Serving the San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, San Fernando, and Santa Clarita

Valley Industry & Commerce Association ||

March 22, 2024

In This Issue

  • VICA Victory! Voters Approve Proposition 1
  • VICA Travels to Sacramento for Advocacy
  • VICA's Week of Advocacy
  • VICA Takes Stance on State Legislation

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Sacramento Advocacy Day - 4/10

VICA University - 4/11

Women in Leadership Breakfast - 4/26

"Organized retail theft harms businesses, retailers, and consumers - and puts the public at risk. Organized retail crime has been plaguing our state for far too long... The California Department of Justice and its partners will continue fighting to keep our communities, businesses, and consumers safe from retail theft and other crimes."

Attorney General Rob Bonta

Statement on Felony Charges Against Three Suspects in an Organized Retail Crime Ring that Targeted High-End Retail Stores

VICA Victory! Proposition 1 Passes, Reforming our Mental Health and Drug Prevention System

California voters have approved Proposition 1, signaling a significant step towards addressing our state's mental health and homelessness crises.

With the measure's passage, announced Wednesday, a $6.4-billion bond will fund 10,000 treatment and housing beds throughout California while reconfiguring existing funding to include drug addiction treatment.

VICA supports the implementation of Proposition 1 as it aligns with our desire for effective solutions to combat our residents' toughest challenges. The initiative represents an urgent need for reform in our mental health and homelessness systems, and it calls for meaningful collaboration at all government levels to succeed.

So, as we work towards executing Proposition 1, VICA is dedicated to working with state and local leaders as part of that crucial, collective effort to make a positive difference on the lives of those struggling with mental health issues and homelessness.

VICA Travels for Another Round of Sacramento Advocacy

From Left to Right: VICA President Stuart Waldman, Sarah Sheehy (KB Home), Assemblymember Bill Essayli, Jim Thiering (Mission Community Hospital), and Jim Garrison (Mesa Pacific)

This Tuesday, VICA members traveled to Sacramento to meet with elected officials as the Legislature began to hear various proposals in the first committee meetings of the year.

The VICA Delegation met with various legislators, including Senator Anthony Portantino and Assemblymembers Miguel Santiago, Marie Waldron, and Bill Essayli. VICA also met with Senator Dave Cortese's staff and the staff of Assemblymembers Dawn Addis, Josh Hoover, Kevin McCarty, Dr. Corey Jackson, and Minority Leader James Gallagher.

During VICA's advocacy trip, members discussed VICA's support for repealing California's "ABC" test for independent contractors, the Sustainable Communities Strategy, Manufacturing Tax Credits, and increased regulation of online marketplaces. VICA also opposed various legislative proposals that seek to expand unemployment insurance to striking workers, contracting and prevailing wage requirements against the UC system, local restrictions on autonomous vehicles, state-mandated healthcare coverage, and expanded private civil action authorities.

VICA members with Assemblymember Miguel Santiago

VICA members with Senator Anthony Portantino

VICA members with Assemblymember Marie Waldron

VICA with Assemblymember Luz Rivas

VICA's Week of Advocacy

VICA Supports Sportsmen's Lodge Project

On Tuesday, VICA attended LA City Council's Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, where we spoke in support of The Residences at Sportmen's Lodge, a transformative project that will benefit Studio City and the entire Los Angeles community.

Midwood Investment & Development, a Studio City business, seeks to invest millions of dollars to address LA city's critical housing needs by adding 520 new residences, including 78 units for very low-income residents.

This mixed-use development along Ventura Blvd. will revitalize the area with new retail, dining, and community spaces while providing safer pedestrian access and reducing traffic congestion. It will also create a new gathering place and access point for the Los Angeles River.

The PLUM committee voted 4 to 0 to support the project, advancing it to the full council for hearing.

VICA Supports AT&T's Requests to Modernize State's Communication Networks

On Tuesday, VICA called in to a hearing held by The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to speak in support of two requests by AT&T: being relieved from their Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligations in specific California areas, and relinquishing their designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC).

COLR obligations mandate that telecommunications providers offer basic telephone service, such as landline service, to all customers in designated areas. AT&T seeks to withdraw as the COLR in certain areas without designating a replacement carrier. 

AT&T advocates for modernizing California's communication networks, emphasizing benefits such as bridging the digital divide and transitioning from outdated, costly, and inefficient copper networks to modern technologies like fiber-optic broadband. Customers will maintain home phone and 911 access during the transition, and AT&T stresses that their CPUC application is just the initial step in a multi-year process — including an FCC review — to ensure that customers have access to adequate replacement services.

The schedule for CPUC to make its final decision on AT&T’s requests has been postponed until at least April 30, the deadline for other providers to express interest in becoming the COLR for at least one census block group currently covered by the company.

VICA Takes Stance on

State Legislation

Assembly Bill 2288 (Kalra) Labor Code Enforcement: Private Civil Actions- OPPOSE

VICA opposes Assembly Bill 2288, introduced by Assemblymember Kalra, as it exacerbates the flaws of the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) by expanding the authority of courts to award injunctive or declaratory relief in private civil actions.

