from $5,695
12.75 - 14.0 GHz to 10.7 - 12.0 GHz
12.75 - 14.0 GHz to 10.7 - 12.0 GHz
4116-140T120 PANEL
Test Loop Translators for use in
Antenna Set-up, Calibration and Maintenance

Cross provides a wide range of Loop translators to support development, testing, calibration and maintenance of SATCOM and Antenna installations. These products provide frequency translation of the Transmit signal back into the Receive input for use in either lab environments or in a remotely located outdoor shelter (weatherized). These products can be found in the Translator section on our website ( Many Up/Downlink Band options are covered from UHF through Ka-Band, but if you have an application that requires specialized options and/or alternate frequencies, Cross can typically develop a new model to accommodate your needs quickly. Do not hesitate to ask for it your way! Cross is here to serve our customers and assist them in their work.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
-Ephesians 2:10

further information or to request a quote.

Norm Johson
VP Sales & Marketing

Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant

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