Our Mindfulness programmes during the pandemic were delivered in every primary and secondary school in Letchworth and Hitchin (we had pioneered Mindfulness in the community back in 2003)… We were commissioned to run an NHS Health & Wellbeing Coaching Service… and Growing People (providing horticultural therapy for people living with serious mental health issues) became part of our own charity.
Over the years many, like you, have been drawn to the Centre – drawn by its underlying ethos – which is still, even after four decades, in the process of being ‘made flesh’… Never, back in March 1984 would we have imagined what would be involved!
Over the remainder of this year, we will be commemorating this milestone – culminating in a gala event on the weekend of 13th - 14th September.
We hope you will join with Jenny and me in spirit today in celebrating the Centre and its achievements!
Sending good wishes for its next four decades,
Bobbie and Jenny
Centre Directors