The Rev. Tina Rathbone is away until Sunday, September 11.

The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet, 1857

It is almost time to start gleaning the fields in New England. I remember the first time I participated in this annual custom. I was in my third year with Taft Farms and Danny asked if I wanted to join others from our community and help in the gleaning. Gleaning has been an important custom for well over 2,000 years when farmers invited neighbors and strangers to come onto their land to pick what was left in the fields after harvest was finished. I enjoyed meeting people from the community and hear their stories about gleaning, canning vegetables, putting up tomatoes for tasty winter tomato sauce, making pesto and pickling beets, carrots, string beans and other vegetables. Gone are the days when families would buy 50 lb bags of potatoes and onions to keep in their cellar during winter months. So many families now cannot afford their own homes and do not have the space for winter food storage. There are still many families in our community that depend on the leftover crops they can glean from the fields so they can continue to feed their families in the months ahead.   


Hearing the stories of how folks prepare for the long winter months ahead reminded me once again how important it is to meet with people in our community and hear their stories and share our stories with them. When I am with our friends at the Great Barrington People’s Pantry, I enjoy so much learning about their customs and hearing about their families and their concerns.  We share with one another recipes handed down from our mothers and grandmothers, and laugh about how it never seems to taste as good as when they made these dishes. They have also shared with me how hard it is to make food last during the week when you are feeding a family of four or six. They tell me often how appreciative they are for the food from the local farms and how good and fresh the vegetables are when delivered to the pantry. I think it is in the sharing of our stories, whether we are gleaning the fields or standing in line at the People’s Pantry, that God helps us open our hearts, eyes and ears to care for one another in a deeper way.  That is a very good thing.

Pennie Curry, Junior Warden


The End of August (by Robert Frost)

I am overtired of the great harvest I myself desired

It's the end of August and I'm tired. The garden is tired. The grass is tired.

Everything is tired. We've all had too much summer.

Bring on the cold. Bring on the frost. Bring on all that death and destruction.

Let's have some quiet and some peace. Let us rest. Give us emptiness

This has always been my favorite time of year - when late summer begins to bleed into autumn. It is a time of change, deliberation, and rest. While there is still plenty to do, the end of the season is in sight and everything starts to slow down. You start to notice the harvest begin to taper off and you begin to decide what to keep and what to put to rest. The mornings are chilly and the afternoons pleasant. No longer is work an endless flurry of activity dripping with sweat. Instead, each action is deliberate and final. Once something is out of the ground, you rest assured that it won't be back in the ground until the new year. Everything - all the tools, seeds, and material - is put back in it's appointed place and you go home each day knowing everything that needed to be done is finally done. Then one day in October or November after you have put the earth to rest, you look up to the sky, give out a sapped but satisfied sigh and say with only a touch of irony "It is finished" and finally go to bed.

Monday 9-12 PM

Wednesdays 9-12 PM and 2-5 PM

Friday 1-4 PM
Come on over and volunteer or visit! (J. Jorgensen)
Food Pantries and Meal Sites in Berkshire County
Below is the January 31, 2022
“List of Food Pantries & Meal Sites in Berkshire County”. 

Since program hours and days can change without notice, please call the location to be sure of times and requirements. 

Please note that the Al Nelson Friendship Center Food Pantry has changed its delivery call-in hours to 10:00am – 2:00pm.
For list of Food Pantries and Meal Sites CLICK HERE
Berkshire South Regional Community Center
is in the process of restarting their in-person community meals and are looking for volunteers.

Announcing the opening of
Stanton Home’s Food Hub
Located on 205 North Plain Rd,
Great Barrington
The Farm stand will include fresh produce grown in their greenhouse and items created in the Weavery- all grown and made by the participants of Stanton Home- a farm based program for adults with challenges.
The People's Pantry
If anyone wants to volunteer at the People’s Pantry, there are shifts on Mondays from 3:30PM to 5:30PM, Thursdays from 8:30AM to 10:30AM and Thursdays 10:30AM to 12:30PM. Here’s the link:
Announcement from the Communications Office
Donate to Episcopal Relief & Development
MAKE AN URGENT GIFT-DONATE NOW Your immediate support will help Episcopal Relief & Development and other Anglican partners provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine. By contributing today you will join our online...
Handwoven and handmade by refugees in Greece, these welcome mats serve as a symbol of welcome and acceptance for refugees. Perfect to use in your home as a wall hanging or floor mat. Feel good about the products you buy at Thistle Farms and support refugees. Order yours today! Love Welcomes.
Babies are placed in the Home when their mother has died and they cannot be cared for at home.
It costs about $1,500 to support a baby over the time needed for the child to grow old enough to return to their home. Many years ago we at Grace decided to support babies at the Mampong Babies Home in Ghana at the rate of $1,500 per year. Your donations help us reach that goal each year. You can bring money or checks to church on Sundays and place in the jar near the Welcome table or send a check to Grace Church, PO Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230.

