CRA Member Newsletter

April 16, 2024 | CRA Newsletter: Legislative, Political, Regulatory, Local, Federal & Other Updates

Message from the President

Last week, CRA was proud to secure some big wins for our members around an issue I know is important - Retail Theft. The California Retail Theft Reduction Act bill package flew out of Assembly Public Safety committee and now heads to the Assembly Appropriations committee. This package of bills includes: a NEW felony for repeat offenders; strengthens the ability to aggregate to the $950 threshold; ELIMINATES the sunset for the ORC Taskforce and the 490.4 ORC statue; brings back cross jurisdictional prosecution for local DAs; brings back sentencing enhancements for destruction of property; adds cargo and railroad theft to the ORC statue; and establishes a new "retail theft restraining order".

In addition to the work CRA is doing on retail theft, we are also hyper focused on our PAGA Reform efforts. Thank you to CRA's PAGA Reform committee for your partnership as we work collaboratively on language to provide relief to businesses throughout California who are targeted by these class action lawsuits. If you are interested in supporting CRA's efforts and joining the PAGA committee, please reach out.

I also want to remind members that if you are a "producer", that you need to register with the PRO for SB 54 compliance. CAA's registration form is accessible here. Registering with the PRO is important, not only for compliance, but also to ensure the PRO has the most accurate number of producers possible to help with rate setting and other crucial pieces of implementing the new packaging EPR. As a reminder, I am on the SB 54 Advisory Board AND on the PRO Advisory Board providing Cal Retail members a crucial voice in the regulatory process. Please reach out with any questions, concerns, comments or feedback as the formal rulemaking is underway. The deadline for official comments to be entered into the record has been extended and is now May 8.

The next few weeks will feel like a sprint as we approach California's budget deadline (June 15th) and our Legislative Summer Recess (July 4 - August 5). Lots of information will be coming your way. As always, if you have any questions or need information about what is happening in California, please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on the CRA team.


In CRA's April 2024 Newsletter Issue:

  • Legislative Advocacy and Political Updates
  • Regulatory Advocacy Updates
  • Federal and Local Advocacy Updates
  • CA Community Pharmacy Coalition Updates
  • Upcoming Events
  • Other Outreach and Activities
  • CRA In The News

2024 Legislative Advocacy & Political Updates

Legislation Updates

Most of the bills in the legislature are now through their first set of policy committees and we are already seeing some of their journeys end, being held in suspense or dropped by the author. Most notable among the legislation is the myriad of Retail Theft bills, many of which Cal Retailers supports and has provided lead testimony on, which have passed through their first policy committees. This includes the package of bills that make up the "CA Retail Theft Reduction Act".

CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin participated in a press conference, hosted by Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas and featuring Attorney General Rob Bonta, which focused on all of the Retail Theft bills in the Assembly's "Retail Theft Reduction Act" package, which were subsequently heard and passed in Assembly Public Safety Committee. At the press conference Rivas and Michelin were joined by the authors of the bills in the Assembly Retail Theft package and other stakeholders including Asssemblymembers Rick Chavez Zbur (Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on Public Safety), Kevin McCarty (Chair of the Assembly Public Safety Committee), Juan Alanis, Marc Berman, Jacqui Irwin, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Esmeralda Soria and California Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Barrera. You can watch the press conference here.

Additionally, Michelin gave lead testimony in support of AB 1779 (Irwin) Theft: jurisdiction. Read CRA's support letter here; AB 1960 (Soria) Sentencing enhancements: property loss. Read CRA's letter here); AB 2943 (Zbur) Crimes: shoplifting. Read CRA's letter here;

AB 3209 (Berman) Crimes: Theft: Retail Theft Restraining Orders. Read CRA's letter here. Watch the testimonies in the Assembly here.

Other bills supported by CRA that passed out of Assembly Public Safety Committee included:

In addition to the Assembly bills, CRA gave lead testimony and supported Retail Theft bills on the Senate side including SB 1416 (Newman) Sentencing enhancements: sale, exchange, or return of stolen property. Read CRA's support letter here and watch the testimony here.

