Join us in Celebrating our 2024

TUYEP Graduates!

Thanks to your unwavering support, we have proudly been able to witness 40 students complete, and graduate from TUYEP (Tujijenge Youth Empowerment Program) this year. The first class of 2024 graduated in May and the second celebrated their program completion just weeks ago, marking five successful cohorts since the program began in 2022. 

These graduates stand as a testament to perseverance, hard work, and the pursuit of excellence, embodying TUYEP's commitment to fostering brighter futures for individuals and their communities. We couldn’t be more proud of each and every graduate.

September's graduation ceremony featured a sermon based on Proverbs 16:9, emphasizing the importance of placing our trust in the Lord as we pursue our dreams. This message is a beautiful reinforcement of the values that are central to TUYEP’s mission.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of YOU for your unwavering support and generosity, which are the cornerstones of TUYEP's enduring success.

Hear one of the graduate's speeches:

"In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps."

Proverbs 16:9

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