Gift Cards for Students

Thank you to those who offered a donation or gift cards for our “Back-to-School” Gift Card project. A total of $2,200 was raised and the cards were distributed to our three closest school districts, Berkshire Hills Regional, Southern Berkshire Regional, and Lee Central. Guidance counselors at each school determine the students who can benefit from

receiving these cards.

Becoming Beloved Community

Imprinted: Illustrating Race        June 11 through October 30

Norman Rockwell Museum        Stockbridge,MA

This  powerful exhibit examines the role of published images in shaping attitudes toward race and culture. Over 300 artworks and objects on view of widely circulated illustrated imagery will be on view, produced from the late eighteenth century to today, which have an impact on public perception about race in the United States. The exhibition will explore stereotypical racial representations that have been imprinted upon us through the mass publication of images. It culminates with the creative accomplishments of contemporary artists and publishers who have shifted the cultural narrative through the creation of positive, inclusive imagery emphasizing full agency and equity for all.

Click here for more information

Learning our local history is a step into Becoming Beloved Community. Summer is a great time to explore the African American Heritage Trail of the Upper Housatonic Valley. South County is rich with sites.               For maps and legends click HERE

Sep 15, Online
A presentation by two religious leaders committed to encouraging climate preaching that is both pastoral and prophetic. There will be time for questions and conversation, as well as suggestions for how to preach on some of the texts assigned for upcoming Sundays in Creation Season. This is a free event open to all preachers,
lay and ordained.
EFM will resume after Labor Day.
O God! Glorious Creator. 
We are powerless without you.
We know you are listening even when you seem aloof and your ways mysterious.
Our gratitude knows no bounds.
Thank you especially for this group and for other spiritual circles of which we are a part.
We pray that you keep bringing us into closer relationship with you and with others.
Help all those in the world living with fear to find your peace.
Through your son Jesus Christ, Our Lord, AMEN.
Announcement from the Communications Office
Bishop Doug Fisher established a Compline community in 2020 that continues in faithfulness five nights a week. In addition to the Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith and the Very Rev. Jim Munroe, Licensed Lay Worship Leaders will be added for Thursday and Friday evenings. Zoom info is available HERE.
LOVING THE QUESTIONS / Amando las preguntas
sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
God says, “Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6.16

What is God’s will for my life? How do I live my best life? What might this look like? Is what I want truly want what God wants for me? Is what I want best for myself and others? Perhaps there is something I’m missing? Perhaps there is something I’m blind to and can’t see? … these are the kinds of questions that we sit with and wrestle with together in our community of discernment called Loving the Questions.

We believe that you are unique, that you are gifted, and that your story matters. Our community of discernment aims to provide a safe and nurturing environment that honors the Spirit’s unique call to each person — that honors your unique gifts and your unique story.

We meet twice a month via Zoom beginning in September and ending in March. Our primary focus is rooted in prayerful listening to God using a format of group spiritual direction taught by Shalem Institute. Our aim in our gatherings is to listen more deeply and intently to God's gentle and loving desire for each one of us. Or to put it another way, “to stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies, so that we may walk in it and find rest for our souls.”

Registration is now open for 2022-23. For details, including our schedule, please go to our website at We also enthusiastically welcome any and all inquiries about our community and details about our gatherings. Please contact us at [email protected] to arrange a conversation to answer any questions you might have.


Join us for lively conversation

and fellowship

every third Sunday

at 6:00 PM

Locations to be announced.

All are welcome!

Separate checks

For more information contact

George Raymond.


Wednesday, September 14

at 6:00 PM

in person and on Zoom


by Maggie O'Farrell

Our host for dinner will be Frank Garretson. Dindy Anderson will lead our discussion.

Our gathering ends at promptly at 9:00PM. Questions? Please contact Peter Kirchoff.

For Zoom:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Password: 917937

or call 646 558 8656 US (New York)

All are welcome!


Join us for a discussion of

The Power of the Dog

on October 6

at 7:00 PM on Zoom.

To join this Zoom meeting

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Password: 917937

Lich Gate Concerts returns to the Pavilion in the Sheffield Town Park on
Saturday, September 17 at 4 pm
for the last concert of this season.
Jorge Avila has programmed Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Divertimento in F Major, K. 138, Antonín Dvořák’s Waltzes, Op. 54, Nos. 1 & 4, Jessie Montgomery’s “Strum” for String Quartet, and Johannes Brahms’ String Quartet No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 51, No. 1.
Become a Lich Gate Concerts Sponsor!
As experienced concert-goers, you are aware that ticket sales cover only part of the expense of presenting concerts. We need your help to support this endeavor to present live Classical music in Sheffield and invite you to become a Sponsor of our concert series, by adding a tax-deductible donation to your purchase, and help us even more by covering the processing fees incurred by your purchase."