CRA also supported SB 1242 (Min), part of the Senate Package "Safer California Plan", which adds enhancements if arson is used during a retail theft or ORC crime. CRA President Michelin testified in support. View the hearing here. Read the support letter here. The CRA team also testified on SB 982 (Wahab), which removes the sunset provision in Cal. Pen. Code § 490.4 and also passed out of the Senate Public Safety Committee. Read CRA's support letter here.

All of these Retail Theft bills' successful passage out of their first policy committees this year is indicative of the clear shift in priorities surrounding Retail Theft and a testament to the CRA team's strategic and persistent work with state leadership including the Governor's office, Speaker's office, Senate Pro Tem, various members of the legislature and other key stakeholders to ensure CRA is in the best position possible to deliver real, tangible policy solutions to the growing Retail Theft problem in CA.

Highlights of additional legislative advocacy by the CRA team is provided below and you can access our master bill list here. As always, please reach out to the CRA team with questions, comments and any additional feedback you may have on these bills. While we have had several policy calls, legislative committee meetings, issues specific working group meetings with our members since the start of this year, as legislation moves through the process, bills inevitably change/evolve, and it is crucial that we continue to hear from our members.

Labor – CRA submitted opposition letters on two bills that could significantly impact grocery and pharmacy operations in California. CRA and the California Chamber of Commerce are working collaboratively to oppose these bills as they move forward through the process. SB 1089 (Smallwood-Cuevas) Food and prescription access: grocery and pharmacy closures and SB 1446 (Smallwood-Cuevas) Grocery establishment and retail drug establishment employees: self-service checkout and technologies affecting essential job functions will both be heard in Senate Labor Committee next and CRA is testifying in opposition. Read the letters here and here.

CRA is also a part of the lobbying coalition in opposition to AB 2499 (Schiavo) and SB 1345 (Smallwood-Cuevas). SB 1345 is an effective ban on the use of background checks given the high burden of proof required by employers to justify running one. This bill is up next in Senate Judiciary, then it will be heard in Senate Labor.

Gift Cards – On April 9th, SB 1272 (Laird) passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 9-2 vote. Chair Umberg had many concerns with the bill and made specific asks regarding data, which the opposition coalition, led by CRA, is working to address. Since the bill does not need to go to the Appropriations Committee it is now on the Senate floor. 

Privacy – CRA joined coalition letters for AB 3204 (Bauer-Kahan) on data digesters, AB 2930 (Bauer-Kahan) on automated decision tools and SB 1154 (Hurtado) on Preventing Algorithmic Collusion. Each of these bills will be heard in committee over the next couple weeks and CRA will aid in lobbying efforts. 

Tax Issues – CRA joined a coalition lobbying against SB 1494 (Glazer), which would prohibit cities and counties from entering into tax agreements with businesses. This bill was pulled from its initial hearing, but is set to be heard on April 17th. CRA also joined the coalition against AB 2829 (Papan), which would levy a tax on digital advertisements. This bill is not set for hearing yet, but is expected to be heard in the coming weeks. 

Environment – The CRA team submitted an oppose unless amended letter on SB 903 (Skinner), a PFAS related bill, after we had a meeting with the author's office regarding amendments we received from a number of our members. The bill narrowly passed out of its first policy committee (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) with a lot of opposition from stakeholders as well as concerns from members of the committee including the Chair. We believe this bill has an uphill battle in the legislature and will continue to keep our members updated. Read our letter here.

San Francisco Recovery – CRA is working with Senator Wiener on his bill, SB 1227, aimed at helping San Francisco revitalize their downtown by exempting the area from many CEQA requirements. This bill faces stiff opposition from committee staff, but CRA has met with them to address some concerns and is currently meeting with Environmental Quality Committee members to make the case for these exemptions. This bill is set to be heard April 17th.

