September 2022
HMIS@NCCEH System Changes
Welcome Dashia!
The Data Center is so excited to announce that Dashia Shanks has joined our team as a Project Specialist. Dashia graduated from Virginia State University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Management
Information Systems. As a Project Specialist, her technical skills and project coordination experience will help the Data Center better communicate with users and coordinate with CoCs on special projects. You'll be seeing more of her very soon!

A couple of fun facts about Dashia:
  • You'll find her kindred spirit in the excited squirrel
  • She can sing just like Whitney Houston (but only out of earshot)

We are eager to introduce you to Dashia and continue our mission to make HMIS@NCCEH easier for users, more effective for funders, and better for client services!
2022-2023 HMIS Privacy & Security Training
All users are required by our HMIS implementation's Operating Policies and Procedures and HUD to complete Privacy and Security Training every year. For HMIS@NCCEH, we try to schedule this in September ahead of the big federal report clean-up time.

WHAT? HUD requires Annual HMIS Privacy & Security Training which includes:
  1. Watching the “NC Security & Privacy Training 2022-2023" video
  2. Obtaining 100% on the quiz
  3. Signing an updated User Agreement

WHEN?  Thursday, September 1, 2022 through September 30th, 2022

WHO? All HMIS@NCCEH users licensed before August 1, 2022 


(current LMS user): If you completed the Annual Privacy Training last winter, you already have a Learning Management System (LMS) login. Simply log in beginning 9/1 to complete the training course: 
  • Website: 
  • Username & Password:  If you do not recall your password, please enter your username/email address & click “Forgotten your username or password” 
(new LMS user): Learning Management System (LMS) login details will be emailed by Wednesday, August 31st. Look for the subject line “North Carolina: New User Account”.   
  • Website: 
  • Username: same as your HMIS but with NC in front (ex: NCjsmith) 
  • Password: one time password sent via email 
For more details, please refer to our ZenGuide Annual Privacy article.
 Users without completed training by September 30th will be inactivated &/or deleted.
Reason for Leaving
Coming soon
The Advisory Board's Configuration Subcommittee has reviewed and updated the list of options for Reason for Leaving.

Expect a new picklist and definitions guide by October 1st!
Training & Resource Round-Up
System Updates meeting
Computer screen with comment boxes
Join us Agency Admins for your monthly meeting to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency Administrator's monthly meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your System Update Meeting: September 13th!
For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendar event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings. And remember the System Updates meeting replaced HMIS User Meetings by CoC.
HMIS@NCCEH Monthly Training Opportunity
Tuesday, September 27th, 10-11 am: When Clients Decline Consent
Learn about how data in HMIS is protected when clients decline to consent to share and what HMIS Users must do to implement their wishes. Advanced privacy and visibility topics to be discussed! Event details here.

Wednesday, October 20th, 1-2 pm: Your impact on HUD Reporting
Learn why there's a big community push for corrections ahead of HUD Reporting and how to correct some prioritized errors, and how your data entry impacts funding and performance. Your data matters! Event details here.

Miss out on a training?
You can review the recording and materials from 'Using Your Data to Track and Evaluate Program Outcomes' training on the News Archive under HMIS Users Training Archive.
HMIS@NCCEH ZenGuide Knowledge Base
The HMIS@NCCEH ZenGuide is the new centralized knowledge base for HMIS users to find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools (located all in one place!) needed to do their best work in HMIS.

If you haven't yet, bookmark this link!

There are already 56 articles published for updated guidance and more are being added each month! You can find instructions for how to run your ESG-CAPER and CoC-APR reports, how to update sub-assessments like Income, and how to manage Households!

New Articles this month:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!
Quarterly Updates (help us help you!)
Coordinating Group Changes
When you meet to discuss a By Name List generated with HMIS information, you are sharing HMIS info with local partners for coordination of services. This is called a Coordinating Group in the HMIS Release of Information.

The Data Center supports local communities by posting a list of who each agency coordinates with using HMIS data.

Check here to see if your local group is complete and accurate. Please use the Coordinating Group Updates Form to alert the Data Center if changes occur.

This information is now posted on the Privacy page of our website under "Coordinating Groups using HMIS" and can be updated as the form is submitted.
Bed and Unit Inventory Changes
If your project's capacity to serve clients overnight changes at any point throughout the year, use the Bed & Unit Inventory Form to make sure the change is reflected in HMIS. This helps us keep your inventory and utilization accurate all year round!
Funding Changes
Hand with money (funding)
New or Renewed Funding Source?
We want to help you plan for data collection and entry before you begin services. Keep us in the loop from the beginning to avoid the pain of back-dating months of data in HMIS!

Ending Funding
If your funding source is over, expired, or given back for some reason, please email the Data Center asap. In addition, we need to know what will happen to the current clients - should they be moved to a different existing funding source/project or exited and services closed? The way the funding ends and what your project decides to do will have an impact on HMIS projects and clients.
Upcoming Deadlines
Important Dates
Federal Reporting Season for LSA and SPMs
The Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) and System Performance Measures (SPMs) submissions are right around the corner. HUD uses these reports to determine our communities level of need and funding so the stakes are high!

Agencies are required to maintain complete, accurate, and timely data all year round. Agencies that do monitor data will find October and November to be easy breezy months. The Data Center is beginning to review fiscal year 2022 data now - and will begin to send corrections to agency administrators and data entry staff. In October, we will begin clean-up in earnest and sent lists of client level red flags for review and corrections in HMIS.

Get ahead: Run the CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER for each of your projects for the 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022 to catch errors before the Data Center does and make corrections now!
Each quarter, the Data Center submits ESG-CAPER data to the State ESG and City of Durham on behalf of agencies with ESG-CV grants. Data will be pulled the week of October 10th. If you operate projects with ESG-CV funding, please make sure to:
  • Run and Review ESG-CAPER data for the entire contract date range (7/1/2020-9/30/2022 for example)
  • Make corrections for missing or inaccurate data
  • Confirm any projects that are no longer using ESG-CV funding with the Data Center directly
Save the dates

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.

We look forward to reporting back your community's progress at this month's HMIS Users Meeting. See you soon!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |