A Division for Advancing Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT) provides substance use prevention Training and Technical Assistance to High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)

communities across the nation. The Prevention Post keeps HIDTA communities

up-to-date with the latest advances and opportunities in the field.

Director's Message

Dear HIDTA Communities,


It is hard to describe how exciting the last few months have been for ADAPT, but I'll do my best! This month we turn 4, and I can tell you we hit the ground running four years ago and have never looked back. This year, however, we FEEL different. Our philosophy at ADAPT is to "go where we are needed", and you have helped us settle into a feasible and acceptable "stride" in addressing your greatest needs for technical assistance support. As of today, we have completed over 400 technical assistance requests, and we are more prepared than ever to double down and take steps in the specific directions you have identified. We know where we are headed, and it always begins with you.

The group picture you will see early on in this issue of the Prevention Post is one that makes me smile over and over again. ADAPT hosted its first 2-day workshop for HIDTA prevention representatives just 2 weeks ago and served a very specific role in supporting these amazing prevention champions in advancing their approaches to substance use prevention. Twenty HIDTAs were represented, and this special group left on fire for prevention and equipped with the best available evidence and resources. If you recognize your HIDTA prevention representatives in the picture, please thank them for their dedication to the field. (You'll meet two of HIDTA's newest prevention representatives in this issue.)

Enjoy the variety of upcoming opportunities and updates from the field the ADAPT team has provided for you in this issue, and never hesitate to reach out. We cherish the relationships we have developed with so many of you and find it to be one of the most rewarding aspects of technical assistance.

Keep Cultivating,

Lora Peppard, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Director of ADAPT
Deputy Director for Treatment & Prevention
Washington/Baltimore HIDTA

HIDTA Spotlight

2024 HIDTA Prevention Representative Workshop

Thirty HIDTA prevention representatives from 20 HIDTAs gathered in March for the 2024 HIDTA Prevention Representative Workshop hosted by ADAPT at the Washington/Baltimore HIDTA. Representatives came from diverse backgrounds, serving in the roles of HIDTA prevention coordinators, Overdose Response Strategy drug intelligence officers and public health analysts, and National Guard Counterdrug drug demand reduction officers. The participants (pictured above) were all identified as prevention representatives for their HIDTAs and assembled for a common purpose: to establish core components and draft a strategy for substance use prevention within their HIDTAs.

Over the course of two days, the group received training in fundamental prevention knowledge and skills, established common prevention interests and goals, and began the process of identifying the needs within their regions to inform the development of HIDTA-specific goals and objectives. Participants discussed important topics and challenges, received resources and tools to support their work, and left with a clear direction for next steps to support them in carrying forward the development and implementation of their HIDTA's unique prevention strategy.

Prevention Tip

Ground Prevention Interventions in a Comprehensive Strategy 

Preventing substance use is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive prevention strategy comprised of synthesized programs, practices, and policies grounded in the best available evidence. 

Why? Key lessons learned from prevention science point to the need for a comprehensive prevention strategy that: 1) addresses all levels of substance use risk by embedding selective and indicated interventions within a universal strategy designed to benefit all youth; 2) is grounded in effective preventive interventions that reduce risk conditions and enhance protective conditions for substance use and co-occurring problems; and 3) prioritizes the selection of interventions based on community needs and resources.

This work takes time, collaboration, and commitment, and frameworks exist to guide community teams through the process of developing a comprehensive strategy.

Access ADAPT's resource, Developing a Comprehensive Community-Based Prevention Strategy (see Tools Released by ADAPT), to get started on a 5 phase approach to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive community-based prevention strategy.


New Mexico and Oregon-Idaho HIDTAs Welcome New Prevention Staff

Join us in welcoming Monica Trujillo (New Mexico) and Jim Mitchell (Oregon-Idaho) in their new prevention roles.

Monica Trujillo filled New Mexico HIDTA's Prevention Coordinator position in January 2024. Monica is from Taos, New Mexico, and spent the past six years as the prevention coordinator for the Taos Alive substance use coalition. In May 2024, she will also become a licensed mental health counselor. Monica is excited to bring her passion for promoting adolescent health and well-being to her new role as she continues to work to empower and influence positive behaviors and healthy choices in youth.

Jim Mitchell has filled the newly created Demand Reduction Coordinator position within Oregon-Idaho HIDTA. Jim brings to his position a unique skillset informed by 31 years of military service, the last 7 of which were serving as Oregon's National Guard Counterdrug coordinator. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience working on supply reduction to his new role focused on demand reduction. In addition to his dedication to this work, Jim's primary passion is working alongisde his wife of 26 years to raise their three children.


Monica and Jim will be joining a discussion group facilitated by ADAPT for new HIDTA prevention staff to receive mentoring and support as they embark on their new roles!

ADAPT Concludes MIND the MESSAGE: Beyond the Basics Campaign

Over the past two months, ADAPT’s MIND the MESSAGE: Beyond the Basics campaign supported communities in learning and applying the best available evidence for sharing substance-related information with youth 11-18.

The campaign was grounded in a tool titled Sharing Substance-Related Information with Youth 11-18: Integrating the Best Available Evidence to Prevent Unintended Consequences (see Tools Released by ADAPT) which was released at the October 2023 Annual HIDTA Prevention Summit. 

