Samhain (“Summer’s End”)-October 31 2022
5th Quarterly from the Ziraat Council
Note from the Council
I came to your shore as a stranger
I lived in your house as a guest
I leave your door as a friend, my earth
Dear Friends

What a beautiful vision to leave the earth`s door as a friend, having experienced the rhythms and cycles of the seasons, and having become intimate with the web of life from which we are inseparatable, and having lived a life fully with light and dark, sunshine and rain, joy and grief.
There is a human tendency to love the warm, sunny times and try to escape the cold and dark.
But life on earth contains both.
This newsletter is an invitation to befriend the decay of the season. As the Poet Rilke writes, 
Lord, it is time. The summer was full and rich.
Lay your shadow on the sundials, and on the fields let loose the winds.
Let us all attune to the darker season, exploring it`s gifts and it´s mystery. For those of you in the Southern hemisphere, please join us even though all is blooming around you. The Mystery is timeless. Poetry may inspire us on this journey.
Fading Leaf

Every flower yearns towards fruit
Every morning wants to fade into evening.
There is nothing eternal on earth
Except change, except flight.

Even the loveliest summer wants
To feel autumn and fading.
Hold still, leaf, patiently
When the wind comes to bear you away.

Play your game and do not resist,
Let it happen to you.
Let the wind, which breaks you,
Blow you home.
Hermann Hesse
Fall – the big Letting Go, giving in, dying.
Huge amounts of biomass (organic material) are taken care of by the destruents (decomposers).  Nothing in nature is ever wasted. Everything is perfectly recycled and prepared for nurturing the new life – when it´s time comes.
As Beings of the Earth our bodies also follow that natural process once we die. Everything our earthly body is made of, perfectly fits into this cycle of nature.
Earth to Earth – Ashes to Ashes – Dust to Dust
Life, as we know it, ends here. Not so easy for us humans to agree to this part of the cycle. We miss our loved ones and grieve deeply. Our own transience and mortality may come into our awareness and be scary.
The first breath of the approach of death brings a chill to our hearts.
We protest our willingness to die, we refuse our content to this great and terrible image of darkness and despair.
We run to and fro and bewail the hour of our birth, since it has led us to this wall!
Ruth St. Denis, The Lamp
Possibly we don´t agree so easily as we feel that we are multidimensional beings and that there is more to us than our earthly bodies. Wisdom teachings help us dive into the mystery of the threshold of life. Opening to a broader view on the journey of the soul, the poem from Ruth St. Denise continues,
But Behold! The hope and faith of all the ages has not failed.
For there upon the high horizon of the soul
Appears the lamp of eternity...."
 Ruth St. Denis, The Lamp

Maybe death`s hour too will send us out
New-born towards undreamed-of-lands
Maybe life´s call to us will never find an end.
Courage, my heart, take leave and fare thee well. 
Hermann Hesse
Everything changes but behind it rests an eternal one“ - Goethe

And you thought you were dust now you find you are breath - Rumi

Many of the great beings have spoken about the souls journey as it enters life – journeys through life – and then leaves this earthly body behind to travel on. So we celebrate the last farewell on earth. Naturally we wish well to those who have gone, and send blessings with them on their journey. We really don’t know what is behind the horizon, but we hope that new worlds arise and that life continues for them in a new form in a new way.

In these days around Samhain it is believed that the veil is thin between the worlds. Possibly our inner senses become more open and receptive when we open to the deep letting go of the season, and when we allow darkness to open our eyes in a new way.

In celebrating the cycle of the seasons, Samhain always has been an important ritual for me. Traditionally I go out alone, or with a group, into the dark woods and sit there in stillness. I light a little candle to honour our ancestors and spend time in this atmosphere. As I look out into the dark woods and see other little lights here and there, it feels so appropriate to me that humans sit in the dark and open to this deep mystery. For me it is an experience beyond words, and one that keeps living within me. It draws me out into the dark every time Samhain comes around. It is a ritual where I always feel my ancestors close.

