September 24, 2024

GoRaleigh Launches MicroLink in Rolesville

GoRaleigh launched MicroLink in Rolesville on September 16, 2024. Mayor Ronnie Currin, Commissioner Dan Alston, and Town Manager Eric Marsh participated in the maiden voyage.

The new service covers Rolesville and portions of Wake Forest, that are not currently serviced by a GoRaleigh fixed route. MicroLink is a shared, curb-to-curb, on-demand ride service that offers the convenience of a private ride with the efficiency and reliability of GoRaleigh public transit service.

The new service will operate Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be a free service for the first year of operations. The maximum number of passengers per ride is eight.

Riders can book a ride by calling (919) 996-3459 or by visiting the MicroLink app.

Rolesville BBQ & Bands Festival Kicks Off in Four Days

Are you ready for a day filled with great food and live music?

This Saturday, the Rolesville Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Town of Rolesville, is hosting the BBQ & Bands Festival. Along with live music and food, cooks will be facing off to see who can make the best BBQ at the festival.

This year, the festivities will be behind Sandford Creek Elementary School, right off Granite Falls Boulevard at 198 Scarboro Street.

Construction Delays at Main & Young Street Intersection

Based upon the original project schedule, the Young and Main Street intersection was scheduled to be reopened last week. Due to unforeseen underground and aerial utility conflicts that are resulting in additional needed coordination with Dominion Energy, Duke Energy, NCDOT, City of Raleigh Utilities, NCDEQ, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and private developers, construction activities have been delayed.

Rest assured, the project team is aware of the burdensome impacts of the intersection closure on residents, property owners and business owners and is working diligently to correct these encountered problems to ensure construction can continue on this important project. We ask for continued patience as we work through the following challenges: 

  • City of Raleigh Waterline – During storm drainage installation, it was determined that the existing City of Raleigh waterline was in disrepair and needed to be relocated. Multiple leaks have been encountered and additional coordination is underway with the City and Fred Smith Company to repair the problems. 
  • Underground fuel tank – A fuel tank was discovered at the intersection that needs to be remedied per NCDEQ guidelines. Coordination is currently underway. Additional underground exploration is anticipated to determine the level of contamination and steps to mitigate and avoid.
  • Gas line relocation – The gas line relocation was delayed because of the discovery of the underground fuel tank which was in conflict. 
  • Service line sewer and water locations – Some existing utilities were not shown on utility reference plans and were therefore not depicted on design plans. Additional coordination is underway with City Utilities, design engineers, property owners and the contractor.  

The date of the planned partial intersection opening, which now involves maintaining a through lane on Main Street without the ability to turn onto either side of Young Street, is now tentatively scheduled for October 4th, 2024, barring additional weather delays and other unforeseen conflicts.

Work will continue along Young Street while Main Street is open to traffic. Future lane closures along Main Street and another temporary intersection closure will be needed to address the issues noted above and finish the work required for this project. Lane closures will have flagging provided and the future temporary intersection closure dates will be communicated to the Town as the conflicts noted above are resolved.   

As always, please reach out with any questions at (919) 326-7857 or This project is a $23 million investment in the future of Rolesville’s downtown, creating a safer, walkable, more successful and more attractive Main Street for residents, businesses and visitors. 

Main Street Project Website

Rolesville Police Department is Gearing Up for National Night Out

The Rolesville Police Department is gearing up for the town's fourth annual National Night Out on October 1, 2024. In the past week, Rolesville Police announced the N.C. State University Police Department's mounted patrol will attend. Rolesville Police also say the North Carolina Search Dogs will have their specially trained pups at National Night Out. There will also be inflatables and free caricatures.

Rescue Dogs & Catering will be serving up gourmet hotdogs. A portion of their proceeds go to first responder mental health organizations.

Rolesville Police Department's National Night Out will happen at Redford Place Park on October 1, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. To learn more about the National Night Out initiative, visit the following website:

Vendor Applications for

Fall FunFest are Open

The Fall FunFest vendor application is now open. Our annual Fall FunFest is scheduled for October 26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Redford Place Park. The festival attracts hundreds of people every year.

The deadline to apply is September 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. Vendors are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. For more details about this year's festival, click on the link HERE.

