March 26, 2024

Scenes from The Real Macaw in Naples, site of my first exhibition.

A wonderful restaurant in town, The Real Macaw, invited me to exhibit my paintings for a special art event.

The restaurant's owner, Siobhan Cleveland (with me at left), generously provided indoor and outdoor wall space for my artwork.

The exhibition was called "Symphonies of Color" because my art is all about color and music.

The installation of the paintings in the outdoor space presented a visual symphony, with each painting representing a different movement.

The first painting, “Gentle Circle," (xxx) introduces brush strokes to create movement and space. You are drawn into the environment as the painting invites you to participate with the yellow, orange and red notes as they float around with the black curving lines. The blue-green square pulls us deep into the painting.

“Dancing,” (xxx) the second painting or movement, presents a completely different environment and feeling with the brush strokes dancing in front of the white background. The notes are bold and quick in an exciting, charged environment. They want to sing loud and clear the joy of color.

Then the third movement, “Prayer of Thanks” (xxx) completely changes the tone of the experience with a reverent, peaceful feeling as we quietly enjoy the relationships of the lines, shapes, and colors as they float in space. There is no movement, no conflict, but only love, balance and harmony.

The final movement, “Rising River” (xxx) sings to us with flowing, rich blues contrasted with the yellow and orange colors. It could be called the river of life as it flows and ripples with strong colors.

I hope you enjoy the "Symphonies of Color"!

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