Rayne Weekly News

November 1, 2022

We Welcome All!

We warmly welcome all to worship on Sundays at 8:45a & 11a (online & on-site) and to participate freely in the life of this community of faith and love, and to become a member of this congregation. Rayne welcomes and embraces all people regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation with open hearts, open minds, and open doors!
Services are at 8:45a and 11a in Rayne's Historic Sanctuary and on Facebook Live.
Click Here for Worship Guides
Click Here for Online Worship

Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness

A Testimony of Stewardship

"Sell all that you have, and give the money to the poor." According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, these are the words of Jesus spoken to a young man who would be known, ever after, as The Rich Young Ruler. These words make me feel uncomfortable; maybe you also feel uncomfortable!

In the second stained glass window to my right, we have a wonderful depiction of Jesus in conversation with The Rich Young Ruler regarding that young man's priorities.                                                                                                             

Gazing at this window, I hear Jesus saying: Libby, sell all that you have and give the money to the poor, and then, "Come and Follow Me" -- the words inscribed in this window -- "Come and Follow Me."                                                           

I hear Jesus speaking to me, and behold, The Gospel comes to life! Thank goodness, we know that Jesus was the Best Storyteller Ever, and he used exaggeration as a literary device to make His point. We do not literally have to sell everything and donate the proceeds. But Hark! Jesus clearly intended to get everyone's full attention. So, what was His point? I believe Jesus wants us to live faithfully and abundantly, to love steadfastly and joyfully, and to give generously and cheerfully. So, live and love and give. Jesus's words about finances are radical, irrational, and entirely consistent with his overall message of outrageous, extravagant love and mercy: "Turn the other cheek." "If someone takes your coat, give him your cloak also." Jesus's way of living, loving, and giving simply is not rational.

Here is my story: Before I was born, my parents, as a young couple, took a leap of faith and began making meaningful church pledges based on their finances. I'm showing my age with this parlance, but I was "born into the church." My husband Mark also was "born into the church." Mark and I both grew up in traditional Christian homes. And to this very day, Mark and I continue to be inspired by Mark's amazing mother, now age 93, still faithfully making her church pledge, still cheerfully placing her checks in the offering plate!

So over forty years ago, on the one hand, it seemed natural for Mark and me, as a young couple, to follow in our parents' footsteps, take a leap of faith, and make a meaningful church pledge. On the other hand, I must say, pledging that way was and, in fact, still is irrational! But now, over forty years later, it is the easiest thing in tthe world for me to tell you all that joining Rayne and pledging to this church are two of the very best decisions Mark and I have ever made.

If you previously have not made a church pledge, for whatever reason, I ask you to pray, meditate, and take a leap of faith! According to Scripture, the faith of a tiny mustard seed is enough -- that's another exaggeration in Scripture, to help get the point across to us. You absolutely will experience a deeper faith and spiritual connection to the Body of Christ when you pledge to Rayne's ministry. 

Meanwhile, our city and our planet have many serious needs; countless organizations conduct fundraising campaigns. Church stewardship is not a cause but, instead, is a clarion call to discipleship -- an important part of our personal spiritual journeys.

We don't have any quotes from Jesus instructing us to build and preserve churches, but I believe our beautiful 19th C. church, in the heart of this city, with these inspiring windows and our lighted steeple, draws us closer to God and to each other. And I believe we are called to preserve our historic church "for such a time as this" and for those who will come after us, while focusing simultaneously, wholeheartedly on ministry.

I have one more important comment: our ministers and professional musicians are the very best, and we thank God for their leadership in worship and ministry. And, of course, together we have the sacred financial responsibility and privilege of paying the salaries of our wonderful ministers and church staff.

I keep Rayne in my prayers, always, that TOGETHER we will live abundantly, love steadfastly, and give, as Jay often says, generously, cheerfully, even sacrificially. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

~ Libby Adams

Mission Market: Coming Soon!

Come one, come all!

For more information and to volunteer, please contact Rosemary Pic

Rayne's Church Council

Today, 6p

Epiphany House, Sun Room

Zoom link available: Contact Jay

Sunday School Opportunity

Stewardship: 2022 - 2023

Pledges Continue! 

What a great start: almost 70 pledges for prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness! And $400,000 pledged so far! 

Consider sharing your pledge here: 

stewardship commitment

The School for Contemplative Living

The School for Contemplative Living hosts many small groups and retreats. To see all of the opportunities, go to theschoolforcontemplativeliving.com 

For more information or to register for any of the classes, email SCL.

Register Today! 

We invite your presence, as we are present to peace and compassion.

All are welcome. Please join us:  RSVP

Church Directory: At Your Fingertips

Looking for the Rayne Church Directory?

Available as an app for a few more days. For information and instructions, contact Carol

Family Photos

Sundays, Nov. 6 & 13 

Sunday School Hour

Reserve your time with Rayne's photographer, Hannah. Donations for your photo will benefit Rayne's Food Pantry and our children's ministry. 

RSVP: Hannah

Join the Rayne Train

Rayne Train Begins Again

Nov. 2 and continues each Wednesday

@ 6:17a

Walkers and joggers: join a group from our church as we make tracks around Audubon Park! We will find just the right pace. 

For more information: Jay

National Novel Writing Month @ Rayne

All Writers Welcome

Join us for a unique experience of literary connection. Our church has a small group signed up, and you are also invited!

Register here: National Writing Month

Annual Uptown Interfaith Service

Mark Your Calendar! 

Tuesday, Nov 22, 6pm

Touro Synagogue

Together with our neighbors, we will join in praying, singing and sharing our gratitude. 

For more information: Jay

COVID Testing

Rayne continues to host a Curative van offering no cost, appointment preferred COVID-19 testing available in our Circle Drive!


9:30a - 3p

Now through Nov. 4th

Make an appointment by clicking here. Walk ups are currently available.

Prayer List

We pray for healing for —

Ann Meese, John DeCell, Jeff & Barbara Duke, Banks Duke (Jeff & Barbara's grandchild), Dione May (Niece of Mabel Thomas), Jim Jeter, Ray Cook, Martha Gatlin, Betty Gerstner, Richard Moore, Kevin Horne, Diane Peck, Judy Mastainich, Stephanie Stennett, Sandy Reed (Sister of Brenda Frey), Andrew McLetchie, Skylar Boyle (Grandson of Cheryl and Jay Livingston), Carolyn Delle (Friend of Deborah Fagan), and Sulochana Mandhare (Mother of Usha Mandhare). 

If you would like to share prayer requests, email them to Nancy Hopkins. Or mail a note to the church addressed with "Attention: Prayer Team." Please indicate if the request is public (shared in the newsletter) or private (supplied to the Intercessory Prayer Group).

Giving at Rayne
Give a Gift
Pledge for 2023
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