January 14, 2024

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Christ Church exists to show everyone God loves them unconditionally.


God's love.

There are three ways to give to the mission of Christ Church:

you can mail in your pledge, give online, or text GIVE to (850) 403-6673.

We experience God's love (Worship)

Sunday 10:30 AM service streamed on Facebook Live or YouTube 

Click here to listen to last week's sermon.

**An email is sent on Saturdays with links for Sunday worship and Christian Education.

In-Person services on Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

In-Person service on Wednesday at 12:00 PM

We embrace God's love (Study/Formation)

New Adult Christian Formation Offering:

"Living and Dying Well"

Sundays thru February 11 ~ 9:15 AM ~ Parish Hall

Our faith tells us that in death we are reborn, but we leave our loved ones to grieve and handle all the loose ends. One of the greatest gifts that we can give is to plan for a good death. Christ Church is presenting a special 5-week class (January 7-February 11) where we will learn about “dying well” and what it means for how we live. This class will be held at 9:15 AM in the Parish Hall and is for all ages.

New Adult Christian Education Offering

When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions

by Sue Monk Kidd

Beginning Sunday, January 21 ~ 9:15 AM ~ Rm. 31 of Education Bldg. or by Zoom link here

Meeting ID: 878 4884 3240 Password: 510649

Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still and know I am God.” Waiting is frustrating for most of us who live in a world of fast food, instant internet access, and very full schedules. Spiritual time does not operate on demand or schedule. Sue Monk Kidd writes about and asks the reader to participate in what she calls “active waiting.” Join in learning to be still and know God. For more information contact Dick Hooper or David Starling.

We extend the love of God (Outreach/Parishioner Support)

Ministry Opportunities & Ways to Serve

What does it mean to be the Church? The Church is not a building, but a community of people and there are many opportunities where you can share your gifts within our community. How is God leading YOU to serve in new and exciting ways at Christ Church? For a full list of ministry descriptions, please click here; for volunteer signup form, click here.

Host Ministry

Hosts welcome visitors and parishioners to Christ Church on Sunday mornings before the 8 AM service, 9:30 AM formation hour, and 10:30 AM service. Hosts provide directions to various locations to aid in navigating our church campus, creating a welcoming experience. Contact Krista to be part of this new ministry.



Parish Office Closed

Monday, January 15

Annual Parish Meeting/Vestry Elections

Sunday, January 28

Membership Matters Class

Sunday, February 4



Sunday, January 28 ~ 9:15 AM ~ Parish Hall


Sunday, February 4 ~ 12:00 PM ~ Parlor

Fr. Michael will be leading a class for new members and anyone who wants to learn more about our church.


"Living and Dying Well"

Sundays thru February 11 ~ 9:15 AM ~ Parish Hall

Our faith tells us that in death we are reborn, but we leave our loved ones to grieve and handle all the loose ends. One of the greatest gifts that we can give is to plan for a good death. Christ Church is presenting a special 5-week class (January 7-February 11) where we will learn about “dying well” and what it means for how we live. This class will be held at 9:15 AM in the Parish Hall and is for all ages.


Tuesdays ~ 6:30 PM ~ Odd Colony 

Please contact Rev. Katie or Tess with any questions.


Wednesday, January 10 ~ 11:00 AM ~ Library


Saturday, January 13

9:30 AM ~ Library

We meet at 9:30 AM on the second Saturday of each month in the Library. Anyone interested in learning more about DOK can attend a meeting or contact Monica Barnard.

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 15

in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


Thursday, January 18 ~ 9:30 AM ~ Centering Prayer Room

Newcomers always welcome; instructions provided for those who wish to learn!


Saturday, January 20

8:00 AM ~ Parish Hall

Guest speaker: Rev. Robyn Burnette

Pastor, Allen Chapel AME Church

"Allen Chapel's Historic Ministry in Pensacola"

All invited! ~ Please make reservations here.

**Please park on Wright or Palafox Streets

and enter through front breezeway.


When the Heart Waits:

Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions

by Sue Monk Kidd

Beginning Sunday, January 21 ~ 9:15-10:15 AM

Rm. 31 of Education Bldg. or by Zoom link here

Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still and know I am God.” Waiting is frustrating for most of us who live in a world of fast food, instant internet access, and very full schedules. Spiritual time does not operate on demand or schedule. Sue Monk Kidd writes about and asks the reader to participate in what she calls “active waiting.” Join in learning to be still and know God. For more information contact Dick Hooper or David Starling.


8:00 AM – Worship with Nursery available. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. This year, special books, age-appropriate activities, and a snack are offered.


9:30 AM – Sunday School is available for children and youth. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. Godly Play is offered for children 4 years old through 3rd grade. Journey Through the Bible is offered for children in 4th and 5th grades.

10:30 AM – Worship with Nursery available. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. This service also includes Children's Chapel during the sermon, designed especially for children ages 4 years old and up. Children are invited to follow the cross down the main aisle during the hymn of praise and will return during the peace, just in time to have communion with their families.



