Make sure to visit VikesConnect for lots of other activities & events throughout the week!
Good Monday morning Vikings! Welcome to week 6 of fall semester. This week, Campus Activities Board hosts their annual Spirit Week, this year, it's all about sharks! They will be hosting shark-themed events and giveaways this week. There's plenty of other opportunities to engage and join the fun. Check out the samplings below. We hope you have a great week!
Go Vikings!
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Duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn...SPIRIT WEEK IS HERE!!! Campus Activities Board's very own SHARK WEEK is packed with student giveaways and activities. All you need is your CSU ID, and they will take care of the rest. They look forward to seeing you at their events!
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Spirit Week - Shark Week
Monday, September 30
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
SC Atrium
Shark Week brought to you by CAB! Monday is merch giveaway day. They will kick off the celebration with a shark Kahoot and some sick crewnecks! Come and stop by to get your spirit week crewneck, play the Kahoot for prizes, and get a sweet treat!
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Spirit Week- Sharks and Minnows
Tuesday, October 1
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Krenzler Feild
Come and join CAB and play outside with other students for cool spirit week prizes! CAB will have some yummy snacks, and cool prizes for our participants for sharks and minnos!
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Spirit Week- Movie Night
Wednesday, October 2
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Engineering Lawn
Outdoor movie night for Jaws to celebrate Shark Spirit Week! Popcorn, blankets, and a giveaway for students wearing CAB/Spirit Week merch!
Online Shark Selfie
Thursday, October 3
All day
Online- Instagram
Upload your finest shark selfie from Cleveland's aquarium to Instagram by 6pm Thursday, October 3rd for a chance to be selected for a shark-themed prize! Winner will be announced after 6:00pm! Make sure to tag @csucab!
Spirit Week- Sharks and Scholastic Celebration
Friday, October 4
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
SC Atrium
Come join CAB for a huge Shark Spirit Week celebration featuring Scholastic Book Fairs and another vendor. Beach/ocean themed party with a giant raffle for participating students!
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Notes for Hope
Tuesday, October 1
11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Student Center Inner Link
To kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the BSU plans to have students write inspiring notes for breast cancer patients and help spread awareness.
Hosted by Black Student Union
The Road To Brown
Tuesday, October 1
11:30 AM - 11:30 PM
Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center, BH 137
This Sankofa Discussion about The Road to Brown will engage Dr. Gregory Conerly, Associate Professor of History, and Dr. Donna Whyte, part-time Professor of History, with discourse on the 1954 Supreme Court Ruling for Brown versus the Board of Education.
Hosted by Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center
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Rosh Hashana Event
Tuesday, October 1
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Student Center Inner Link
At this event CSU Hillel will be celebrating the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashana with apples and honey!
Hosted by Hillel at Cleveland State University
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Campus Free Speech: What it Means, What it Doesn’t Mean and Why It Matters
Tuesday, October 1
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Student Center Ballroom (SC 311)
Join University Marketing in-person or online via livestream for a panel discussion featuring Cleveland State University experts in law, communications and government. Learn about free speech, how to exercise free speech on our campus, what is protected and not protected under the First Amendment.
The panel will be moderated by Lee Fisher, dean of the CSU College of Law and will feature Kevin F. O’Neill, professor, CSU College of Law; Richard Perloff, professor, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, School of Communications and Sonali B. Wilson, vice president, general counsel and secretary, Cleveland State University.
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Each Wednesday during fall semester is Green & White Wednesday! Everyone is encouraged to wear your CSU colors (Green & White) and show off your Viking Pride! |
There's Power in Your Vote
Wednesday, October 2
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
BH 146
Join BSU members as they help people to register to vote.
Hosted by Black Student Union
Deen n Dine
Wednesday, October 2
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Student Center Ballroom
Join the member of the Muslim Student Association as they have a lecture alongside a dinner!
Hosted by Muslim Student Association
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Mental Health Check-In
Wednesday, October 2
7:06 PM - 9:06 PM
Berkman Hall 136
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and Africana Studies Sankofa Society are collaborating on a mid semester event, in which students are invited to unwind, relax, and fellowship while learning the importance of mental health as college students.
Hosted by Africana Studies Sankofa Society
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Latinos in the Workplace
Thursday, October 3
11:15 AM - 1:15 PM
Student Center Atrium
Join Latinos Unidos for their third Hispanic Heritage Month Event. They will be collaborating with professional Latino Entrepreneurs and nonprofits to host information tables and tell their stories plus advice to students.
Hosted by Latinos Unidos
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Qiskit Fall Fest - Welcome Party!
Thursday, October 3
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
WH 405
The CSU Quantum Computing Club is hosting a Welcome Party marking the first event of their month-long IBM Qiskit Fall Fest celebration. Their Fall Fest events this year are sponsored by IBM. Come by for a chance to participate in their meetings, informational presentations, panel discussion, quantum hackathon, and other fun opportunities. Bring a laptop and bring your friends.