Upcoming Legislative deadlines:

  • Apr. 26 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house.
  • May 3 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor nonfiscal bills introduced in their house
  • May 10 Last day for policy committees to meet prior to May 28
  • May 17 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house
  • May 24 Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house

CRA Monthly Policy Calls

The following includes the remainder of the 2024 monthly policy call calendar covering this year's legislative session (dates are subject to change). Policy calls are held on Fridays at 10:00am PT.

  • April 19
  • May 17
  • June 21
  • No meeting in July
  • August 16

PAGA Reform

The PAGA reform campaign has met with nearly every member in the state legislature to date. Additionally, CRA is engaging in legislative advocacy efforts in opposition to AB 2288 (Kalra). The bill will be up in policy committee on April 23 and the coalition is meeting with Kalra, other committee members and committee staff ahead of the hearing as well as gathering witnesses to testify. Read the opposition letter here. The campaign is also emailing legislators and the press to raise awareness of the effort to reform PAGA including providing testimonials and case studies that demonstrate how PAGA is failing workers and employers. Digital ads have been running and will continue to run through April. 

Post Primary Update

California's primary election came and went and in its wake left some interesting results including races that didn't get called for weeks following election night. Below are highlights of results from the election, which will impact legislative advocacy efforts for the remainder of the year and beyond. April 12 was the deadline for CA's Secretary of State to certify election results.

  • Turnout was near a historic low reaching just 33%, well below normal presidential primaries, but not the record low that soime analysts were projecting.
  • Proposition 1, Governor Newsom's mental health initiative, barely squeaked in a win (likely due to the low turnout).
  • Assemblymember Vince Fong advanced in the congressional race to replace House Speaker Kevin McCarty and he also recently won a court battle that will allow him to also run for another Assembly seat.
  • In the hotly contested race to replace Representative Anna Eshoo there was a very rare tie for second place and now three candidates could advance to the general, but voters will have to continue to wait for this determination as a recount has been ordered so it could be many more weeks before we know if this will be a three-way or two-way race for the general. Former San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo may face both Assemblymember Evan Low and Democrat Joe Simitian in November if the recount also ends in a tie. Only one vote either way would eliminate either Low or Simitian.
  • Former Major League Baseball player for the Los Angeles Dodgers Steve Garvey will face Representative Adam Schiff in the US Senate race to replace the late Dianne Feinstein.
  • The 22nd Congressional district in the Central Valley will be a rematch between Republican Representative David Valadao and Democrat Rudy Salas. Democrats had feared they would be frozen out of the November race if Republican Chris Mathys had grabbed the second slot from CA's top two primary system.
  • A political power couple's strategy to land legislative seats failed. Assemblymember Carlos Villapudua did not make the top two in state Senate district 5 and his wife Edith Villapudua, who switched from that race to seek her husband's seat, finished third in Assembly District 13.
  • A 2026 vacancy on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors following the primary has Senator Maria Elena Durazo exploring a run for the county seat Hilda Solis will have to vacate and Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara is also considering a run for that seat.

Regulatory Advocacy Updates

CalRecycle Updates

SB 54

Formal Comment Period Extended for SB 54 Regs

CalRecycle has begun formal rulemaking activities regarding the SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act regulations. The Notice of Proposed Action was published by the Office of Administrative Law on March 8, 2024, and the public comment period began on March 8, 2024. CalRecycle will also hold a hybrid public hearing regarding this rulemaking on April 23, 2024. CalRecycle extended the public comment period to May 8, 2024.

The CRA team will be covering the public hearing and providing a recap for our members as well as asking questions and comments during the proceeding that members have sent to us to date. Additionally, our President and CEO Rachel Michelin is on the Advisory Board and has given/will provide feedback on the regs during two scheduled board meetings ahead of the formal comment period deadline (April 12 and April 19).

