visit the website at

Come to the All-Ages Spring Fling Dance!

Fri., Mar. 22, 6:30 - 9:00 pm

Join this fun dance evening with the great DJ Myra! Kids and adults welcome, consent forward, featuring light refreshments, mocktails, and a photo booth! Free, but donations welcomed. All abilities welcome. Please RSVP and, if possible, volunteer HERE.

Sunday Services

Mar. 24th, 9:15 and 11:15 am

This morning Rev. CTC will explore generosity, sharing and boundaries --while reconsidering Shel Silverstein’s classic story, The Giving Tree.

Livestream Link Here (11:15am only)


It is the time of the Annual Giving Campaign here at UUCA. Please consider updating your pledge (or making one for the first time!

Visit Pledge Webpage by Clicking Here

Plan to Join UUCA March 31 for Easter Sunday!

Plan to spend your Easter Sunday here at UUCA! Special Easter Services at 9:15 and 11:15, with an Easter Egg Hunt and Donut Festival for the kiddos in between Services (starts at 10:15am).

This is a great time to bring friends and family (or to be a first-time visitor!) to spend a special Sunday with a progressive, engaging church community!

Events the Week of Mar. 21 - Mar. 28

Events with registration or attendance details are clickable.

Thursday, Mar. 21

Friday, Mar. 22

Saturday, Mar. 23

Sunday, Mar. 24

Monday, Mar. 25

Tuesday, Mar. 26

Wednesday, Mar. 27

Thursday, Mar. 28

Visit UUCA's Calendar Page for All Events!

Highlighted This Week

March is Women's History Month

"Women are the real architects of society.”

– Harriet Beecher Stowe

Have you ever wondered how you can sign up to volunteer at UUCA? Mystery solved! You can sign up to volunteer by clicking the link below to get started on your journey. Please sign up today. Any questions, feel free to reach out to Nicole Haley at for support.

Click Here to Volunteer

DIG Workday -- Updated Date!

Sat., March 30, 10 am - 12 pm

Come help DIG, Do it Green, as “WE WORK WITH NATURE“ on the UUCA campus. We will help valuable native plants thrive by weeding and dividing.  Our native plants provide many essential ecosystem services but they need our help. 


We won’t “Stare at Ferns” on the workday. However, if you’re especially interested in ferns, we’ll meet you at Green Spring Gardens Park in June where we can see more ferns. Right now, Spice Bush is flowering along Four Mile Run and in a few weeks, Virginia Bluebells will be making quite a show at Riverbend and many other parks and natural areas. Celebrate spring with a visit to a true natural area.


Bring gloves and tools if you have them and stay as long as you can. Meet near the Pollinator Garden. We’ll reschedule if necessary. Thanks.


Questions: Shirley, or Sonia, Contact Sonia to join the DIG Listserve.

UU the Vote Postcarding is Back!

This Sunday, Fellowship Hall

Join UU the Vote to send postcards to BIPOC voters alerting them to vote in hotly contested Virginia Congressional primaries starting May 3. Research shows that primary voting greatly increases the likelihood that voters will vote in the fall general election. The voters we contact tend to be low income voters who do not make large campaign contributions and are often overlooked by other voter outreach efforts. Help ensure their voices are raised in Virginia elections. Pick up a set of 20 postcards containing everything you need (e.g., postcards, postage) in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday or make arrangements to pick up a set at other times by contacting Ellen at Postcarding materials cost $14 per set. A donation is suggested, but not required. Can’t postcard? Make a donation so others can write. For further info contact

UUCA is Hiring!

UUCA is seeking a permanent Director of Music. Follow the link to learn more: Director of Music Job Posting

Wheel of Life

UUCA continues to support Chris Sutton and her family as they grieve the loss of her husband and long-time UUCA member, John Sutton, after his passing on March 2, 2024. If you would like to help by providing a meal, you may sign up through this Meal Train link: Chris is very thankful for the church community's care and support and appreciates the privacy she has been accorded as we all mourn together.  

If you have personal news to share, such as births, graduations, special moments, or challenges, email for support, or with announcments.

Are You In Need of Support?

