Weekly eNews

March 22, 2024

Holy Week at St. Michael's

Holy Week Invitation

Journey through Holy Week with your St. Michael's family, from Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to Maundy Thursday's Last Supper and Garden Watch, followed by the cross on Good Friday, and finally to the glorious empty Easter tomb.

Palm Sunday Offerings:

Brunch, Bread Making, & Music Interest Session

Worship: 8:00 & 10:30 AM

In addition to our palms procession and worship services, there are several other activities happening this Sunday:

  • Palm Sunday Brunch: Following both services. No RSVP needed. Click below to help during the events or to bring fruit/muffins.
  • Communion Bread Making: For children of all ages with Owen in the Multipurpose Room.
  • Children & Youth Music Interest Session: Following both the 8:00 and 10:30 services, Children, Youth, and their families are invited to remain in the sanctuary for a Music Interest Session with Amalia.
Sign Up to Help with Brunch

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service

March 28, 7:00 PM

The Seraphim Choir is excited to present “We Remember Calvary,” a contemporary Tenebrae service by Joel Raney, designed to recreate the emotional and spiritual aspects of the passion story. Seven candles will be lit at the beginning of the service and gradually extinguished as the story of Christ’s final hours is told. Foot washing is optional followed by Holy Eucharist, the stripping of the altar, and the overnight Garden Watch. 

Overnight Garden Watch

Thursday to Friday

"So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?" After the last supper, Jesus and the disciples went into the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus asked his disciples to stay awake with him. Our Garden Watch is an opportunity to sit in the church, pray, meditate, and stay awake with Jesus. We have two spots available for each hour from 8:00 PM Thursday through 9:00 AM Friday. Sign up below to help mark this solemn occasion.

Sign Up for Garden Watch

Good Friday Offerings

Reading the Gospels, Liturgy & Passion Reading, Stations of the Cross

Commemorate this most holy day through the following:

  • Reading of the Gospels, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Spend an hour (or more) with The Saint John’s Bible, reading aloud with others supported by a trained docent. Learn more and sign up below.
  • Liturgy & Passion Reading, 2:00 PM: Good Friday Liturgy including a powerful Passion reading, sermon, and prayers. Join us in-person or online. Nursery provided.
  • Stations of the Cross, 3:00 PM: Meet in front of the church to walk with Rev. Matt around our campus visiting 14 stations to reflect on Jesus' final moments and journey to the cross.
Sign Up for Gospel Reading

Holy Saturday Service

Columbarium, 10:00 AM

Join for this simple, reflective service at the columbarium on the day Christ's body rested in the tomb.

Also this weekend & the week ahead....

Creating Space

This Saturday, March 23, 9:00 AM - Noon

As we prepare for Holy Week, Creating Space will explore the expression of prayer through music using the lens of Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms. Please bring your sketchbook, journal, or favorite nap-mat and blanket. Shalom!

40 Days of Giving

Donations Drop-off

Please drop off your 40 Days of Giving donations this week - in the hallway on Sunday or in the Gathering Space during the week through Easter. If this snuck up on you, no worries! You still have time to shop for some or all of the items, or gift cards and monetary donations are always welcome. No gift is too small for our neighbors in need!

Access Shopping List

Final Lenten Soup Supper This Wednesday, March 27

Even if you haven't attended any of the other Soup Suppers, you are welcome to join for this final one which will include a discussion of the remaining practices helping us follow in the "Way of Love:" GO & REST, plus a general wrap-up. Click below to sign up to bring soup or just yourself.

Sign up for Lenten Soup Supper

IHN Guests

March 24 - 31

As a reminder, we have several families staying at St. Michael's from Palm Sunday until Easter morning. Please keep them and all the volunteers supporting this effort in your prayers during this time.

On the Calendar

This Sunday, March 24

Palm Sunday

Volunteer to Help with Worship this Sunday

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?

Click above to sign up today & thank you!

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin

Education & More! 

No Education this Sunday

9:00 AM Palm Sunday Brunch

9:00 AM Music Interest Session

9:30 AM Bread Making for Kids

11:45 AM Music Interest Session

11:45 PM Palm Sunday Brunch

Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.

Join for our special brunches in the Parish Hall after each service.

View Weekly Church Calendar

Easter Vigil & Baptisms

Saturday, March 30, 7:00 PM

Come celebrate the risen Christ as we illuminate the darkness with a new fire, welcome the newly baptized into the Body of Christ, and celebrate with a festive Eucharist. Join us in-person or online as we begin our Easter celebration. Nursery provided.