Over the course of six weeks, campaign participants received weekly strategies providing guidance on how to apply strategies within the tool to their prevention communications and were encouraged to share their work for feedback. The campaign culminated in a workshop rich in guided exercises applying the tool's strategies to participants’ own substance use prevention communications. 189 attended the workshop with 97% reporting that they are likely to integrate what was learned into their work. 

The 6 weekly flyers that were sent out during the campaign are now available on the ADAPT website (see Prevention Communications).

We encourage campaign participants and all others who access these products to continue the good work of ensuring we communicate with and to youth about substance use prevention using evidence-informed strategies!

Mark Your Calendars

Drug-Free Communities Support Program Funding Announcement

Applications Due April 17th

The DFC Program is the nation’s leading effort to prevent youth substance use. Coalitions receive $125,000 for up to 10 years to promote prevention strategies at the local level. Please see their new video! You can also visit their website for more information and this page to learn about eligibility requirements. 


The due date for applications is April 17, 2024 at 11:59PM ET.  

Below you will find a list of resources that can assist you in applying to the DFC Program.




If you have any questions, please email  

Overdose Response Strategy Annual Conference May 15th - 16th

Registration is open for the 2024 Annual ORS Conference in Dallas, TX. Registration is required, and the link to register can be found below.


Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting May 28th - 31st

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research will convene in Washington, DC. This year's meeting is focused on advancing partnerships and collaborative approaches in prevention science. The meeting will bring together scientists, public policy leaders, and practitioners to exchange new concepts, methods, and results in service of the adoption and implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions across all areas of public health.


Get Connected

To view subscription links to all previously listed resources in this section, such as substance use prevention newsletters, click HERE and scroll to GET CONNECTED

Public Health/Public Safety Updates

Psilocybin Mushroom Seizure Analysis within the HIDTA Program

The National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) analyzed HIDTA psilocybin (mushrooms/magic mushrooms) seizure data from 2010 to 2023 and identified several key trends.

First, the total number of psilocybin seizures has increased from 197 in 2010 to 1,960 in 2023. This suggests a significant increase in psilocybin-related law enforcement activity or psilocybin availability and use.

Second, regional differences have emerged. The Midwest, Rocky Mountain, and Ohio HIDTA regions show notably high seizure counts, particularly in the latter years. Conversely, some areas like the San Diego Imperial Valley and New York-New Jersey report much lower seizure counts. Regions like Michigan and Chicago have consistently reported higher seizure counts throughout the study period, indicating ongoing issues with psilocybin in these areas.

This data underscores the importance of monitoring and addressing psilocybin as part of broader drug enforcement and public health strategies.

ODMAP Spotlight Series

The ODMAP team completed their 2023 spotlight series and is looking forward to highlighting their partnering agencies again this year. The purpose of the ODMAP Spotlight Series is to give agencies the opportunity to let others know how they are using ODMAP and how ODMAP utilization contributes to their states and communities.

You can check out the 2023 ODMAP Spotlight Series HERE and see who participated, view the most recent spotlights, and learn more about how your agency can be a part of the Spotlight Series. Currently, all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are participating in ODMAP with 5,000 participating agencies and over 33,000 ODMAP users.

If your agency wants to be highlighted by ODMAP, please fill out the survey here: ODMAP Spotlight Series Request for Examples Survey.

Resources/Science from the Field

Core Competencies for the Prevention Workforce

The latest “Prevention Nugget” out of Applied Prevention Science International brings attention to the importance of preparing the prevention workforce with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to support the complexity of prevention work.

Learn more about how the prevention workforce can be strengthened and view training opportunities on the foundations of prevention science and practice HERE.

Importance of Reducing Stress and Promoting Mental Health Among Adolescents for Substance Use Prevention

An article published by the CDC examined motivations for using substances among youth aged 13 – 18 over the period of 2014 – 2022. The top reasons youth reported using substances were to seek relief from stress, anxiety, and depression.

These findings highlight the importance of prevention strategies that bolster mental health protection. Read the full article HERE

New NIDA Kahoot! Launches

NIDA’s Kahoot! series has released a new quiz. This series includes games that can be played by teens and their educators to better understand the science behind the causes and consequences of drug use.

The newly released quiz titled “Know the Facts About Overdose” tests players’ knowledge on what causes drug overdose and how to use naloxone. The interactive quiz can be found HERE.

Expansion to Residential Treatment for Adolescents Needed

A new study supported by the National Institutes of Health identified several barriers to access residential substance use disorder treatment for adolescents, including long wait times, high treatment costs, and lack of nearby facilities.

More research is needed to identify how to expand substance use disorder treatment to youth while ensuring options are effective and affordable. Learn more about this research HERE. 

National Prevention Week: A Celebration of Possibility

This annual SAMHSA-sponsored event focuses on increasing public awareness and action for substance use prevention and positive mental health with the goals of involving communities, fostering partnerships, and disseminating substance use prevention and mental health promotion resources. It will take place this year on May 12th - 18th. This year's tagline, "A Celebration of Possibility" aims to bring communities together to celebrate prevention successes and future opportunities.

Access materials to support your National Prevention Week activities HERE.

Prevention Nuggets Now Available in Spanish

Applied Prevention Science International has now released all of their “Prevention Nuggets” in Spanish. These “nuggets” are a series of prevention-themed brief articles drawing attention to lessons learned from prevention science.

The Spanish “Prevention Nuggets” can be found HERE under the Spanish tab.

To be notified of upcoming webinars, products, and events, subscribe here!



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