When my father died he left me some woodland. In one graveyard I came across this inscription from Goethe, "What you have inherited from your ancestors, realize it in order to come into your own!" As the new owner of this land, I took on the responsibility of becoming familiar with it and all the living beings who had lived there. I attune to the soul of the land and feel my ancestors who have been on this land for generations. The trees they planted are huge by now. All forestry that I do will be seen by those who come after me. What a blessed connection with this multidimensional web of life!
Beings of the earth – Beings of light
You who have have gone before – you still to come
We are all part of the one living Earth
Together we weave the web of life.
Alima, on behalf of the Ziraat Council
From Our Ziraat Website
By Mirabai WolfWillow

This is an invitation to open the Book of Nature in a specific way. It is the way of relationship. This is a practice of the heart, of attention, and of following the thread of your own unfolding into a mystery.

Excerpts from Ziraat Reader
To the eye of the seer every leaf of the tree is a page of the Holy Book that contains divine revelation, and he is inspired every moment of his life by reading and understanding the holy script of nature.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Murshid SAM used to say quite often, 'One of the purposes of the Sufi Message is to restore not the “ancient” but the eternal mysteries.’ Perhaps one aspect of the Ziraat work will be to resurrect the Nature mysteries of Pan, the Green Man, the Great Mother, and others.
Moineddin Jablonski (1997)
The burial of the body symbolizes the planting of a seed. Nourished by the love and prayers of family and friends, the atmosphere becomes fragrant with memories of times shared with the loved one on earth.
Moineddin Jablonski, Sept. 10, 1998
Bardo Teachings: the Elements
from “The Process of Dissolution,”—Venerable Kalu Rinpoche

The physical body that we now experience is composed of five elements or five elemental qualities: earth, water, fire, air or wind, and space
Regardless of whether we are thinking of them as something ultimately real or not, to a great extent our experience while in the physical body is due to the interaction of these elements
At a certain point, of course, this composite system is going to start to break down. The body begins to die. When this happens there is a dissolution of these elemental qualities, one into the other, from the grossest to the more subtle. So the process of this dissolution is earth element into water, water into fire, fire into air, air into space, space into consciousness and consciousness into voidness or emptiness...                                                                                                                                                        

Ziraat Reader (Part 1), pages 9, 42, 46 - 48
Ziraati Changemakers
By Bodhi Be

The Earth has cradled us all our life. No matter what we eat, it comes from the earth.
The dead feed life. In witnessing the cycles and flow of nature, we see life and death in a continuous dance, inseparable. Death feeding life. Life dependent on death.
We, as nature and in harmony with nature, gladly return our bodies to the earth as offering and food to feed that which has fed us our entire lives. Going home.

Keeping Up

Decomposition is part of the natural order of life. This process consists of organisms breaking down the dead and decaying parts of the environment and reducing it to base nutriens. Then returning it to the living ecosystem.

Dead stuff: The secret ingredient in our food chain - John C. Moore

Samhain, ( Halloween) is upon us, the Celtic New Year when the dark days will enter. A time for inner contemplation. Here is a wee video explaining the origins and also to give a better understanding of Celtic knots and traditions by Joe Keane, storyteller of Celtic Revival in Medford Ma.

Attuning with songs to Samhain

'Ancestors Old' - A song for Samhain by Nickomo and Rasullah;

Samhain song by Lisa Theil
May this season be an invitation for:
Spending time in nature - even if the weather may be uncomfortable
Welcoming the darkness
Honoring the ancestors in a way that feels meaningful to you
Dealing with death and dying
Receiving the special gifts this season has to offer
And let us be aware that as on the Northern hemisphere we attune to the darker season, on the other side of the world the return of the new light is welcomed.

May we be open for the gifts of the ever changing life on earth
To be of the Earth is to know
the restlessness of being a seed
the darkness of being planted
the struggle toward the light
the pain of growth into the light
the joy of bursting and bearing fruit
the love of being food for someone
the scattering of your seeds
the decay of the seasons
the mystery of death and
the miracle of birth.                           
John Soos

I am living a life I don’t regret
A life that will resonate with my Ancestors
And with as many generations forward as I can imagine.
I am attending to the the crisis of my time with my best self,
I am of communities that are doing our collective best 
To honor our ancestors and all humans to come.
Adrienne Maree Brown
All Photos in this newsletter by Silke Alima Stoeckel