A Reconciling Congregation having
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Our Church News
Why did Jesus have disciples? Really think about that question for a minute. Why would the Son of God need to gather a community of people around him? Why didn’t he just do it alone?

As you read scripture what you see so clearly is that Jesus didn’t do it alone because he wanted us to join him and get involved in his ministry and mission together as a community.

What a joy it is that Jesus is still gathering disciples offering them meaning and purpose. Jesus is still calling us to participate in his mission to change lives as we share our love of God and neighbor with the world around us. And we need to be about this mission. We need to live out our faith in Christ. We need to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit those in prison. We need to address the issues of injustice that plague our society and our world. We need to be about growing as strong we can in our faith life. Remembering that spiritual growth is never an isolated, individualistic pursuit. Maturity is produced through relationships and community. And so the question to ask is: are we hearing the call of Jesus in our lives to be as spiritually healthy as possible so that we can reach out and be an active part of this mission?

Beginning with Ash Wednesday, we enter our 40 day journey through Lent. Lent is a time for self-examination and renewal. A journey we take as people of God to re-energize our faith life by setting aside time to let God transform us into new people with a deeper understanding of what God wants us to do in and with our lives.

I strongly urge each of you reading this to take these 40 days seriously and make worship a priority in your life as well as joining two small groups. One to be spiritually fed (like our Intergenerational Lenten Experience, prayer breakfast, Fly High, Women’s Bible study, one of our choirs, etc.) and one where you spiritually or physically feed others (e.g. Serving at the Interfaith Food Pantry, One Big Tent, Laundry Love, refugee resettlement, or volunteering within the church).

These 40 days of Lent can transform us and our church if we take our spiritual journey seriously and are sincere in wanting to know God’s intention for our life. I hope and pray that each of you will make it a priority to come along on this journey to grow deeper in your faith as we seek God’s presence and purpose for our lives.

In God’s Love,
Pastor Tim
We are holding two in-person worship services on Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
We will continue to live-stream our worship services on our Facebook page or through our website on Sundays at 10:30 am. Scroll down until you see the current live stream.

If you are not able to watch the service live on Sunday morning, there are several ways you can watch it later:
  • All of our worship services are saved and posted on our Facebook page -
  • Our worship services are also on YouTube. Just go to our church website – and click on "Worship" from the drop-down menu of the "About" tab on the top of the home page. It will take you to our YouTube channel that has a collection of our worship services
Sunday, February 25, after the 10:30 am service

Please join the members of the Accountable Leadership Board as they discuss several decisions they have made regarding our church name, as well as church security. 
February 28, March 6 & 13 - 6PM

Wandering Heart - Figuring Out Faith With Peter

Join us this Lent for our Intergenerational Lenten Experience as we focus on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us.

Our intergenerational experiences are informal worship gatherings around round tables in Fletcher Community Center - Readings and reflections, music and activities for all ages. A supper is offered at 5:30pm on each of the three nights just prior to the 6:00pm worship. 

To enhance these worship gatherings, devotional booklets, cards, and faith maps are available throughout the Season of Lent and can be found at the Wandering Heart display in the gathering area of the church building. 


Currently, the Women’s Bible Study small group is finishing up the book of Hosea where we study all the ways God keeps calling out to us and loving us even when we are not loving towards God.

Next we plan to explore Galatians and Paul’s message to the church in Galatia. This is a book that encourages us to understand and love God’s law. This book remains constant in the theme of leave behind the gospel of works and live within the gospel of faith.

Please join us on Tuesday nights at 7:00 by zoom or in person. You are always welcome whenever you can attend. The zoom login information is below.

Lots of love,

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 4891 8132
Passcode: 637667

Dial in
• 1-312-626-6799

“Romans: Live with Clarity” by Jada Edwards
Paul’s letter to the Romans uncovers God’s heart and plan for the salvation of mankind. Jada Edwards brings the clarity that we need for what the gospel is and how we live it out. Jada explores Paul’s articulation of our faith and what it looks like in practice: how we love people, how we make decisions, how we submit to authority, how we live in community, and how we foster unity. Please join us for this 8-week video study.

Fly High meets Fridays at noon in the Thomas Coke Room. The next meeting will be February 23. Come for insight, fellowship and laughter. Any questions, contact Yvonne Chojnacki at 715/340-9333

Please consider joining this group. They meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 11:00 am. Bag lunch at noon. Discussions are wide ranged.  If you have a particular request, we’ll do our best to work it into a session. The next meeting will be on March 5.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Barb Munson 715-340-2368


Meals are served in fellowship hall from 5:30-6:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month through May 1. Brochures listing dates and menus are available at the Information Center in the gathering area. Come to enjoy the fellowship and simple meals. Contacts for questions are Sandy Shave (715-592-4346) or Stephanie White (715-347-0367).

