Dear Queen of Martyrs Families,

I hope everyone had an amazing time at Gianna Fest this past weekend. It was great speaking with so many parents, parishioners, and alumni. Thank you for your support in making Gianna Fest such a success!!!

We will return to regular uniform Dress Code on Monday, September 30th. New Polos and quarter zips are available in the Main Office.

In this week's newsletter, you will find important information about the

  • Tuesday Special Lunches in October
  • School Advisory Board--Nominations are Being Accepted
  • Affy Tapple FSA Fundraiser
  • Join the Choir ~ Register Below
  • Join the Band ~ Band Registration Night Wed. Sept. 25th
  • Little Wildcats ~ Starts on Wednesday, October 9th ~ Spread the Word!

This Week Ahead...


Late Start ~ 9:30am Arrival


All School Mass ~ 8:30am

Special Lunch - Buona Beef


Regular Schedule

Confirmation Parent Meeting ~ 6pm (Church)


Regular Schedule


No School ~ Archdiocese of Chicago Professional Development Day

May Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, guide and protect us!

Mr. Stephen Davidson


Wildcat News!

Place your order HERE

October Special Lunches

Special lunches will be held twice a month on Tuesdays. Students are welcome to continue to bring their lunch or purchase the lunch through this Google Form. Please submit a form for each student, not per family.

Parents may place their order via the Google document and pay cash or check to the Main Office by Thursday, October 3rd. No orders will be accepted after Thursday, October 3rd for this month.

On October 15th, we will serve hot dogs, chips, drink, and dessert. 

On October 22nd, we will serve HRI pizza, chips, drink, and dessert. 

School Advisory Board

The School Advisory Board was established last year to act as a liaison between the school’s administration (our principal and pastor), our current school families, and the broader parish and local communities.

This year we would like to two additional members to our current five members to allow for future overlapping terms. Two additional members will be added next year as well for a total of nine members. Each is selected by the pastor and principal with input and/or nominations from the school community. 

If you would like to nominate a school parent or parishioner for the SAB, please send an email to Mr. Davidson with a letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation should explain why your nominee would be a great board member who will help promote and advance the Catholic mission of Queen of Martyrs School. Please visit the School Advisory Board website for additional information.

Click Here for More Information
Learn More and Sign Up Here 

All students from 3rd through 8th grade are invited to share their talents as members of the Queen of Martyrs School Choir (QMSC)! 

QMSC members enthusiastically serve our school, parish, and greater community with their voices by enhancing our liturgies and special events through song. QMSC members sing at 10:30am Family Masses on Sunday, All School Masses (8:30am each Tuesday), special liturgies, and events throughout the year. 

The choir meets after school on Mondays in Room 6 and/or the Church from 2:45 to 3:30pm. An alternate practice time may be provided on Tuesdays when there is no school on a Monday. 

Learn More Here 

Join the QM Band

Anyone can join the band in 5th-8th grade! Beginning Band is primarily made up of 5th graders, but any student in 5th-8th grade can join band at any time! 

September 25th:

Band Registration Night

(6-7pm) @ Brother Rice HS

Email our Band Director,

Mr. Phil Bueche with any questions at


Check out Key Calendar Dates for Upcoming Events.


Explore here.


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