Contact to sponsor Oneg or Flowers for Shabbat.

Scroll down to read more about our exciting Oneg Chavurah!  

Friday Night Services for Ki Tavo

September 27 at 7:30pm

On Zoom Only

Shabbes Beat led by Cantor Bernstein

Drash by Britta Promrantz

Register Here for Zoom Service

Meeting ID: 886 7131 3838

Saturday Morning Service

September 28 at 10:00am

Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person

Join the Zoom Meeting. 

Meeting ID: 365 434 855

Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.

Everyone who registered for High Holy Days, including S'lichot, will receive more detailed information (such as Zoom links) on Friday!

Community, Let's Get Together!

S'lichot: Entering the Season

Saturday, September 28, 7:30-9pm, Zoom Only

New to S'lichot? This is your year! The High Holy Days don't begin with Rosh Hashanah...they begin with S'lichot! Join a spiritual and community experience that will lead us into the chaggim with joy, reflection, and the music of the season.  

7:30 - 8:00pm - Rabbi Copeland and Cantor Bernstein will explore the art of the apology by reading some of the most atrocious ones from recent years, write our own MadLibs Apology Letter, and learn some traditional Jewish texts about apologizing. 

8:00 - 9:00pm - S'lichot service led by Cantor Bernstein and Susan Leff, with an original S'lichot Story by Maggid Eli Ramer

Register here

Beyond Voting for the President: A pre-election discussion about state & SF propositions

Monday, October 14, 7-8:30pm, Hybrid

Join other SZ members and friends as we have a facilitated discussion about state and SF propositions. Bring endorsements from your favorite political clubs and media sources. For more information, contact Karen Schiller or Ora Prochovnick.

Co-sponsored by the Social Action Committee.

Register here

Solidarity Rally with UnXeptable and ARZA

Sunday, September 29, 11am at Civic Center Plaza in SF

Bring Them Home Alive! Seal the Deal! End the War! Join UnXeptable and ARZA in solidarity with the majority of Israelis calling for a hostage deal! With hundreds of thousands taking to the streets, we will join them from here to demand action to return the hostages! This is a family-friendly event. Bring your signs, flags, and everything that makes noise.

Event page

Journey to Judaism

Six Tuesdays: October 22, November 19, December 17, January 21, February 18, March 18, 7-9 pm, in person at Sha’ar Zahav

This monthly discussion group will explore issues that arise for people who are considering converting to Judaism. Those with a Jewish parent but raised with little or no Jewish experience and who are interested in exploring their connection to Judaism are also welcome! Pre-registration required. For further information, or to register, please contact Kerasa Tsokas, Director of Administration.

Learn With Us!

Beginning Hebrew in Non-Binary Times

Mondays, October 21 - December 9 (not 11/18), plus Shabbat evening Friday, December 13, 6:30-8:30pm, Hybrid (at SZ and on Zoom)

Beginning Hebrew with a regular garnish of genderqueer linguistics. People of all genders and backgrounds are welcome! We'll cover all letters and vowels, with beginning vocabulary and grammar. And we'll explore how Hebrew is expanding through feminist, trans and non-binary creativity. Taught by Rabbi Reuben Zellman.

Register here

Learning to Read the Prayer Book

Thursdays, October 31-December 19 (not 11/28) on Zoom

A continuation of our beginning Hebrew class, this course is for students who have already learned the Hebrew alphabet and know some basic vocabulary. This class will provide opportunities to practice reading and decoding Hebrew, and expand your Hebrew vocabulary. Taught by Michael Lederman.

Register here

Judaism 101

Starting October 29th, 7-9pm, on Zoom

Judaism 101 is an introduction to Judaism for people who are new or returning to Judaism and are looking for a starting point to dive into Jewish learning and/or Jewish practice. Anyone from any background is welcome. Our learning will be interactive and communal; come ready to be in the learning with us. This fall module will focus on the Jewish calendar (including Shabbat and holidays); Prayer and Spiritual Life; and Lifecycles.  

Register here

High Holy Days

Bring your full self — and your friends and family — to gather, reflect and recharge. It will be a wonderful opportunity to Be Yourself and Be with Us. See our High Holy Day Website for all the details and to register. Registration is required.