NEXT OPEN DOOR BISTROMarch 6 – Corned Beef & Cabbage

Learn more by checking out the brochure here: 2023-24 Open Door Bistro
Next date: Thursday, March 7 @ 7:00 a.m.

Everyone is invited to gather at 7:00 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month for a simple breakfast, time of prayer, and a short devotion. We will conclude our time together with open Communion. Our time together will last about 45 minutes to an hour at the most, so it is the perfect way to start your day and the month with prayer. 
The Good News Singers, our children’s choir for all those from ages 2 through 11 and older, has returned! We are going to sing, play bells, learn to play ukuleles and recorders, and other instruments. We are sure going to have a lot of fun praising God with music and song!
Rehearsals will occur on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:15 am. For more information please call/text Audra at 262-388-0366 or email her at 
The Joyful Choristers is our choir for all those from ages 12 through 18. Rehearsals are scheduled on Sunday mornings from 11:30-11:45 am. For more information please call/text Audra at 262-388-0366 or email her at

Next potluck is on March 17, 2024 after 10:30 am service. Please bring a dish to pass. Sign-up sheets to volunteer are in the Narthex. All are welcome!

We are looking to expand our Children's Ministry Team. If you love serving among children, please call or text our Director of Family Ministry, Laura Courtright at 715-340-4523 or email at
Church Camp Registration Is Open

July 21-26, 2024

Lake Lucerne Camp & Retreat Center, Wautoma, WI

Camp is a fun week that is full of holy surprises. Come join us for our 48th year of St. Paul’s Church Camp. This year you will find out who Nicodemus was through our play “Nic at Night.” We will explore what it means to seek Jesus, believe Jesus and serve Jesus. If you’re ready for a week of holy shenanigans, musical mischief, and to connect with the camp family you didn’t know you had, register at

This year’s cost is $345 per camper (ages 8-17). Send two campers from the same household and get the third one free! Scholarships available for all! Costs should NEVER keep someone away from camp.

If you have any questions, contact the church office and one of our co-directors will contact you.

Hosts & Hostesses needed for after 10:30 service! Treats are welcomed!
Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex.

You can give by one of the following:

1. You can mail your check to the church office at 600 Wilshire Blvd., Stevens Point, WI 54481

2. You can use ACH. If you don’t have that set up & would like to, please contact the church office (715/344-3557) and we will help you with that or email us at

3. You can use Bill Pay through your bank. This is a free service through your bank. They draw the money from your bank account and send the church a check as you direct them to, whether that be weekly or monthly. This way would save you on postage.

4. You can go to our website and there is a button that says “Donate”. That will take you through the steps to use your credit or debit card. If you continue down on that page, you can also text on your phone to give. 

Our Director of Finance is Ardis Burke. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know at or 715/344-3557.

PLEASE NOTE: Ardis’ office hours will be Monday and Wednesday 11:00am – 2:00 pm.
The Loose Coin Offering for February goes toward Operation Bootstrap. The money collected will help our missions reach as many people as possible. Be sure to label your envelope so your coins/currency will be deposited into the correct account. Thank you for supporting this important ministry.
NEEDED: Would you like to recycle your empty prescription bottles to a good cause? Just rinse and remove labels and deposit them in the box in front of the office. Ghana Clinic LOVES them!

One of the responsibilities, among many, that I take very seriously as a pastor is visitation. I consider it a sacred time to visit someone in the hospital, nursing home, or in their own home. It is time where I can get to know someone better and really talk about spiritual issues one on one.

Please let me know if you have gone into the hospital, are in need of a home visit, or what your specific needs are that I can help you with. I’m also willing to bring communion to any of my visits.

I want you all to know that I am here for you. If you are struggling, need to talk, or have any need whatsoever for a pastoral visit please call me on my cell phone (262-388-4635), at the office (715-344-3557), e-mail me ( write me a note (600 Wilshire Blvd), or mark that you would like a visit on one of the attendance cards in the pew on Sunday morning.

I will continue to make visitation my top priority and continue to respond to every request as quickly as possible. It is an honor to be here as your pastor and I’m committed to being here for you as a pastoral presence representing the Good News of Jesus Christ that gives us hope and heals us all.

Pastor Tim

Our Refugee Resettlement Team, which is a combined team of our congregation with Good Shepherd Lutheran church and members of our community, is continuing to work with the Bipendu family who are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. It continues to be a busy time as they are active in school, getting jobs, and learning about our community. We continue to support them on their journey of being independent.
It has also been a joy to welcome them into our church family as they worship with us and get involved in the life of our church community. If you haven’t introduced yourself to them yet, please take time of Sunday to let them know who you are. We made sure they all have nametags so you can call them by name. 