Easter Sunday, March 31

6:30 AM Sunrise Spoken Service

8:00 & 10:30 AM Worship

9:30 AM Egg Hunt


Christ is Risen! New this year, we will mark the empty tomb that greeted Mary at daybreak with an Easter Sunrise Spoken Service.Then at 8:00 and 10:30 AM (live streamed), we'll have our festive Eucharists with choir and brass at each service. Bring bells to ring as we exclaim, "Alleluia!"

The Egg Hunt will occur between the services for elementary aged children and younger. Meet in the Parish Hall at 9:30 AM. And finally, we'll continue our tradition of Easter donuts after all services!

Upcoming Events & Parish Life

Wednesday Bible Study

Welcoming New Members

Bible Study will NOT meet on March 27, during Holy Week. The group will resume on April 3 from 12:30 - 2:00 PM to start the book of Acts. All are welcome at any meeting, but a particularly good time to join is when the group begins a new book. Please contact Linda Council at with any questions.

Middle School Lock-in

Overnight, April 5 - 6

Middle Schoolers are invited to spend the night at St. Michael's! They will eat dinner, play games throughout the church, watch a movie, and hopefully get some sleep as well! Drop off kiddos with sleeping bags in hand at 6:00 PM Friday night and retrieve them pancake-filled at 9:00 AM on Saturday.

Sign Up for Lock-in

Nursery Families Brunch

April 14, 12:00 PM

Families with children in the nursery (ages 0-5) are invited to join for a fellowship brunch on April 14 after the 10:30 AM service. We have seen a large influx of young families in the past year, and we would love to get you all connected while your little ones play their hearts out in the nursery. We will have brunch for your children as well with a menu of items suitable for toddlers and older. Please reach out to Owen at with any questions, and click below to let us know you're coming.

Sign Up for Brunch

The Space Between Us Mini-Retreat

April 19, 4:00 - 8:00 PM & April 20, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Space Between Us is a workshop that dives into the foundational communication topics of empathetic listening and conflict resolution, and provides strategies to better understand ourselves and others. This weekend mini-retreat will be led by Owen Copps and is for all ages. It is limited to 15, and registration closes Friday, April 12, so click below to learn more and sign up before all the spots are filled.

Sign Up for The Space Between Us

In the Spirit of Hospitality

Nametags & Parking

We are beyond grateful for the full pews at St. Michael's each Sunday! With full pews comes a very full parking lot as well! As we make space for newcomers and guests, please park under the pine trees along Tudor Road if you're able. Also, please wear your name tags each Sunday. If you have requested one, please check the board in the hall outside the sanctuary to pick it up, and if you need a new one, contact Diane at Thanks for continuing to make St. Mike's such a welcoming community!

Fall Italy Pilgrimage

Waiting List Forming

The Fall Italy Pilgrimage is already full, but if you'd like to be added to the waiting list, click below to register. Contact Matt at if you have any questions.

Register for Pilgrimage Waitlist

Special Thank You

From Jason Dickerman

St. Mike’s Family, 

I wanted to express my profound gratitude and appreciation for all those that helped ensure that my Army retirement ceremony went off without a hitch last Friday. When Peterson Space Force Base closed due to the snow storm, Matt didn’t hesitate to open the doors of the church as an alternate venue. Kelly Howell went above and beyond to help with food service and even got up early to bake cookies! Russ Howell and Chad and Rachel Stroller did a fantastic job broadcasting the ceremony so those that couldn’t travel were able to watch the ceremony live! At every turn I could see God’s hand in this. From allowing everyone who was flying to make it here (no cancelled flights—save one!) AND having an amazing church family that went above and beyond to make it a special day. St Michael’s is a wonderful family and we feel very blessed to be a part of it.

Thanks again,

Jason Dickerman

Quick Links of Interest

Birthdays This Week:

March 24 - Katy Kolodzej

March 24 - Karen Stubbs

March 25 - Ethel Simpson

March 26 - Jean Brewer

March 26 - Jennifer Liebowitz

March 27 - Nate Koshak

March 27 - Chad Mason

March 28 - Charlene Butson

March 28 - Carolyn Cumby

March 28 - Emily McElyea

March 29 - Dylan Langland

March 30 - Jim Anderson

March 30 - Laura Boylston

March 30 - John Clark

March 30 - Time Niemeyer

March 30 - Molly Sutherlin

March 30 - Ann Tillman

Anniversaries This Week:

No anniversaries this week according to our records.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

7400 Tudor Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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