Trans* & Teshuvah: Preparing Our Souls

Friday, September 27, 6:15pm, Zoom Only

As the High Holy Days approach, all trans, non-binary and intersex folks are invited to join us for a Zoom - only gathering of brief study, reflection and conversation. You'll be invited (but not required) to share your own intentions, prayers and reflections. Facilitated by Rabbi Reuben, prior to the monthly Zoom-only Kabbalat Shabbat service.

Register here

Honey Cake Baking

Sunday, September 29, 2pm

in-person at Alex and Martin's house in Diamond Heights

Members Only

Master baker Alex Ingersoll will provide guidance for making a MOIST honey cake for online (and in-person) participants. He will also share tested recipes for two additional Rosh Hashanah cakes — a caramelized apple-honey upside-down cake and a pear & pecan honey cake. There is limited space for members to join in-person. Instructions for signing up, downloading Alex’s recipes, and baking and delivery for the oneg are provided upon registration. To participate, sign up here

October 7th Memorials

A Sha'ar Zahav October 7th Memorial: A Year of Loss

Monday, October 7, 6-6:45pm, on Zoom only

Members only

A year has passed since the atrocities of Oct. 7th, 2023. Join Rabbi Mychal Copeland and member Adam Pollack for a Ma’ariv (evening) memorial service where we will reflect on and grieve the Israelis slain on October 7, and mourn the deaths of Israeli and Palestinian civilians during the conflict over the past year.

If you are able to have a yahrzeit candle or other kind of light at home, we'll have a chance to light it together. In community, we will process our immense sorrow and loss.

Register here

San Francisco October 7 Yizkor Memorial Service

Monday, October 7, 7pm, in-person at Congregation Emanu-El

Open to all

This Yizkor (Memorial) service will be led by Rabbis and Cantors from Congregations Am Tikvah, Beth Sholom, Emanu-El, Ner Tamid, Sha'ar Zahav, Sherith Israel, and JCCSF, including our own Cantor Sharon Bernstein.

Please join us as we come together as one community to remember, honor, and mourn those killed during the attack of October 7, 2023. We appreciate the support of our San Francisco Jewish community partners: the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Family and Children's Services, and the Contemporary Jewish Museum.

Registration is required

Recurring Gatherings and Meetings

 Theater & Movies Chavurah: 

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Sunday, October 6, 6:00pm on Zoom

We will not meet in September so our next meeting will be October 6. The next film will be “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.” It’s the story of a socially awkward teenage boy who together with another boy befriends a classmate (Emily) after she is diagnosed with cancer. Emily also happens to be Jewish. The film premiered at Sundance in 2015 to rave reviews and it comes with a strong recommendation from Barry Pearl. It’s currently available with a subscription on HBO, YouTube, Hulu or on Apple TV for $3.99.

Join us: Zoom Link

Climate Action Committee

5:30-6:30pm on Zoom

October meeting: October 7th

November meeting: November 18th

Starting December: 2nd Monday of the month

Come share your ideas on how to maintain climate awareness and take action on climate at SZ, including learning of a climate-related State proposition we can all support. We'll also talk about coordinating with other SZ social justice committees. All ideas welcome!

Hope to see you there. Contact Deborah Levy.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

SZ Book Group

The Cost of Free Land: Jews, Lakota, and an American Inheritance, by Rebecca Clarren

Tuesday, November 12, 7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom

There’s a place in South Dakota some locals still call “Jew Flats.” The US government gave this land “free” to Clarren’s ancestors – but it was land the government seized from the Lakota. Clarren explores the tangled history of Jews fleeing Russian persecution and the Lakota whose land they settled on. 

Join the Meeting: Zoom link


Weekly Torah Study Group

Weekly on Wednesday


We are coming close to the end of this Torah reading cycle. But haven't you wondered about what happens next? On October 23 (the day before Simchat Torah), instead of cycling back to the beginning of the Torah, we will move on to the Prophets (Nevi'im). And if that goes well, on to the Writings (Ketuvim). Drop-ins welcome, no experience with text study necessary.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Weekday Morning Prayer

Weekly on Tuesdays


Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. Contact Cantor Bernstein.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link


Can you do a mitzvah for someone in our community?