Currently, aggrieved employees can bring civil actions for violations of the Labor Code either individually or on behalf of others. PAGA has become a tool exploited by trial attorneys for profit, resulting in excessive and frivolous claims against employers. Since 2013, over $10 billion in settlements have been reported, with a significant portion directed to attorneys rather than aggrieved employees.

AB 2288 would expand PAGA's scope, further exacerbating the burden for businesses, nonprofits, and public entities.

Senate Bill 1144 (Skinner): Marketplaces: Online Marketplaces - SUPPORT

VICA supports Senator Skinner's Senate Bill 1144, which aims to enhance consumer protection and law enforcement efforts by imposing stricter regulations on online marketplaces regarding the sale of goods. These regulations establish measures to verify the legitimacy of products sold, prevent the sale of stolen goods, and create a comprehensive database for law enforcement use.

With the rise of online platforms, the illegal trade of stolen merchandise has become widespread, posing significant challenges to law enforcement while eroding consumer trust in e-commerce. The proliferation of online marketplaces has provided criminal networks with a platform to engage in organized retail crime, resulting in a significant increase in the sale of stolen goods. This illicit activity threatens public safety and undermines the integrity of e-commerce platforms.

SB 1144 enhances accountability in online marketplaces to combat the sale of stolen goods, empowers law enforcement, and protects consumers. It requires sellers to meet legal standards, establishes the COMAT system for collaboration with authorities, and disrupts organized crime networks.


VICA Thanks Our Renewing & New Members!

Renewing Members

Platinum Members

Silver Member



Sacramento Advocacy Days

Wednesday, April 10 | All Day

Wednesday, May 8 and 9 | Two Day Trip

VICA's regular advocacy trips to the State Capitol are crucial for ensuring that the voice of the business community is heard by legislators.

These members-only trips allow attendees to interact directly with statewide elected officials, discussing the issues that are vital to our members. Join VICA in Sacramento for one of our monthly advocacy trips, and don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard on how legislation affects your company/organization!

Click Here to Register for April 10
Click Here to Register for May 8 and 9

VICA University

New 2024 California Labor Laws

Thursday, April 11, at the VICA Office

from 8:30 to 10:30 AM

VICA invites you to an informative 90-minute program on Thursday, April 11, with Sue Bendavid from Lewitt Hackman, covering new employment laws for 2024.

Sue Bendavid represents employers in employment-related litigation, counseling, and transactions, including employee claims prevention and management training and individual and class action lawsuits. As a California employment attorney who advocates employer preparation and litigation prevention, Bendavid provides in-house training on sexual harassment, discrimination, hiring and firing practices, proper disciplinary methods, leave of absence management and other employee-related topics.

If you want to participate in our VICA University program, please click the button below to complete your registration. If this program does not directly benefit you but would benefit your company, please forward this information to your HR department.

Register Here!

Save the Date

Extraordinary Women in Leadership Breakfast

Friday, April 26

Sheraton Universal Hotel

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Click Here for For More Information or To Register

Land Use Committee

Tuesday, April 9

8:30 to 10:30 AM

Hosted by The Garland


Aviation Committee

Tuesday, April 16

Noon to 2:00 PM

Hosted by Aeroplex-Aerolease


VICA In the News

Sportsmen's Lodge Mixed-Use Project is One Step Closer to Final Approval

Los Angeles Daily News | March 19

Hot News

LA County Using AI to Prevent Homelessness

Officials in LA County are using AI technology to predict who will most likely lose their housing - and then stepping in to help those people with their rent, utility bills, car payments, and more. The program has served more than 700 clients since 2021, with 86% retaining their housing. It comes at a time when, as of January, more than 180,000 people across the state were experiencing homelessness.

Crackdown on Short-Term Rentals in Unincorporated LA County

Airbnb and other short-term rentals in unincorporated areas will be restricted to hosts who are renting out their primary residence under a proposal that gained preliminary approval from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. Officials say the rentals have proliferated across the county's unincorporated areas, sometimes leaving a trail of communal disruptions.

Biden Proposes Tax Increase on Fuel for Private Jets

President Biden is proposing a huge increase in fuel taxes for private jets, which his administration is pitching as a fairness issue compared with airline passengers who pay special taxes on every ticket. The proposal, released Tuesday, was included in a $109.3 billion budget request for the U.S. Department of Transportation, although its fate before Congress is uncertain.

LA Could Eliminate 2,000 Vacant Jobs to Close Budget Gap

The LA City Budget, Finance, and Innovation Committee voted 3-0 on Thursday to support cost-saving measures to balance the budget after hearing the City Administrative Officer discuss the Third (mid-year) Financial Status Report. The review anticipated impacts to the 2024-25 fiscal year budget cycle as a result of overspending, new labor contracts, and revenues coming in below projections.

Member Messages

Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!

VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.


Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the

San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,

Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.

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