From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

December 2023 | No. 9

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A New You!

Dear James,

 "Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.

(2 Cor. 5:17)

     Are you ready to be a new you?

     For some reason, it is still popular to make New Years' resolutions. There is something about standing at the front of a new year, all 365 days still before you, fresh and unsullied - it makes one want to be a better person, break bad habits and adopt some good ones. If it were possible, I think a lot of people would jump at the chance to step out of their old lives or out of their imperfect bodies - like unzipping a worn-out coat - and step into a new body or a new life.  A new you.

     Not many would relish the chance to go the other way - to step out of perfection and into imperfection. But that's what Jesus did. Our perfect God willingly and even joyfully left the perfection of heaven to put on a body just like ours, to live in our imperfect world, to die for a bunch of imperfect people just like you and me. His perfect life and death and resurrection covers our imperfections, making us holy in His sight. A new you - for real!

     Guatemala, the focus of this month's newsletter, is an absolutely beautiful country! The geography, climate and cultures are fantastically diverse, making it a renowned tourist location. It is also a very popular destination for short-term mission teams. 

     But visiting a place and living in a place long-term are two different things entirely. GLO missionaries are in it for the long haul, learning the language and culture and really making the place their home. 

     That's what incarnation is all about - stepping into another's life, putting it on, making it your own. Jesus did it in Bethlehem. Missionaries do it, as well; not as perfectly as Jesus, but they do it. And by doing so, they bring Jesus to the people they serve in a way that is understandable to them, a 3D Gospel lived out by someone who has become just like us.

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

     A most blessed Christmas and New Year to each of you!

     This issue focuses on Guatemala. I remember very well my first experience with that country. The year was 1989. I had just graduated from seminary and was sent to Guatemala to learn Spanish in anticipation of beginning my service as a missionary to Venezuela. We lived with a host family in the absolutely gorgeous city of Antigua - a city filled with ancient churches, cobblestone streets, flowers, and surrounded by three towering volcanos.

     I hated it. 

     It didn't help that my wife and I were new parents of our first child, who was only two months old. But mostly, it was because I was in culture shock. I didn't like the food, I couldn't understand the language, and absolutely everything was new and different. Removed from the comforting familiarity of my home environment, I was miserable.

     I had a lot to learn - about Spanish, about Latin America, but mostly about what it means to become one with a people who are different from you. It wasn't easy, but by God's grace, we did it. It's what missionaries do.

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise. Together, we rise up. 

Rise with us!

Antigua, Guatemala

Mission Focus: Guatemala

Making the Rounds

What does a mission director do on a "mission field visit"? Visit, learn, pray, teach, plan, solve problems - but mostly, praise God for what He is doing! Here's a quick overview of what God is doing though the Lutheran Church in Guatemala and through our GLO missionaries.

    In Santiago Zamora, Rev. Steve Massey and son Marco concluded their service as missionaries on December 1. Steve has been serving as missionary-pastor at "Redentor del Mundo" (Redeemer of the World) Lutheran Church for the past four years, since November of 2019. Among other things, Steve has provided leadership to the reconstruction and re-certification of the school on the church property, which has been closed for the past several years. We thank the Lord for Steve's service and ask Him to bless Steve and Marco on their new endeavors in Tampa, Florida! Thanks, Steve!

Jim with Rev. Steve and Marco Massey

In Guatemala City, I participated in a meeting with the leadership council of the national church, led by the president of the Lutheran Church in Guatemala, Rev. Ignacio Chan. Among other topics, we began making plans for a "mission conference" to be held some time in 2024. A GLO mission conference is open to all Lutheran members and church workers, and is designed to inspire and encourage the church to become a powerful force in God's global mission to the world!

