This summer we are exploring the travel narrative in the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus is heading on the road to Jerusalem. Along the road, there are many stories shared, experiences lived through, and relationships developed with disciples and communities. Throughout the summer we will be talking about “Lessons from the Road” that Luke wants us to learn about. Talk about the longest, inspiring, and sometimes the most confusing road trip of a lifetime! 

September 4: “How to Say Goodbye to Your Family”, Luke 14: 25-33

September 11: “Focus on What’s Important”, Luke 15: 1-10

September 18: “What does Money have to do with it?”, Luke 16:1-13

September 25: “How to Ask for Forgiveness”, Luke 16:19-31

In honor of road trips, we are encouraging you to share your favorite road trip song so we can play it in worship as our closing song!

Peace & Justice Festival Tabling 

Esther Short Park | September 10th | 9:30 AM- 5:30 PM

Church Partner’s Breakfast with Friends of the Carpenter

Friendship Center | September 15th | 7:30-8:30 AM

Rally Sunday 

OUMC | September 18th | 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM

Church Council Meeting 

OUMC | September 24th | 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Interested in Becoming a Member? 

OUMC Sanctuary | September 25th | Following Worship about 11:15 AM-12:15 PM

We’ve reviewed our membership roles and realized that some people aren’t members that we expected to be. We will be reaching out with invitations. 

World Communion Sunday 

OUMC Sanctuary | October 3rd | 10:00 AM

Ministry Team Retreat Gathering

OUMC | October 8th | 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Live Action Clue for Youth Group! 

Salmon Creek UMC | October 9th | 2:00 - 5:00 PM

“Planning Your Exit” Class 

Fellowship Hall | October 9th and 16th | Following Worship 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Have you ever wondered how to take care of your end-of-life planning so that your family won’t have so many questions or confusion over the business side of death? This class will be a time where you will have access to resources that you can work through to plan for your exit. 

  • Part 1: Business of Death (Living Wills, Legal Paperwork for Hospitals, and 5 Wishes)
  • Part 2: Celebration of Life (UMC Tradition, Your Options, and What will your legacy be?)

All-Saints Sunday 

OUMC Sanctuary | November 6th | 10:00 AM

If you would like to make sure your loved one's name is read out loud, please email Pastor Jessie at [email protected]. Also, we are encouraging people to bring an item or items that remind them of their loved ones that they want to celebrate during All-Saints.

Thanksgiving Potluck 

OUMC | November 13th | After Worship - 1:00 PM

Centering Prayer Life Group

Tuesday Evening | 6:30 - 8:00 PM | Zoom

Starting on Tuesday, August 30th, and continuing through November 8th our Tuesday Evening Centering Prayer Life Group plans to read and discuss The Story of a Soul, the autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux. Therese is also known as The Little Flower. Here's some info about her from Amazon:

Therese is the author of her own popular autobiography entitled The Story of a Soul, which she began writing in 1895, and she instituted a simple path to holiness now widely known as the "Little Way". She died of tuberculosis on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24 and was canonized only 28 years later, in 1925, by Pope Pius XI.

Our Life Group meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 9:00 via Zoom. Please feel free to join us. Contact Rod Allen at [email protected] for the Zoom link or if you have any questions.


Thursday Afternoon Life Group

1:00 PM- 3:00 PM | Fellowship Hall

We will be discussing "Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable" by Dr. William H. Marty. Contact Sharon McConnell with any questions [email protected] 

Heart _ Soul Crafters Image.png

Heart & Soul Crafters

September 1st| 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM | Fellowship Hall


If you're looking for a place to work on your current crafting project and great fellowship? Join the Heart & Soul Crafters! If you have questions contact Sherry Hibbs at (360) 518-9988.

Peace & Justice Festival Tabling 

Esther Short Park | September 10th | 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM

We need volunteers to help with set-up, take-down, and everything in between. Mostly your job as a tabler is to be friendly, outgoing, and connect with people in their own way! 

Friends of the Carpenter Tool Sale 

3rd Friday of the Month and Saturday of the Month, 10 am- 3 pm

The Orchards United Methodist Social Justice Team had decided to place articles in our monthly Sower in support of our Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. At this time, I am working out of the 2017-2020 booklet. Our goal is to offer no opinion but to bring information to our congregation on social issues our society is facing today. This is the first of such articles:

Health Care

"The United Methodist Church Social Principles states: begins on page 44 V.). Right to Health Care – Health is a condition of physical mental, social, and spiritual well-being. John 10:10b says, “I came so that they could have life – indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.” Stewardship of health is the responsibility of each person to whom health has been entrusted. Creating the personal environment, and social conditions in which health care can thrive is a joint responsibility of the public and private. We encourage individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle and affirm the importance of preventative health care, health education, environmental and occupational safety, good nutrition, and secure housing in achieving health. Health care is a basic human right.

The article will discuss briefly Washington State Health Care options and the federal legislation that has recently passed to support Health care is a basic human right.

As I look on our Washington State:, citizens who do not have private insurance provided by their employer, can easily find affordable plans to meet some of their needs. This includes Medicaid

options for those falling under the federal poverty guidelines:

At the federal level, the HR 5376 Inflation Reduction Act has just been passed by both the US House and Senate. In this bill they included a reduction of the costs of high-priced drugs. This language, publication of a list of high-priced drugs, timelines, exclusions, negotiations, and requirements for the drug companies will be amended into the Social Security Act, Title XI by adding after section 1184 (42 10 U.S.C. 1320e-3). You can read about this in the actual bill beginning on page 42 of HR 5376"

With gratitude – Your Social Justice Team and Wendee Shuell

If you are interested in learning more about our finances, a click on the button lets up access the latest report for our month of July written by our treasurer, Sherry Hibbs.

A highlight that we want to celebrate is that we are at 108% of our projected giving for the year. THANK YOU!

July Financial Report

Click on this link from Pastor Jessie working with Illahee Elementary School highlighting footage from her participation in cooking camp:

October Sower Deadline

If you have an article for the September Sower please submit it by end of day on September 25th to [email protected]

Office Hours

  • The office will be closed for Labor Day Week, Monday, September 5th.
  • Deidra will not be available in the office from Aug 31st - Sept 9th. But we will have office volunteers! 

Support Our New Neighbors!

Little Beginners Christian Preschool has opened for business! They would love to meet you, and your family and share about the amazing opportunities your children or grandchildren could have by joining this preschool.

We are so excited to be sharing space with these incredible teachers and community partners. Come and see the new space and how our old building has been given a new life!

Email Jennifer with your questions! 

Click here to find us online!