Senior Trip to the International Festival 2024 Happening Friday

Join the Senior Trip to the International Festival 2024 is Friday! Rolesville Parks & Recreation will shuttle a group of Seniors to the festival. Participants will meet at the Rolesville Community Center at 9 a.m.

It will cost $8 for Rolesville residents and $10 for non-residents. The cost includes the shuttle ride and a ticket to the festival. Food and activities are not included. Registration is required, and space is limited. You can follow the link HERE to register.

Rolesville Parks & Recreation is planning to hold more Senior Trips later this year! To view those, you can visit our Senior Community page on our website.

Active Construction Projects in the Town of Rolesville

Name (Link)


Main Street/Burlington Mills (LINK; public project)

Main Street

A-Master Teams (LINK)

Rogers Road

Cobblestone Village (LINK)

Main/Young Street

Elizabeth Springs (LINK)

Averette Road

Granite Crest Phase 3C (LINK)

Big Willow Way

Kalas Falls (LINK)

Rolesville Road

Meadows at Jones Dairy (LINK)

Jones Dairy/Averette Road

Parker Ridge (LINK)

Redford Place Drive

Preserve at Jones Dairy South (LINK)

Jones Dairy Road

Prestleigh (LINK)

Jones Dairy Road

Rolesville Crossing (LINK)

Rolesville/Mitchell Mill Road

Rolesville Road Widening (LINK)

Rolesville Road

Jones Dairy Storage (LINK)

Jones Dairy Road

The Point South (LINK)

East Young Street

Townes at Carlton Pointe (LINK)

Jonesville Road

Wallbrook (LINK)

Main Street

Above is a current (September 2024) list of active construction sites across the Town of Rolesville. These projects include single-family detached and townhome neighborhoods, commercial and mixed-use developments, and off-site improvements to public roadways. Visit to find more information about these projects. 

As construction continues at the listed sites above, the Town's Planning Department updated the "Planning Report a Concern" page to include Storm Water concerns (i.e. erosion and flooding concerns.) You can find that information by clicking the link HERE.

Rolesville Veterans Group Meets to Discuss Veterans Issues

The Rolesville Veterans Group met on September 21, 2024, at Arise Coworking Community Center for a small group session. Attendees, including Commissioner and U.S. Army Retired Chief Warrant Office Two Dan Alston, came out to discuss veterans issues with a cup of coffee.

The Rolesville Veterans Group has established a supportive community catering to veterans, spouses, caregivers, and military personnel. Volunteers are needed. Contact Jerry Mangum, MSG Retired US Army or 919-602-5490.

Veteran's Events & Resources

Sponsorship Opportunities

Build your business and a healthy, active community through SPONSORSHIPS!

Special Events

Platinum $7,500 (one at this level)

Gold $5,000 (three at this level)

Silver $2,500 (five at this level)

Bronze $1,000 (ten at this level)

Rolesville 4th $500

Youth Team Sports

MVP $1,200

Individual Team $325

Individual Soccer Team $200

Individual Basketball Team $200


Baseball/Softball Outfield Banner - $1,500 (three-year duration)

For more information please visit our webpage or contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 919-554-6582 or

2024 Recreation Programs

Drop in Zumba 6:30pm - 7:30pm
  Senior Bingo 10:00am - 11am      
Kids Tea Etiquette  6:00pm - 7:00pm
Chair Yoga 3:00pm - 3:50pm
STEM Sleuths 6:30pm-7:30pm
Line Dancing 6:30pm-7:30pm
Beginner Yoga 6:00pm - 6:50pm
Barn Quilt 10:00am - 2:00pm
Krav Maga Self Defense 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Art & Soul Sisters Studio (Time Varies)

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Make a BIG difference in your community and be a volunteer! 

Fill out the general volunteer form and complete the background check to become a volunteer!  

Upcoming Events

Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting

September 25 | 7:00 pm

BBQ & Bands Festival

September 28 | 1:00 pm

Yard Waste Collection (ALL DAY)

September 30 and October 1, 2024

Garbage and Recycling Collection (ALL DAY)

October 1, 2024

Rolesville National Night Out

October 1 | 5:00 pm

Garbage and Recycling Collection (ALL DAY)

October 8, 2024

Board of Commissioners Meeting

October 8 | 7:00 pm





Economic Development




Parks & Recreation


919-556-6728 (weather line)

Human Resources


Public Works


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