NIA Hot Topics

March 15, 2024

Welcome to the March 15 edition of NIA Hot Topics, 

Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

 Hot Topics shares quick updates on NIA: business,

status reports, events and announcements.

It is published approximately the 1st of each month

and the 15th of months when the NIA Board meets.

Feedback? Send comments to


NIA Spring Membership Meeting

Wednesday, April 10th

6:00 PM

In Skippers Cove at the Long Beach Yacht Club

Naples CERT Team

Tours Long Beach

Emergency Operations and Communication Center

On Tuesday night nearly 30 members of our CERT Team were privileged to visit the City’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and hear from Director Reggie Harrison about how government officials and key partners, including CERT, collaborate to address disasters impacting the City. In addition to being a great learning experience it was inspiring to hear Director Harrison acknowledge our efforts in Naples and the importance of our partnership. As he emphasized, “Neighbors helping Neighbors" are the key to saving lives in a disaster. 

In addition to the EOC, we toured the 911 Call Center (police and fire) which handles over half a million calls each year! Calls were being received and handled by a handful of unsung heroes as we walked along the sidelines of their workspace. It was truly impressive to see and learn how response systems work together to make us safer. 

Email us at to learn more about CERT and ways to volunteer. 


Go ahead and note the entire

NIA Summer Concert Series

May 28th – SOULITIFY

June 25th – Hillbilly Crutch & Chili Cook Off

July 30th - Manuel the Band

August 27th – Barefoot Rider

Sept 8th – The Street Dance with King Salmon

See you at Colonnade Park!



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There are a lot of construction projects underway across the islands. Some streets have multiple renovations happening simultaneously.  Please be considerate of your neighbors and make sure alleys and walkways are kept clear of debris, particularly small things like nails, dry wall fragments, and wood chips.

Ask your contractors to sweep your area at the end of each day. We don't want flat tires, frazzled feet or punctured paws.

Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Focusing on Public Safety

Thursday, March 21, 2024

 5:30-7:00 PM


Kristina Duggan, Third District Councilmember

Michael Pennino, LBPD East Division Commander

Dough Haubert, City Prosecutor

Registration Required


Complete Street Project

Presentation from the

March 2 Community Meeting

now available



From the pages of the Grunion Gazette…

The grand opening for the Memorial Care Medical Group–Long Beach (Naples) medical offices, on Second Street and Ravenna Drive, is scheduled for noon on Friday, May 10. The space was previously a mattress store — but will now provide comprehensive medical care. The newly created offices will include an on-site lab and ample parking. There will be no urgent care offered at this location, though, according to a hospital spokesperson.

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

Go to the NIA website HERE to see the yearlong calendar!

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ISLAND DATES (NIA dates are in bold)

​• Mar 29 - Easter Egg Hunt

• April 10 - NIA Spring Membership Meeting

• Apr 13 - Naples Elementary Spring Fundraiser

• Apr 30 - Concert in the Park


• May 28 - Concert in the Park 


• May 31 - Naples Elementary Carnival


• Jun 1 - Pancake Breakfast, Craft Fair & Fun Run

• Jun TBD - Flea Market



• Mar 23 International Children's Day Festival - Aquarium of the Pacific

• Mar 25-28 Grunion Run - Junipero/Cherry Beach (timing varies by day)

• Mar 30 - Long Beach Bluegrass Festival - Recreation Park Bandshell


Community Partner Calendar Links:

Naples Bayside Academy School Events

NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.