Save-the-Date: SB 54 Non-Regulatory Workshop, May 1

On May 1st from 10:00AM - 3:00PM PST CalRecycle will host a public workshop for SB 54 to cover non-regulatory topics, including an update on the Needs Assessment and potential updates of Covered Material Categories (CMCs). Get more info here.

NSAC Monthly Working Group Meetings

The CRA Team continues to participate in the National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC)'s monthly SB 54 working group meetings, which include review of the draft SB 54 regulatory text. View the recap of the latest meeting here. NSAC is made up of a diverse array of industries impacted by the regulation and their working groups include CAA.

SB 54 PRO Fifth and Sixth Producer Workshop Meeting Materials

Circular Action Alliance (CAA), California's approved Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) for the implementation of SB 54 held its fifth and sixth Producer Working Group (PWG) meetings since our last newsletter. The PWG provides a monthly opportunity for producers, producer legal representatives and trade associations to learn about and discuss priority producer issues (reporting, fees, source reduction, recyclability, etc. ).

These latest meetings (PWG #5 and #6) focused on providing a better understand of SB 54 EPR requirements and on CAA’s proposed regulatory changes to CalRecycle’s proposed definition of obligated producer. View the deck from the 5th producer workshop (as well as all other past workshop meeting materials) here. View the recap of the 6th workshop meeting here.


To continue to have access to CAA’s producer working group meetings, CAA has limited access to producers who have registered with the PRO. Starting in June, producers have to register in order to continue participating in the PWGs. It is a simple registration process with no legal or financial obligation - CAA is simply seeking company name, contact name and contact info. and a selection of where companies expect to be a producer (Colorado, Oregon, California). Registration can be changed/amended at a later date if needed.

Additionally, of note: Earlier official deadline for producer registration from CalRecycle is likely April 1, 2025 - CAA has requested CalRecycle set a date requirement as the one they currently have- in 2027- is too late for CAA to set accurate fee schedules and other compliance needs for producers. As such, CAA has set an internal deadline that is more ambitious as a backstop to collect as much info as possible from the largest producer universe as possible.

Registration with CAA (CA's PRO) will reduce free riders in the system i.e.) non-compliant obligated producers, and provide CAA with more precise data for rate setting and other SB 54 compliance requirements for producers.

The next Producer Working Group (PWG #7) will be held on Monday, May 13 at 9:00AM PST, which CRA will attend and, as always, provide a recap to our members.

Bottle Bill

Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program (RIG) Weeks #3 and # 4 Questions and Answers Posted

Weeks #3 and #4 Q&A for the Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program (RIG) for FY 2022-23 are now posted online. View them here. The final date to submit questions for the Q&A process was March 5, 2024 and no additional questions may be submitted at this time. However, the Week 1 and Week 2 Q&A’s are also included on the Questions and Answers webpage and may provide clarification to existing questions. The application due date for the Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program (FY 2022-23) is April 16, 2024.

SB 1013 Dealer Registration and Dealer Cooperatives 45-Day Comment Period and Public Hearing

CalRecycle has begun formal rulemaking activities regarding the SB 1013 Dealer Registration and Dealer Cooperatives permanent regulations. The Notice of Proposed Action was published by the Office of Administrative Law on March 15, 2024. View the Notice and get more information about this rulemaking, including how to submit comments and participate in the scheduled hybrid public hearing on April 30, 2024, hereThe public comment period began on March 15, 2024. CalRecycle will also hold a hybrid public hearing regarding this rulemaking on April 30, 2024, and the public comment period will end on April 30, 2024.

Beverage Container Recycling Program Second Quarter 2024 Processing Payment Adjustments Notice

CalRecycle has published the Second Quarter 2024 Processing Payment Adjustments Notice, effective April 1, 2024. View the notice here.