As a Sponsor, you will receive advance information, priority seating, an introduction to our artists and guest artists, and our everlasting gratitude.

Tickets available on our website and below:
$40 under the Pavilion;
$20 on the Lawn (children under 18 are FREE on the Lawn,
accompanied by an adult)
To buy tickets and for more information
Step into Grace 
Where strangers become friends 

We are an Open and Affirming church. Every one of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, or economic status is invited to join us as together we live out the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, service, and justice. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey- you are welcome here.

Fourteenth Sunday

after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

September 11, 10:00 AM

In person at Crissey Farms and

live-streamed on ZOOM

Please visit our website:

for up-to-date information and a link to the digital service booklet.

Celebrant and Officiant:

The Rev.Tina Rathbone

Click here for WEB site ROTA



Fourteenth Sunday

after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

September 11, at 10:00 AM

In person at Crissey Farm

and on Zoom

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Passcode: 917937

Or call:646 558 8656,

(New York)

Contemplative Eucharist

Wednesday at 10:00 AM

Please Note: There will not be a Wednesday Contemplative Eucharist on September 7.

It will resume on September 14.

In person at Grace Chapel

and on Zoom:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Passcode: 917937

Or call:646 558 8656,

(New York)

Community in Faith

resumes in the Fall.

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

For Zoom: Click Here

Centering Prayer

Thursdays at 5:00 PM

In person ad on Zoom

To join Zoom meetings:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Passcode: 917937

Or call:646 558 8656,

(New York)

Movie Nite

Thursday, October 6

at 7:00 PM on Zoom

To join Zoom meetings:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Passcode: 917937

Or call:646 558 8656,

(New York)

Books and Bread,

resumes September 14

on Wednesday at 6:00 PM

In person and on Zoom

To join Zoom meetings:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 177 160 858

Passcode: 917937

Or call:646 558 8656,

(New York)

Third Sunday Supper 

(Every Third Sunday)

6:00 PM


In person

More information in the

article to found above.

Fourteenth Sunday

after Pentecost

Luke 15:1-10

All the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to Jesus. And the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying, "This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them."

So he told them this parable: "Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, `Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

"Or what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, `Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.' Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

I'm Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table
For the most up to date information
please visit the
Berkshire Vaccine Collaborative website, 
They will post notice of appointment openings 6-12 hours in advance. You can find answers to your vaccination questions including information about the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine on their FAQ page.
Covid-19 vaccination
booster shots
are now available for those with certain big-risk medical conditions at Walgreens and Fairview Hospital on a walk-in basis. If you think you might have a qualifying condition, we urge you to go to one of these locations for a booster shot.

Praying for each other and for the needs of the world is a vital mission of Grace Church. To add a prayer request to this list, please contact the Church Office 
[email protected] or by phone 413-644-0022.
We supply this list so you may contact members of our congregation who are at home or in a nursing facility. Please hold in your prayers and reach out as you can.

659 South Egremont Road 
P.O. Box 714 
Great Barrington, MA 01230 
BLAKELY, Rosemarie           
21 Crossway, #108
Lee, MA 01238

BOWENS, Marina             
c/o Maryella Satinover    
11908 Windward Ave.
Mar Vista, CA 90066

BREASTED, John        
Fairview Commons       
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230

BROOKS, Jane        
165 George Street
Lee, MA 01230
FRYE, Vonnie          
PineHill Assisted Living
at Kimball Farms
235 Walker St.
Apt #32
Lenox, Ma. 01240

GORE, Barbara        
50 Stockbridge Road
Lee, MA 01238

HAIDER, Meredith       
5 Fox Hollow Road
Lenox, MA 01240                                 

McCURDY, Deborah
Skilled Nursing Center
Loomis Lakeside at Reed's Landing
807 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA 01109

TURNER, Barbara     
Fairview Commons
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230 

Our Prayer Basket

We welcome you to use our prayer basket.

On Sundays you will find a basket near the Welcome Table with slips of paper available for you to write down prayer requests. Please ask for any prayers that are important to you and those you love. You may identify yourself and those for whom prayers are needed, but names are not necessary or required. These prayers will be offered by our healing ministers both during the service and during the week for a period of one month. Keep an eye out for the basket!!

To listen to Sarah Sieber explaining the operation of the Prayer Basket CLICK HERE

(K. Clausen)

Thank you to Howard Seip and Dutch Pinkston for stepping up to accompany and direct the choir on Sunday, September 4 while Lee and John Cheek were gone. 