(Photo: Rev. & Mrs. Ignacio Chan, president, Lutheran Church in Guatemala)

    In Zacapa, we were blessed to stay with Ben and Scarlett Tino and to get acquainted with our new grandson, Jaakko! In addition to "grandparent time", I also conducted a missionary mid-term debriefing, and we were able to accompany them to the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City for the final stages of Scarlett's U.S. visa process and also to apply for Jaakko's U.S. passport! They are right now planning a furlough to visit congregations and supporters in the States. If you would like a missionary visit to your congregation, contact Ben at bassmantino(a)

(Photo: Ben, Scarlett, and Jaakko Tino)

    In the mountains of Coban, we caught up with GLO missionaries Victor and Belém Rivas and daughter Sofía, who are back in Guatemala on furlough after completing their first year of service in Guyana. Furlough is an important time for missionaries to reflect on their experiences, recharge their batteries, and renew relationships with their supporters. We pray that their furlough goes well and they are able to return to Guyana in February 2024. Learn more about the Rivas here.

    Back in Zacapa, I met with GLO board member Ana Hernandez, her husband pastor Esdras Orozco, and also got to meet their new son Agustine. Ana owns a pharmacy and has been a key player in helping to keep our missionaries healthy, and also in introducing GLO to the Lutheran Church in Guatemala. Thanks, Ana!

A Day in the Life of a Missionary

    What do you do when your congregation has no musicians? One solution is to use pre-recorded music tracks during worship services, and that's what "Divino Salvador" (Divine Savior) Lutheran Church in Zacapa was doing, until they got a music missionary!

      Ben Tino arrived in Zacapa in 2018, and since then he has been dedicated to teaching people how to play various musical instruments, and organizing them into musical groups to lead worship. While in Zacapa, I "shadowed" Ben Tino for a few days to learn more about his ministry.

Ben teaches a member to play the flute. This young man played during several worship services in Zacapa.

Trumpet lesson! This man did not participate in a church until he started learning to play the trumpet with Ben!

Liisa was able to join her son in helping to lead music during worship on several occasions. Here, Ben uses guitar at the mission congregation in La Majada.

One of three music teams that Ben has trained and organized in Zacapa. In the center is the lead vocalist for this worship. She had never sung in public until Ben encouraged her to use her gifts to the glory of God in church!

Together before the Throne

* We praise the Lord for Answered Prayers!

  • Scarlett Tino (Guatemala) received her US Visa!
  • Jaakko Tino (Guatemala) received his US passport!
  • Shary Frahm (Cambodia) received medical clearance to return to Cambodia!

* Lord of all mercies, be with and protect your servant Shary Frahm as she recently returned to Cambodia to continue serving your people there. Guide and direct her steps in all that she undertakes.

* Some missionaries still awaiting visas or travel documents: Almighty God, intervene and move the proper authorities to grant the documents needed Alex & Diana (Kazahk missionaries to Mongolia) and Elianeth (Venezuelan serving in Chile).

* We pray for traveling mercies for GLO missionaries Dale and Cheri Talsma (Nigeria), Tim and Beth Heiney (Guinea), Dixon Gbeanquoi (Tanzania) and Jim and Liisa Tino (serving globally) as they travel to visit family over the holidays.

* Divine Provider, we give you thanks for providing Christiana Gbeanquoi with a job in St. Louis so that the family can be supported as Dixon continues his studies!

* Divine Provider, we give you thanks for moving people to support Rev. Samuel and Grace Udofia (Nigeria). Guide their next steps as they prepare to deploy to Tanzania!

* We also raise up before you those who have said "Here am I, send me!" yet are still waiting to see how You have planned to provide for their support. Pray that God would raise up mission partners to support Heather and Nathan Pittman (USA to Kenya), Valeria Bustamante (Argentina to Uruguay), Chimah and Success Francis (Nigeria to Uganda), and Adrian and Cruz Maria Ventura (Venezuela to Chile).

* Ask the Lord to bless Victor and Belen Rivas (Guyana) during their furlough in Guatemala. Lord Jesus, open doors of opportunity for them to share what You are doing in Guyana; provide for their every need so that they can return to Guyana soon and continue to shine the Light of Christ among the many Hindu people they serve.

* Lord of the Harvest, we praise you for the service of Rev. Steve Massey in Guatemala during these past four years. Bless and guide him and son Marco as they transition back to life in the United States, providing for their every need of body and soul.

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.