News @HHMR

Friday, March 15, 2024

Cover Story: All eyes on the summer boating season ahead

With consistently warmer temperatures and better weather on the way, let us help you make the most out of your upcoming summer boating season.

If you are a new slipholder at either Haven Harbour Marina or Haven Harbour South this year, familiarize yourself with all information pertinent to slipholding with us at, or contact us with any questions or concerns at anytime.

Looking to have work done to your vessel this year? Consider your search for a reliable and experienced boatyard complete by trusting the professionals at Haven Harbour Yacht Services. With two locations and dozens of in-house technicians – specializing in all aspects and disciplines of marine maintenance and installation – you are sure to have a quality repair or service experience with us. Click away to to learn more.

Reserve transient dockage at one or both of our marinas, situated on the prime cruising grounds of the upper Chesapeake Bay, for your next getaway to Maryland's Eastern Shore. View our rates or make a reservation request at

Considering paying a visit by car? No sweat. Book a stay at our six-building Inn at Haven Harbour and enjoy the many simple pleasures Rock Hall has to offer. See our variety of room offerings and special accommodations at

We are here to help make your 2024 season the best yet. For questions, comments or concerns, contact us at (410) 778-6697 or We look forward to seeing faces familiar and new very soon.

Reminder: Join us for monthly service seminar tomorrow

Haven Harbour Yacht Services' Erik Lostrom concludes monthly educational seminars tomorrow, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon at Haven Harbour South. The session is free and open to roughly 35 attendees, with opportunities at winning raffle prizes.

Tomorrow, March 16 (Session III) – Topics include coatings, caulks, fasteners and fiberglass. If planning to attend our seminars, please contact Erik at


We would like to kindly remind all customers, patrons and guests that though warmer temps are heading our way, both Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South will remain in "boatyard mode" for several more weeks. Swimming pools, bar and grills, live entertainment, landscaping and more will be coming very soon, as integral parts of our, "resort mode." Stay tuned.


Our marine stores will be temporarily closed next week; Tuesday, March 19 from 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. and Wednesday, March 20 from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. We apologize for the inconvenience.


If you are winter storing with us this year, please be aware that Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South are enforcing a "No Cash, No Splash" policy, meaning that if a storage customer's account is not current at the time of their desired launch, said vessel will remain on the hard until payment is received. Payment is always due upon receipt of an invoice and/or statement. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.


As part of a region-wide initiative, all vessels that have requested for their shrinkwrap to be removed by Haven Harbour Yacht Services will have a $15 recycling bag fee charged to their commissioning work order.

DIYers will need to buy the $15 recycling bag from one of our marine stores and prepare their used shrinkwrap according to MTAM guidelines. Critical to the successful recycling of boat shrinkwrap is keeping it pure and clean. All straps, zippers, doors and vents must be removed for wrap to be accepted by recyclers (watch demo). A reminder that boats larger than 35 feet may require two bags.


Sock Burning Celebration: Join us at Haven Harbour South beach next Tuesday, March 19, 4:30-5:30 p.m., to celebrate the arrival of spring with a traditional sock burning.


Ark & Dove Restaurant and Lounge, at Haven Harbour South and now managed by So Coast, is open! Come enjoy their culinary creations on Thursdays–Saturdays, 4:00-9:00 p.m. Learn more






Haven Harbour Marina Resorts is located on Maryland's Chesapeake Bay close to Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Annapolis.

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Published by Creative Consultant Sawyer Cornelius

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