Pastoral Care Hotline: 571-277-4428 |

When you attend a church for the first time, one of the questions you might ask is, do the people here look out for one another? At UUCA we have created a network of caring connections that will provide a supportive, compassionate presence when you may be struggling, alone, or in pain.

Our Pastoral Care Team responds to concerns through careful listening, checks on you if you are ill and need help, is there to help you through life’s transitions, and provides food and other support services when you need that extra helping hand.

Our UUCA Ministers offer that unique spiritual guidance you might be looking for, and also offer one-on-one support when you may be facing an especially difficult time.

More events listed below.

Please note some email providers will truncate this message.

News and Announcements

Rededicating Our PRIDE Flags

Sat., Mar. 30, 9:30am to noon, Fellowship Hall

Please join Equality UUCA in Fellowship Hall for a hands-on crafty work session at UUCA to repair and rededicate our Pride flags. We will be transferring old dedications to new flags, repairing damaged flags, and preparing new flags for new dedications for this year’s June project to again wrap our church home in Pride. This is a great opportunity for fun and fellowship for all ages.


New UU Classes, April 2024

Considering joining UUCA? Seize the opportunity to learn more about our church by signing up for this informative mini three-part series.

This series is led by Membership Engagement Manager Nicole Haley and Rev. Amanda Poppei. This is a three-part series, and you should plan to attend all three.

Class 1: Wednesday, April 17, 2024, from 7- 8:30 PM on Zoom

Class 2: Sunday, April 21,2024 from 10:30 AM to 11:10 AM Board Room

Class 3: Sunday, April 28, 2024, from 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Board Room

Click here to register.

NEW Book Club Starting

Starts April 7, 7-8:30, Room 11

Building on the March 10 service, "What if the world got better?" you're invited to join UUCA's new Hopepunk Book Club. We'll be reading (or watching) speculative fiction that imagines positive futures, embraces kindness, and inspires hope in humanity's ability to solve our problems. 


For the first gathering, please bring a selection that fits this genre. What is Hopepunk exactly? Read more here. Can be a book you've read, heard about, or would like to read. 

Meets 1st Thursday of the month starting in April. 7—8:30. Meets downstairs in Room 11.  


For more information or to RSVP (appreciated but not required) contact LeeAnn at 

Our Stories, Our Lives

Tues., Mar. 26, 11:00-12:30. Zoom Link Click Here

Please drop in for UUCA's informal conversation-and-storytelling group, "Our Stories, Our Lives." You'll share your response to this prompt: "Have you ever found out something you wished you had never known?" 

We'll react to each other's stories and, probably, find ourselves surprised by what-all comes up. Open to all.

Facilitators: Jacomina de Regt and Diane Ullius.

Do You Really Want This to Happen?


Do you want the future of Unitarian Universalism turned over to other people, people who might not have the insight, energy, and attitude that you do? Do you want to leave our future in the hands of others? I don’t think so! So come teach Religious Education where you can help build the community of the future! Your caring, energetic, and engaged presence may be all they need to find their long-term community at UUCA. You may also just find a community yourself!  RE teachers don’t need a Master of Divinity Studies, that actually might be quite unhelpful. Instead, they need to care, they need energy, a sense of humor, and, occasionally, the ability to present some information to the kids with good humor and flexibility. 

Religious education requires four things: 1) you must want to become part of a basic ministry of the church: caring for our children and youth. 2) the ability to show up and lead once a month, and to show up to help once a month. 3) excitement about your faith, and other people. 4) to contact us at THIS EMAIL to sign up today for next year!

RE Pre-Seussical Potluck a Great Time!

RE Info for This Week


Worship Spaces for Kids at UUCA

  • There is a play space set up in Fellowship Hall for families and kids of all ages. Here you will find puzzles, coloring books, and other quiet toys and games. 
  • Spirit Space is set up near the front of the Sanctuary for kids 6 years and younger. 

Religious Education Classes This Week 

  • Childcare is provided for children 3 years and younger in Room 5
  • Kids Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet in the Activity Room for a Lego Buildng Adventure.
  • Maker Space (6th grade) will meet. Crossing Paths (7thgrade) will meet. 
  • 1st, 5th and 8th Grade OWL Classes will not meet on 3/24 and 3/31.
  • Teen Group will not meet on 3/24 and 3/31.