Covered Electronic Waste (CEW)

Proposed CEW Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Increases

The CalRecycle CEW Recycling Program recommends adjustments in the standardized statewide recovery rate for all CEW, and the recycling portion of the combined recovery and recycling CRT CEW payment rate. The proposals are based on the 2023 calculated weighted average net costs per pound to recover and recycle CEW in California, the estimated reasonable rate of profit or return on investment, as well as additional factors that affect the markets such as increased labor costs. Read more.

Battery Stewardship Informal Regulatory Concept Workshop Recap

CalRecycle held a Battery Stewardship Informal Regulatory Concept Workshop, which the CRA team covered. Read notes from the meeting here and download the workshop presentation here. The workshop focused on draft regulatory concepts and other topics including submittals, stewardship plans and annual reports. Comments are due to CalRecycle by April 19, 2024.

Other Updates

2023 Processing Fee Final Report

CalRecycle published the 2023 Processing Fee Final Report. View the report here. This report provides analyses of the results of the processing fee cost survey conducted by Crowe.

CARB Updates

Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF)

Weekly Informational Posts

CARB is sharing weekly posts about the ACF regulation covering topics like regulation overviews, reporting, funding and available resources. Access the posts here. Watch the regulation summary video here. Download the following fact sheets

Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT)

Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Amendments to the ACT Regulation and the Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Test Procedure

CARB will hold a public hearing on May 23, 2024 at 9:00AM PST to consider proposed amendments to the ACT regulation and the Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification (ZEP Cert) test procedure. Get more info here.

Cal/OSHA Updates


The CalOSHA Board passed a proposed update to CA’s lead regulation (applying to both construction and general industry) by a vote of 5-2, despite significant opposition comments. Criticisms from stakeholders included:

  • New draft will not significantly improve safety but will raise cost.
  • The relevant cost estimates are grossly inaccurate.
  • No clear evidence that current standard isn’t protecting workers sufficiently.

Opponents pushed Cal/OSHA to delay and improve this draft, but were unsuccessful in convincing the Board. Proponents pointed out that the present lead standard is outdated and needs to be significantly lowered. Numerous CA Dept. of Public Health officials called in and commented, which is relatively uncommon. Full information is available here.

Board Members spoke strongly on both sides - with Management Representatives Kathleen Crawford and Chris Laczsz-Davis voicing strong concerns about the requirements of the standard being unclear and badly written, despite widespread agreement on the science. Chair Thomas, Labor Rep. Laura Stock and others pushed strongly for adoption. Ultimately, all except the two management representatives voted in favor.

Indoor Heat

Coming out of the March Cal/OSHA meeting, it wasn’t clear if the Indoor Heat regulation would go into effect or not. Though the Standards Board voted to pass it, Board Chair Dave Thomas also reported that they had been told not to vote, and the Department of Finance had problems with the regulation and would not approve the required fiscal document – Form 399. This strange combination left many wondering – was that vote effective? Should employers prepare to comply with the Indoor Heat regulation? And, if so, when? 

Cal/OSHA also discussed an emergency meeting in the last week of March to try to address any issues with their vote. Get the latest information including what happens next, when we will know more and what employers should do in the near term here.

Additionally, it is rumored that the Dept. of Finance is going to rewrite the rule quickly and exempt state prisons. Everyone else will have to comply. This likely will be announced this Thursday, April 18. CalOSHA is not expected to vote then, but we should know CalOSHA’s intention with this reg and where they will go with it at that meeting. Anyone with indoor offices should be concerned about this standard.

Workplace Violence

CRA partnered with the National Retail Federation on a letter to Governor Newsom asking for his assistance in clarification regarding the implementation of SB 553 (Cortese-workplace violence 2023) and regulations through CalOSHA. The request from CRA received an immediate response and the CRA/NRF team will be meeting with the Newsom Administration to discuss next steps. Read the letter that was shared with the Governor, the California Labor Secretary and the Acting CalOSHA Secretary here.