Children and Family Ministry (CFM) has two ways to keep our families connected with Christ Church during the week. CFM is on Instagram, @cckidspensacola, and shares what is happening on Sunday mornings & ideas for how to keep faithful conversations happening during the week. CFM also has a bite-sized weekly email with the "5 Things" our families need to know for the week – Sunday reminders, save the dates, and more. Would you like to be added? Email Victoria to be added to the list!


Weekly Meetings

Sunday School ~ Sundays, 9:30-10:15 AM ~ in the Undercroft

(access through the black gate in the parking lot)

Youth Group ~ Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM (all youth)

Monday, January 15 ~ Downtown Scavenger Hunt ~ 6-7:30 PM

Drop off at the church front doors and pick up from the parking lot. Please RSVP here. 

High School Bible Study ~ Thursdays, 7-8 AM ~ at Bodacious



Christ Church nametags are back! To request yours, please sign up after services on Sundays in the Parish Hall or online here. Nametags may be picked up in the Parish Hall the Sunday after your request is submitted.


Each week our worship service is enhanced with beautiful fresh flowers. After the Sunday services, the altar flower arrangements are reworked into smaller arrangements. These arrangements are delivered to members of our parish family that are unable to attend a Sunday service. The altar flowers are a memorial, a thanksgiving for an anniversary, a birthday, a new birth, or a thanksgiving for God's blessings. The donation is listed in the weekly bulletin. Forms to participate in this ministry are available here and on the information table in the Parish Hall.


Christ Church is here for you. There are many ministries to love and support the people who are the church. If you are interested in assisting with staying connected to our church family, please email Rev. Katie or call her at the Parish Office, 850-432-5115. It is easy to feel alone or disconnected, so reach out to one of the priests or someone at the church to say hello. Contact Rev. Katie if you or anyone you know has any needs. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call our pastoral care emergency line to speak directly with one of the priests: (850) 462-5137.



We would like to give thanks for these special days and to add your name to the published prayer list in the Chronicle. Please print your name on the calendar on the information table in the Parish Hall. The calendar is checked weekly before the prayer list goes to print.


I. For Those in Need. Including the poor, the unemployed, the lonely, the hungry, the homeless, the abused, the sick and dying, and those who grieve. For those suffering in body, mind, or spirit—including Members: Bette Boddy, Marian Hughes, Don Meyer, John Hunt, Joel Maddox, Elaine & Bill Parker, Joan White, Chuck Riley, John & Gail LeRoy, Leonora Edwards, Susan Martin, Laura WolferspergerDee Whisenhunt Family & Friends: Brenda Franz, Ronnie Sims, Janie Clarke, Scott Harbison, Stacey Kenefick, Dwayne McKinney, Jeff Roser, Kelly Currin, Rob Wilmer. 

II. For Those in the Armed Forces, especially—Erik Barton, Stewart Bova, Blake Busse, Morgan Cochran, Danica Roark Domokos, Pierce Fiveash, Sam Gaston, Robert Geiger, Sterling Gilliam III, Mitchell Harless, Harry B. Harris, Benjamin Jensen, Joshua Justin, Art Lantigua, Hillary Leonard, Ben Mathis, Kathryn Martin, Sean McAbee, Tony Miller, Austin Ordway, Gavin Harris Patterson, Kyle Roberson, Peter Shelton, Evan Valdyke, Wesley Valdyke, Jake Willstatter; and all those who serve this nation in harm’s way.

III. For All who have Died. May their souls and the souls of all the departed rest in peace—Betty Jo Brenemen, Paul White.

IV. In Thanksgiving. For those in our parish celebrating birthdays—Laura Swann, Linda Yearty—and anniversaries.

To submit a prayer request, email and let us know if this is for the public prayer list or for our confidential intercessory prayer list. You may also fill out the prayer request form online at our website (found on the Pastoral Care page under “Ministries”). All published prayer requests on this list also go on the confidential intercessory prayer list. Please note that names remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks and on our confidential intercessory prayer list until you ask to be removed. Please resubmit your request if you or a loved one needs to remain on the list. This helps keep our prayers current. Names in bold print indicate new additions to the prayer list.


We welcome

Yvonne Allen, Randall Blount, and Bill, Heather, Willa & Kai Shearer

who visited with us on 24 December 2023;

and Steve & Micah Comstock who visited with us on 7 January 2024.

We welcome to Christ Church

Diane Akin

who has transferred to us from Holy Trinity, Gainesville, FL;

and John Bonney

who has transferred to us from Trinity, Florence, AL.

We welcome into God's family through the Sacrament of Baptism

Matthew Paul Massey, Jr., Virginia Martin Massey, Lincoln Neville, Lindsey Neville,

Colin Everest Ronan, Ethan Grant Ronan,

and Hattie Renee Smith, 7 January 2024.

We celebrate the marriage of

Denise Chenel and Daniel Edward Power III, 16 December 2023.

The sympathy of the parish is extended to the family of

Barbara "Ditto" Freeman who died on 6 November 2023;

to the family of

Betty Jo Brenemen who died on 27 December 2023;

and to the family of

Paul Gaston White, Jr. who died on 31 December 2023.


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