Calling UUCA Teachers and Facilitators 

Have an idea, program, workshop, or class you would like to share with our community through the Faith 360 program? Submit a proposal here.  

Child Dedication

Sun., May 12 -- Contact LeeAnn to participate

Child Dedication is a very special ritual where we as a community pledge our support and care to our families as they raise their children in our Unitarian Universalist faith. This Dedication Ceremony is for children and youth of all ages—not just babies. If you have not had an opportunity to participate in a Dedication, our next Dedication will take place on Sunday, Mary 12th—Mother's Day​. For more information or to sign up to participate, contact LeeAnn at


For more information about the Unitarian ritual of Child Dedication, visit here--Baptism / Child Dedication in Unitarian Universalism |

Faith 360 Classes: Register Now!

These programs all start the beginning of March. See which one suits YOU!

Click here for full catalog and registration.

Check Out These Faith 360 Classes Starting Soon

The (Boundaried, Hopeful, Systems-Oriented) Wisdom of Ted Lasso

Join Rev. Amanda for this three-part class, in which you'll explore the lessons we can learn from the hit Apple TV show Ted Lasso...from a family systems perspective. We'll watch an episode during each class. No prior knowledge of the show is required!

Led By: Rev. Amanda, Meets: April 9, 16, 30, Time: 7—8:30 pm, In person, Reeb Center

Owning Your Religious Past

This workshop provides participants the opportunity to reflection on, reexamine, and retrieve positive aspects of past religious connections. Together we will explore the people, places, and artifacts that once held religious significance. The workshop is designed to provide both group sharing and private exploration, using journal writing exercises, art, and guided mediation.

Led By: LeeAnn Williams, Meets: April 2, 9, 16, 23, Time: 7—8:30 pm, In person

My Muslim American Life

Join Hurunnessa Fariad as she talks about immigrating to the U.S. as a small child and growing up with both Muslim and American identities in Queens, NYC. She will also go into how her faith has shaped her view about herself and the work she does as a woman in multifaith peace building. 

Led By: Hurnunnessa Fariad, Meets: Sunday, April 28, Time: 12:45 to 1:30, In Person

The “I Believe” Book Club

This is a three-session program by Zoom, to be led by Bill Fogarty, for those who want to read but don't have much time! This will be a "quick read" book club, reading six or seven "I Believe" statements (2 to 3 pages each) of various people who contributed to the 1950's series, and the NPR series of the early 2000's. The first session will include the musings of Helen Hayes, Eleanor Roosevelt and Wallace Stegner, among others. It is anticipated that each session will be about one hour in length.

Led By: Bill Fogarty, Meets: Tues in April (4/2, 4/9, 4/16),Time: 7:30 to 9 pm, On Zoom

Want to learn more about volunteering in our RE program or have questions? Contact LeeAnn at Ready for volunteer, click here

"Love Unites; Stories Ignite" at the 2024 UU General Assembly 

Embrace a new world of connection and inspiration from anywhere. Attend the virtual UU General Assembly.  Dive into a groundbreaking experience from the comfort of your own space. 


When: June 20 - 23 Workshops will also be available on demand between May and August. 

  • Gain insights from influential voices in the UU community and beyond. 
  • Explore your faith and perspectives with fellow attendees. 
  • Discover opportunities for meaningful engagement on social justice, climate justice, and other initiatives. 
  • Celebrate the beauty of UU community through dynamic worship services. 
  • And be inspired to make a difference in the world. 

Register Online at:

Registration rates increase March 15. If you have questions, please contact: Mary Pike at And, if you register, please let her know as the Nominating Committee is looking for those who wish to be delegates at GA. 

Peace Camp Now filling staff positions. You can help.

Help Peace Camp Sail!


Registration for UUCA Peace Camp has been phenomenal this year. Both weeks are full, and we aren’t accepting new registrations. Now we are turning to making this a great summer for those campers. 

We are recruiting staff and volunteers, and we have plenty of options. There are opportunities in the classroom or as a special guest, in the kitchen, as a Peacekeeper or generalist. Special guests share a talent (a mini presentation about care for environment, animals, one another). For more details, see our 2024 Peace Camp Staff Flyer and Peacekeeper Flyer. We will also need people to cut pictures out of calendars and magazines for collages, etc. And we will be recruiting kitchen volunteers in May.