SB 553 will essentially put a “regulation-like” set of requirements into effect on July 1, 2024, even though the new law has not begun formal rulemaking. CalOSHA plans to conduct an Advisory Committee meeting to move the recent legislative text (with small potential tweaks) into Title 8, but that advisory committee meeting will likely not take place until mid to late 2024, after it is in effect. Notably, the communications team at CalOSHA has emphasized that they intend to release helpful informational materials (such as template workplace violence prevention plans and FAQs for employers/employees) well before the July 1 effective date, but we don’t have an exact date yet.


CalOSHA plans to form an advisory committee to work on the permanent Silica regulation in the next few months and we expect to set a date soon. As a reminder, the Board recently passed an emergency silica regulation, but must work on a permanent draft quickly so that it is ready when the emergency regulation expires.

Tax Issues

CA Franchise Tax Board

The CRA team sent a letter to the California Franchise Tax Board outlining concerns regarding recent developments at the Multi-State Tax Commission's (MTC) Model Receipts Sourcing Regulation Review Work Group and California's push to revise the MTC's model sourcing rules as they relate to the sourcing of ground transportation services. Read the letter here.

CA Dept. of Tax and Fee Admin

The Business Taxes Committee is commencing the informal rulemaking process on whether to adopt proposed amendments to Hazardous Substances Tax Regulations 3000, Generator of Hazardous Waste, and 3021, Relief from Liability, and new Hazardous Substances Tax Regulation 3001, Generation and Handling of Hazardous Waste Fee Operative on and after January 1, 2022, through the regular rulemaking process. The Discussion Paper explains that the amendments and new regulation implement, interpret and make specific the amendments made to the Hazardous Substances Tax Law (Rev. & Tax. Code section 43001 et seq.) and chapter 6.5, Hazardous Waste Control, of division 20 of the Health and Safety Code by Senate Bill No. 158 (Stats. 2021, ch. 73).

A virtual meeting to discuss this topic will be held April 18, 2024 at 10:00AM PST. Join via Microsoft Teams or by calling 1‑916‑535‑0987 and then entering the conference identification number 829 812 915#. A meeting agenda will be posted on the BTC webpage the day before the meeting. 

Privacy Updates

CA Privacy Rules Expected by July

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) plans on starting the formal process for finalizing its last set of regulations under CA's Consumer Privacy Law. Read more.

Federal and Local Advocacy Updates


CRA is supporting the National Retail Federation in their push to advance the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act (CORCA) in Congress this year. We encourage all CRA members to contact the office of Rep. Tom McClintock directly. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, his support is critical to the advancement of CORCA. Here’s what you can do;

  • Utilize the provided letter template below and contact list as resources to help shape your message. This template also includes news articles on recent ORC incidents and the contact list features up-to-date data on retail locations and jobs within their congressional district, allowing for further customization of the letters.

Letter Template

Key Staff Contact List

Los Angeles County Fair Workweek Ordinance Update

Los Angeles County released a draft of their version of the LA County Fair Workweek Ordinance ahead of their April 9 County Board of Supervisors meeting. View that meeting agenda here and a copy of the ordinance here

The CRA team is working, on behalf of our members, to make the two ordinances as identical as possible, which it appears is the case. However, there is one big difference: the County ordinance does not require an employee to provide written notice nor an opportunity to cure before an employee files litigation or an administrative complaint. Please reach out to Ryan with questions.

City of Los Angeles Plastics Reduction Program

The City of Los Angeles' is soliciting comments on the Plastics Reduction Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City is seeking to implement a citywide Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program. The Draft PEIR analyzes and discloses the potential environmental effects of the proposed Program, identifies ways to reduce significant environmental effects and identifies feasible alternatives to avoid or minimize significant environmental effects. Written comments and input to the City of LA will be accepted throughout a 45-day public review period, ending at 5:00 p.m. PST on April 26, 2024. Get more information here.

California Community Pharmacy Coalition Updates

Legislative Updates

The CRA team met with state legislators/stakeholders, submitted advocacy letters and testified on the following bills:

The CRA team also confirmed that AB 2445 (Wallis) is being dropped by the author and no longer on our list of legislative concerns.

