are one-tenth open and focused on the tip of the nose. Allow all the blessings of heaven to flow to you; ask for whatever you need; know yourself to be blessed; feel the boundless flow of spirit. Just let it happen. Fill your heart and Soul with all the bounties of nature. Simply meditate on the boundless flow of the Universal Soul, and feel a deep inflow of spirit.

Find the Full Practice Here

Attitude of Gratitude Meditation

The mantra used in this meditation is said to attract prosperity and dispel negativity. When we think or talk negatively, that negativity creates conflict with our authentic Self. Many traditions suggest instead, cultivating an attitude of gratitude, in which we are grateful for every breath of life. This attitude of gratitude creates an upward spiral of positivity, moving us toward prosperity.

Find the Full Practice Here

3 1/2 Cycle Laya Yoga Chant

This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings presence to your Soul and destiny. It lets your activity serve your purpose, by connecting you with creativity and focusing your attention on your true priorities. The mantra encourages you to remember and experience the link between you and the Creator, and it awakens the Kundalini force that is the energy of creation.

Find the Full Practice Here

New on the Blog: Making a Circle

Next month I am going to be 40 years old. It feels like in my life I’ve made a very big circle. As I become older, I feel more and more that I am not changing but coming back to how I really was when I was a child. I don’t mean that I am becoming a child. I mean I am coming back to the connection that I had with myself as a child—coming back to my own essence, my own being.

I remember when I was about five years old, I used to love observing the adults around me—observing life. I remember the silence of my consciousness. No noise of the mind. I remember my intuition telling me that this was right and this was wrong. I remember listening and trusting myself. I remember just being myself. As I became older, it all started to change.

Read the Full Blog Here

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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