They will provide food and refreshments and will also have opportunities to win IBM sponsored swag throughout the next few weeks. Beginners of Quantum Computing are welcome. These events will serve as great learning/career opportunities and resume additions. Join them for their Welcome Party and please RSVP!
Walk to the Lake
Friday, October 4
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Meet at BH 101
Join Mandel Honors College again for their popular Walk to the Lake with Dean Carnell! It takes about 2.5 hours to walk, snap some pics, and return. All are welcome! Meet outside of the Honors Lounge (BH 101). They'll start walking at 3:30pm
Hosted by Mandel Honors College
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Friday, October 4
6:00 PM
Euphoria Lanes
During their Alpha Week, join the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha at Euphoria Lanes, 1812 E 30th St, Cleveland, OH 44114 and bowl a few frames with them!
Hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
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Vikings @ Home
Come out and cheer on YOUR CSU Vikings this week at home! For more information, visit
Tuesday, October 1
Volleyball vs Oakland
6:00 PM
Woodling Gym
Friday, October 4
Women's Tennis vs Horizon League Individual Championship
Medical Mutual Tennis Pavilion
Saturday, October 5
Women's Tennis vs Horizon League Individual Championship
Medical Mutual Tennis Pavilion
Woman's Soccer vs Green Bay
1:00 PM
Krenzler Field
Sunday, October 6
Women's Tennis vs Horizon League Individual Championship
Medical Mutual Tennis Pavilion
Go Vikings!
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Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
Education Away at Cleveland State University offers students a variety of opportunities to engage in real-world learning opportunities abroad. Whether through faculty-led and international exchange programs, or affiliate opportunities through our partners or even inside the USA/Canada through the National Student Exchange consortium our mission is to ensure every student finds a program that meets their needs and helps them reach their goals.
Join the Center for International Services and Programs on Tuesday, October 8 for their Education Away Fair from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Student Center Atrium. Learn about the different educational opportunities available to travel abroad.
More information, visit:
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F45 Challenge Coming Soon!
The Cleveland State Rec Center is hosting an F45 challenge that will begin October 7th and run through November 21st. Expect to get connected with fellow F45er’s, set and reach goals, and make lifestyle changes that go beyond just 45 days!
During this challenge participants will be split into teams and will have the opportunity to earn points for attending classes, wearing your heart rate monitor, and more! The Rec Center will periodically update the chalkboard wall to check your team’s standing in the competition. The team with the most points will earn 25% off the Spring 2025 unlimited semester pass! If you are looking to sign up for the challenge, please follow the steps below to register. Registration will be closing on October 4th, 2024 by the end of the day.
1. Download the CSU Rec Member Connect app or use the Online Portal and log in.
2. Select “Programs”
3. Under “Select a Category”, select “Group Fitness”
4. Select “Show Programs”
5. Select “F45 Challenge”**
6. Select “Sign up”
7. Select “Confirm”
***** Participating in the challenge itself comes with no cost outside of your original purchase of an F45 pass. However, you can purchase a 45-Day Challenge Pass that will allow you to take as many F45 classes as you would like throughout the duration of the challenge (October 7th-November 21st). The Rec Center will be reaching out to those registered for the challenge who do not have a current F45 pass on their account to confirm the plan to purchase a Challenge Pass. Once the pass is added to your account, you will need to stop into the Pro Shop to pay off your balance on your account. All payments can be processed in the Pro Shop. You must pay off your balance before taking your first F45 class of the challenge.
Student: $40
Member: $55
Non-Member: $85
For more information, check out their website at or contact their program's Graduate Supervisor, Laura Garvin, at
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Nightmare Cleveland Haunted House
Friday, October 18th
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
The City is our Campus invites you to a spooky scary time at Nightmare Cleveland Haunted House! They have free tickets available on a first come first serve basis for CSU students only. These tickets are for Friday, October 18th at 8 pm. Nightmare Cleveland is located in Parma, Ohio (7460 Brookpark Rd) and is a 15 minute drive from campus. Transportation will not be provided. Take your chances and don't let the ghouls get you at Nightmare Cleveland!
Register for this event by using the CSU Rec Member Connect App or our Online Portal at Login, then go to “Programs,” select “The City is our Campus” as the category. Click “Show Programs,” select “Nightmare Cleveland Haunted House” and then hit the “Sign Up” button.
Reach out to Graduate Supervisor Kaitlyn at with any issues registering for this event.
Brought to you by CSU Recreation Services
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Comming Up -- Game Jam!
The CPT's 24-hour Game Jam is happening Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26 in Washkewicz Hall 222.
Ready to showcase your creativity, teamwork, and skill in game development? The Computer Peer Teacher's fourth bi-annual 24-hour Game Jam, a highly anticipated game development competition during which students create a game from scratch in just 24 hours, is scheduled for October 25th and 26th.
Competitors must stay for the duration of the competition—the entire 24 hours.
If you require special accommodations, please email Simon Richard (the CPT Coordinator) at
All majors are welcome! Sign with a team of 1 to 4 students!
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Cleveland Weather Forecast 9/30~ 10/6 | |
Events and announcements are subject to change or cancellation.
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