Peace Camp offers a social emotional learning program for children ages 5-14 who come from UUCA and Community Partners. The camp runs from 9-3 daily June 17-28. Lunch is provided. Peace Camp is a partnership between UUCA and LFFP (Little Friends for Peace). For more information, contact Erin Frances Reinhart at or Mollie Jewell (

Book Groups

Cozy Reads Book Club

Next Meeting: Mar. 21, 7:00 p.m., Zoom.

Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month 

Did you happen to make a New Year's Resolution to read more books? Or do you want to make some new connections here at UUCA? Join the Cozy Reads Book club at the next gathering. The discussions are lively, enlightening and not always about the book! 

March 21, 2024: The Personal Librarian by Heather Terrell and Victoria Christopher

April 18, 2024: The Cloisters by Katy Hays

List of books for Sept. 2023-March, 2024 with book covers. Questions:

African American Book Sharing Circle

Fri., April 19, 7:00 p.m., Zoom


Author Visit


Jeffrey Blount will join our meeting to discuss his new book Mr. Jimmy From Around the Way.

Blount tells the story of James Henry Ferguson. After a highly publicized fall from grace, Ferguson attempts to flee from the chaos in his life. He ends up in a community he had never heard of before, one that has been neglected and ignored by everyone in rural Ham, Mississippi. A place of abject poverty, the neighborhood is commonly referred to as "Around the Way."


Zoom link:


For additional information, contact Pat Findikoglu ( or Ann Ulmschneider (

The Men's Book Group of UUCA

Sun., Apr. 14, 2024, at 7:30 P.M., Zoom

Untold power: the fascinating rise and complex legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson,by Rebecca Roberts, suggested by Mike Hall.

It is available in new and used hardback, and it is available in Arlington and Fairfax libraries, in print, ebook, eaudiobook, and Kindle versions.

I will send the Zoom link to the mailing list a few days before the meeting. As of now the Zoom address is the same as it was in previous months.

As of now, we are considering The Club Dumas, a novel by Arturo Perez-Reverte, suggested by Dean Kauffman, as our selection for the May 12, meeting.

As always, please bring any titles you have read and would like the group to read and discuss in future months. The rules are that the person suggesting a book must have read the entire book (not just the opening chapter or an enticing review!), and that it must be available in libraries, or available in paperback or used, or in digital versions. We traditionally alternate fiction and non-fiction books, but if a majority wants to change that format, we could alter that 1:1 ratio.

Unlike the "Fight Club,'' the first rule of our Book Group is: Tell any reader who you think might be interested about attending our meetings about the Book Group.

If there are any questions about the group and its meetings, or if you want to be on our monthly email list, please email Ken Marshall at or call him at (703) 533-8004.

Recurring Events

Buddhist Fellowship

Monday: Meditation and Dharma Talk

7:30 pm-8:45 pm, UUCA Activity Room and simultaneously on Zoom

A meditation and dharma talk with an opportunity for sharing afterward is offered in partnership with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW). Held in the Activity Room on the lower level and simultaneously on Zoom. Subscribe to the email list on the IMCW page for the event to receive the Zoom link, topics, class cancellation alerts, and private access to the recorded talks.

Contact: Stig Regli. 

Wednesday: Hour of Silence

7:30 pm-8:45 pm, UUCA Room 20 (Youth Room)

Join us in Room 20 on Wednesday evenings for an hour of in-person silent sitting and/or walking meditation or contemplation, followed by mindful discussion. We enjoy this opportunity to ground ourselves in the middle of our busy week. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can begin at 7:30, and bring what you need to be comfortable.

Contact: Suzan Chastain.

Friday: First Light Meditation

7:00 am-7:45 am, on Zoom LINK HERE

A half-hour silent meditation with an opportunity for sharing afterward, on Zoom. Contact: David McTaggart at or Gregg Forte at 

Newsletter deadline: Connections deadline for submissions is EACH Tuesday at 10 a.m. with publication on Thursday. See below on how to submit an announcement.

How to submit an announcement to UUCA's Connections newsletter: 

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