We will continue to work with the family in our six areas: 
• Housing and welcome 
• Transportation 
• Health 
• Education 
• Cultural adjustment 
• Jobs and finance 

Our resource room which is open to all the refugee families in our community is running really low on cleaning supplies and personal care items that are needed by our many families who are now in our area. The list of items is included in this issue of the newsletter. Please drop off any items in room D/E in the Discovery Zone.
This has been an amazing ministry of extending the hospitality, grace, and light of God’s love and hope to those most in need. However, we could always use more help with our family and other families who are moving into our area, so if you are interested please talk with Pastor Tim or Mary Schultz who are the team coordinators. If you would like to make a financial contribution to support our refugee family that would be appreciated. Please put Refugee Help on the memo line of your check. Please continue to pray for all the refugee families in our area who are working hard to adjust and make a new life in our community.  

Please bring items to Rooms D/E in the Discovery Zone and place on tables in front of the table signs.

Ethnic shampoo/Ethnic conditioner- for our African families
Body Wash for shower
Hand Soap
Laundry Detergent
Dryer Sheets (Not bleach dryer sheets)
Dish Soap
Cleaning Supplies
Paper Towel
Toilet Paper
Diapers- size 4
Baby Wipes
Twin Sheets
Plastic Bags (garbage/food size)
Our fundraising program will be changed. Kwik Trip is selling a new Grocery Only, used in the store card that will give us 15% back for Holiday Baskets.

Regular and Fuel Only cards will still be offered at 5% profit for us. You can continue to use your gas card in the store also.

If you normally buy grocery or snack items at Kwik Trip, we suggest you buy the Grocery Only as we will raise money faster for Holiday Baskets. Thank you for helping us with this mission. As always, you receive 100% of your purchased card to spend.

We are grateful for church members who have purchased Gas Only cards for people in need in our community who come to our church for help. You can buy a $10 card to help others by purchasing a card in the office. Gas only cards are now distributed through One Big Tent.

You may purchase your Gas or Grocery cards in the office or contact Cathy Martin, 715-340-8426 or for assistance.

Thank you for your giving.
Helping others on a mission,
Mary Martha Circle
We give $10 gas cards to people who need help getting to a doctor’s appointment, job interview, etc. If you would like to donate toward gas cards that are given to those in need, please write “Gas Cards” in the memo section of your check payable to “UMC.” Gas cards are now distributed through One Big Tent.
“Connecting the church to the community through the love of God”

One Big Tent, our joint ministry of area congregations reaching out to our neighbors in need, continues to grow as we are helping more people out of our offices (1039b B Ellis St.) in downtown Stevens Point.

We are making progress on finding a place to launch our One Big Tent Welcome Center. It is our hope and dream that this Welcome Center will be a day center for those in need and with case management we can help people to develop a pathway to sustainability, stability, and wholeness.

The goals of the Welcome Center are:

1. To be a “one stop” welcoming hub for those in crisis; triage immediate trauma by meeting the basic human needs.

2. To be a people-centered, welcoming hub for ongoing case management and services, in collaboration with local partners, programs, and organizations.

3. To enhance existing systems where and when gaps become apparent or are already missing.

4. To create additional emergency housing slots, develop a slate of transitional living locations and create options on long-term housing; ultimate outcome- individual, family and community stability.

This is a bold vision but it is one we need to take if we are going to deal with the crisis that so many of our neighbors are experiencing.

I would like to ask for your continued support of this important ministry in our community in the following ways.

1) Please pray for those in need as we work with them and for the companions and clergy who give their time to help find solutions.

2) Consider if you would like to be a companion talking with and working with people to help them. We offer training and only ask people to volunteer for a 3-4 hour shift once a week. Also, we pair you with a clergy person who is there to support you. For example, I (Pastor Tim) volunteer every Wednesday with a member from Beloved Community from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. If you are interested, please talk with Pastor Tim.

3) Consider being a member of our One Big Tent Board as a representative of our congregation helping to guide our organization. This board meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 5:15 p.m. here at our church.

4) When it is appropriate, we do provide financial support to help with rent assistance, car repair, buying medicines, etc. We work with people to identify what they can contribute and we make up the difference with what they owe. We could use your financial support to help us meet these needs. If you would like to make a financial contribution, please make the check out to our church and put, “One Big Tent” in the memo line.

Thank you for your prayerful and generous support of this important ministry to make God’s love real to all our neighbors.

Pastor Tim
Operation Bootstrap is in need of brown paper bags. If you have any you would like to donate, please bring them to the church and place in the south coatroom. If you have any questions, please call the church office (715/344-3557).

We are all looking for ways to share God's love. Here are some samples of things you can do:

Interfaith Food Pantry – We have the grocery cart in between the entrance doors on the south side (school side), Monday through Thursday, 9am-3pm. Here is a list of their urgent needs: Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, Cereal, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Call church people or neighbors – Just a friendly phone call can make someone’s day.
St. Paul’s-The Springs UMC
600 Wilshire Blvd
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Campus Ministry - UWSP
Stevens Point, WI 54481