CCPC's next meeting is scheduled for this Friday, April 19 at 11:00 A.M. PST. View meeting info here.

Regulatory Updates

The CRA team attended the Board of Pharmacy's latest Licensing, Enforcement and Compounding Committee meetings and gave public comment on a number of issues including Central Fill and Mail Order/PIC Licensure. Due to a request by a majority of BoP Board members to receive more presentations and info on both issues, the Board did not take action on Central Fill and Mail Order during the meeting and punted them to a future meeting.

Next up, the BoP will have a full meeting of the board on April 24 and 25. View the meeting materials including agenda and access options here.

Medi-Cal Rx Updates 

For information about reinstatement plans for Phases II, III and IV visit the Medi-Cal Rx Education & Outreach page and select the “Reinstatement” tab. Information regarding New Resources for Reinstatement Education and Support can also be found here.  

Upcoming Events

NRF Protect

Tuesday, June 4 - Thursday, June 6

Long Beach, CA


California Retailers Association members will always receive the NRF Member rate when registering for NRF PROTECT using NRF's special offer code!


With a focus on solving complex security challenges like organized retail crime, data breaches, crisis management and e-commerce fraud, NRF PROTECT is where you will find the experts and insights to help mitigate risks, safeguard your assets and reduce potential loss. Explore session topics and discover opportunities to dive further into certain topics with NRF's expanded number of featured sessions focusing on role-specific and cross-functional engagement during moderated group table talks and special add-on programs during the registration process.

California Retailers Association promo code: CRASAVE


Steps to Register:

  1. Enter company credentials
  2. Select All-Access Pass
  3. Fill in your information
  4. Select any additional add-on experiences you would like to add
  5. Enter Unique Promo code CRASAVE. If you are not already a member of NRF, once the code is entered you will see the price drop to the member rate.
  6. Complete payment
  7. Contact for any registration related questions

Learn more at

CRA Annual Meeting

Sunday, September 15 - Tuesday, September 17

Napa, CA

Rooms must be booked by August 16 to secure discounted group rate

The California Retailers Association will host this year's Annual Membership Meeting on Sunday, September 15 through Tuesday, September 17 at the Napa Marriott. CRA members will hear from industry leaders and policymakers on a variety of issues impacting the retail industry including EPR, Retail Theft, Labor & Employment Issues, PAGA Reform, Artificial Intelligence and more. We will also have the latest Legislative, Regulatory and Political Updates. Be sure to book your room by Friday, August 16, to secure our discounted group rate. Additional details including sponsorship opportunities, special guests and other programming will be released soon.

Cost to attend: $375 members / $450 nonmember rate


The booking link for CRA's group rate will be provided following payment of event registration

Cal Retailers' Annual Meeting will include the

Second Annual California Retail Law Summit

Tuesday, September 16

Napa, CA

The California Retailers Association and National Retail Federation is hosting the second annual California Retail Law Summit on Monday, September 16 at the Napa Marriott. CRA and NRF members as well as nonmembers will gather with legal experts to discuss and deep dive on a variety of issues impacting the retail industry in California including litigation threats, privacy, labor and employment matters, Cal/OSHA and more. Attendees will also receive the latest exclusive updates on California’s legislative and regulatory environment. Details including registration, sponsorship opportunities and programming will be released soon.

Other Outreach and Activities

CRA President Speaks at Capitol Weekly

Conference on Crime

CRA President Rachel Michelin spoke at Capitol Weekly's Crime Conference, which included Senators Dave Cortese and Kelly Seyarto; Assemblymembers Rick Chavez Zbur (Chair of the Select Committee on Retail Theft) and Kevin McCarty (Chair of Public Safety Committee); San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins; Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper; Sacramento Bee's Lindsey Holden; KCRA 3's Ashley Zavala; San Francisco Chronicle's Emily Hoeven; Eric Brown from the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom; Marc Beaart from the Office of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon; Cristine Soto DeBerry with the Prosecutors Alliance of California; Gretchen Burns Bergman with Parents for Addiction Treatment & Healing; Diane Goldstein with Law Enforcement Action Partnership; Lenore Anderson with Alliance for Safety and Justice. The conference hosted a series of discussions surrounding “California’s complex approach to criminal justice policy" including a panel focused on Retail Theft, which Michelin participated in.