Please include
in your daily prayers this week:
Members of the Parish Family:
Margaret O’Clair, Mark Anderson, Dindy Anderson, Doreen Hutchinson, Anne Andrews, Stacey Thomas, Claire and Mark Thomas, Meredith Haider, Linda White, Rosemarie Blakely, Marina Bowens, Charles Folger, Barbara Gore, and Barbara Turner.

Others we love: All those grieving the death of Ed Hunt; all those grieving the death of Nelda Curry; Karen LaRocque friend of Sue Gore; Rosalind Haywood, Sue Gore's mother; Deborah McCurdy; Joy Milani, dear friend of Dindy Anderson; the Hardenberg family, friends of Lynn Walker; Conrad Harper, friend of John Ericson; Michael Pine, Pennie’s beloved Godson, Sophia, who is grieving the sudden death of her son; Linda Tornicelli.

Those who have died: Rino Aldrighetti, beloved friend of Steve White; Ed Hunt, brother-in-law of Anne Andrews; Faustino Gonzalez Nasario; Ruth Thornton, a dear friend Steve and Andrea White; Richard Edelstein, husband of Pat and beloved friend of our congregation; Hugh Pecon; Nelda Curry; Sam Raymond; Sara Keene; Vanessa Neves, daughter of Patti Poulos, friend of many in the congregation; Alan Sparks, brother of Debbie Holmes; Ruth Crawford; Neil Brandt, brother of Linda White; Jim Santolin, a dear friend of Rick & Sue; Larry Cheek, John’s brother; Kay Lindstrom, a beloved member of Sarah Sieber’s family.

Our world: For the people of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Alabama; for the people of Buffalo, Uvalde, Ukraine, Russia, and all places of violence, that Peace may prevail, and human fear and suffering diminish around the world. For all victims of gun violence in this country, and for those who inflict gun violence on others. For people who are suffering from COVID, those who have died, those who mourn, caregivers, and hospital workers. For all who are alone, or afraid, or despairing. For prisoners, unhoused people, newly arrived immigrants and all our neighbors, near and far.

The many ministries of our local community and the Diocese of Western Massachusetts: For our partners at St. Paul's and the Revs. Libby Wade, Jane Tillman; the Rev. Sam Smith as he begins his ministry at All Saints, Worcester; Christ Trinity and the Rev. Erik Karas; our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Doug Fisher; and the Mampong Babies' Home in Ghana; St. Paul’s, Stockbridge;

Financial Services, Kristina Cincotta

Church Musicians & Artists;

Historical Society of the Episcopal


The Church's wider mission:

The Church of Bangladesh

And we offer thanks: for all those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this week:

Join us for
Centering Prayer
now in person and on ZOOM

Every Thursday
5:00 - 6:00 PM

Encouraging a practice of silence and stillness we focus on practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina using scripture, art and music. All are welcome.
Meeting ID: 177 160 858
Passcode: 917937
Or call:646 558 8656,
(New York)
In this time of fear and anxiety, it can be easy to miss the daily blessings that are right in front of us. Being grateful is not just for good times. Being grateful is even more important when fear sets a place at your table and heartbreak seems to be in your every breath. Because by being grateful we become aware of all the ways God is working in us. Being grateful is a part of our healing and our deliverance. Being grateful is where our best selves reside.

Thank you for giving generously to support the ministry of Grace.  You may continue to mail your contributions to Grace Church, P.O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230.


Grace Sunday school

will resume

after Labor Day


Get a good start to the school year

Don't miss the




Please place your dedications in an envelope and include the name of the person you wish to honor.

Please note that your $35.00 contribution toward the flower purchase can be sent to the Grace Office or placed in the Offertory Collection.

An Episcopal Community in the Southern Berkshires
67 State Road/P.O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230

GRACE Parish Administrator: Ms. Jean Chapin
You can reach the church office by email[email protected] 
and by phone 413-644-0022.
The Rev. Tina Rathbone
revtina at
Mx. Annalise Clausen, Director of Farming for Gideon's Garden
Mr. Joel Jorgensen
Director of Programs for Gideon’s Garden
gideonsgarden at
Senior Warden ........Kathy Clausen
Junior Warden ........Pennie Curry
Treasurer ..................Sue Gore
Clerk ...........................Mary Anne Grammer

Class of 2023..........Dindy Anderson, Holly Murray, John Cheek
Class of 2024..........Anne Andrews, Dutch Pinkston
Class of 2025..........Cathy Haywood, Andrea White, Laura Jordahl

Tuesday's Child Editor Monique Kirchoff 
Associate Editor Kathy Clausen
Please send comments by emailing [email protected]
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