Hineni, our caring community at SZ, is in great need of more volunteers (and in more Bay area regions!) to meet the caring needs of our community. If you can help by making a call, helping with an errand, making a home visit, or offering a ride; please fill out this form so we can better match you to members and their needs.

Social Action Committee

The first Monday (unless a holiday) of the month

6:00pm on Zoom

On fair elections, welcoming the stranger, secure housing and food, ending gun violence, and more! Want to join us? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Neil Young.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Food Creates Community!

Please join our new Oneg Chavurah with other Sha’ar Zahav members who volunteer to cook, bake or shop to assure we have a plentiful and delicious oneg each week. We’re also building a library of recipes and menus and would welcome your contributions. From now through September, you can sign up to organize, cook, bake or shop — once or many times. 

To learn more, please email

Caregiver's Group

1st Wednesday of the month, 7-8:30pm on Zoom

Are you a caregiver for someone in your life? A parent, relative, spouse? Christina Irving of the Family Caregiver Alliance leads our monthly Caring for the Caregivers group. If you are interested, please reach out to Rabbi Copeland. Find out more about the Alliance here.

Disability and Accessibility Committee

If you identify as disabled, are exploring that identity or have a loved one with a disability and are interested in joining the Disability and Accessibility Committee, please reach out to the committee for more information. If you are interested in learning more about disability and how you can become a better ally, stay tuned for educational events to come!

12-Step Meetings by and for SZ Members

Weekly on Thursdays

5:00-6:00pm on Zoom

Join SZ's 12-step group at our new time for some pre-High Holiday reflection in the spirit of recovery! Meetings are open to everyone in our wider SZ community (and the Bay Area Jewish recovery community), and we welcome folks who are members of any 12-step fellowship (AA, NA, Alanon, CMA, etc.). Join us this Thursday at 5pm and use this zoom link. Questions? Email Erika Katske.

L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors

Last Monday night of each month, 6pm

Members Only

L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors is a Sha'ar Zahav working group that provides our members with support, knowledge, and dialogue skills that deepen our relationship with the land and peoples of Israel and Palestine, and to advance understanding and healing within our Jewish community. You do not need to come with any previous knowledge of the topics we may discuss or with any set viewpoints. In fact, we encourage all to come with open ears and a learner’s mindset. Led by Rachel Nilson-Ralston. Contact the office to add yourself to the listserv.

Mussar Discussion Group

Bi-weekly on Thursdays


Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! Contact Mark Pressler.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Meditation Chavurah

1st Saturday of the month


Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Hiking Chavurah

2nd Saturday of the month, 9:50am

Join other Sha’ar Zahavniks on monthly urban hikes – mostly in SF but we sometimes venture farther afield. This is a great way to get to know other SZ members while exploring the city and beyond. The hikes usually last about two hours. Email Karen Schiller and Deanne Edwards.

Birthdays this week!

Frank Michael Post 9/26

Gregg Biggs 9/26

Lynne Piade 9/27

Arthur Cohen 9/28

James Frazin 9/28

Sadie Joelle Post 9/28

Carol Dawson Rose 9/29

Judith Wolfe 9/29

Evan Arnold-Gordon 10/1

Beth Rubenstein 10/1

While we strive for all our events to be mixed-access, this is not always possible. Some events are only in-person, and some are Zoom only. If you have any questions about a particular event, please contact the office, or the contact listed for the event.

Health and Safety Policies at 290 Dolores

Vaccinations and Masks

For the health and safety of our community, all who attend in-person services and events should be vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are unvaccinated, sick, or experiencing any symptoms of illness, please enjoy services and events via Zoom. While masks are not required at in-person services and events, we are mask-friendly and fully supportive of visitors, members, and service leaders who choose to wear masks. 

Fragrance-Free Environment

Sha’ar Zahav maintains a fragrance-free environment at all its in-person services and events. In order to support those who are physically harmed when exposed to chemical fragrances (difficulty breathing, migraines, flu-like symptoms), please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne or using other scented products. For more information on this subject, click here.