San Francisco Chamber of Commerce

CRA President Michelin addressed the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce delegation during their annual Visit Sacramento event, which included meetings with state legislators. Michelin discussed efforts related to retail theft and organized retail crime and answered questions on how CRA and SF Chamber can work collaboratively on issues facing retail/business in San Francisco. Read more

Additional CRA team Outreach and Activities

Michelin spoke on a panel at the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute's (AHRI) State Summit in Sacramento. The panel focused on CA's new rules passed last year via SB 253 (Wiener) and SB 261 (Stern) that require companies to divulge information about their contributions to climate change and their risks to global warming.

Michelin attended a Food Industry Executive Association (FIAE) meeting in Las Vegas to meet with colleagues and discuss issues related to plastic bag bans, AI, minimum wage and other issues facing the grocery industry throughout the country. 

Michelin attended the Women in California Politics Women's History Month celebration event at the Women in Politics Museum.

CRA's Director of Government Affairs Ryan Allain spoke with the West Sacramento and Beverly Hills Chambers of Commerce and the San Francisco District Attorney's Office regarding Retail Theft.

The CRA team received word from the Sacramento Business Journal that Michelin will be among the honorees of the Journal's annual Women Who Mean Business Awards.

Michelin attended private events for Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire and his leadership team, which included Senator Aisha Wahab, Chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee, and Assemblymember Blanca Pacheco, Chair of the Assembly Rules Committee. 

CRA President Michelin spoke at the California Restaurants Association Board meeting.

CRA In The News

In Case You Missed It...

Will California Assembly retail theft plan satisfy civil rights groups, Prop. 47 opponents?

Sacramento Bee

California Assembly Democrats unveil plan to curb retail theft

Los Angeles Times

State legislators announced bipartisan effort to thwart retail thieves

Fox KTVU-TV Channel 2 Bay Area

California lawmakers mull new law to prevent retail theft

Washington Examiner

Also appeared in:

Colorado Springs Gazette

California lawmakers introduce new bills in hopes of solving retail theft problems

ABC KXTV-TV Channel 10 Sacramento

Progressive Democrats propose a different path on crime

Cal Matters

Also appeared in:

The Sacramento Observer

Santa Monica Daily Press

California lawmakers have a new solution to deter retail thieves - arresting them

The Denver Gazette

Also appeared in

Colorado Springs Gazette

Special Episode: A Conference on Crime, Panel 1 - Retail Theft

Capitol Weekly Podcast

Related content:

Capitol Weekly Crime Conference Post on X

Debate Over Retail Theft Informs the Future of Criminal Justice Reform - Legislative Dems Are Divided Over It

The Davis Vanguard

Special Episode: A Conference on Crime, Panel 1 - Retail Theft

Capitol Weekly Podcast

California Lawmakers Look for Balance Amid Solutions to Stop Retail Theft


Progressive California Democrats look to combat theft while maintaining liberal stance

CBS News Bay Area

California tackles retail theft crisis: Progressive policies criticized

ABC KRCR-TV Channel 7 Redding

California lawmaker will soften language on a proposed ban of self-checkout at large retailers

Fast Company

New billboard campaign warns criminals: 'Crime doesn't pay in Orange County

ABC KABC-TV Channel 7 Los Angeles

Women Who Mean Business: Meet the 2024 honorees

Sacramento Business Journal

The Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber hosted its inagural Women of Impact Luncheon

Los Angeles Business Journal

California Retailers Association
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