The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

February 28, 2024

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

Before It Is Asked

Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Parisa Parsa

How are we transformed by generosity? What conditions need to be present in us and in our community to help us realize the potential future we have together? This morning we launch the annual budget drive with story, song and celebration. Join us! 

Join us in person or on Zoom:


By Rev. Parisa Parsa

It’s hard to believe we’re in the home stretch of this interim journey together! This month as your search committee will be selecting the final candidate to present to you, we’ll be working on raising the funds to support FUUSN’s goals for the coming year and beyond while also looking for new lay leaders to strengthen this new ministry. There couldn’t be a better time to explore the theme of transformation!

This congregation’s amazing strengths in organizing community connection, passionately advocating for justice, and showing up for one another in times of need offer a wealth of resources to draw on as you dream and hope and plan for the vibrant future ahead. 

What will that future look like? How will you commit to be together? How will the congregation thrive as a center for spiritual strength and a motivator of collective action? All of these questions belong to you, and the pledge parties over the coming month are a great opportunity to roam around in the wild and dreamy possibilities. You may remember that one of the search committee’s conversations with the children’s RE program last fall yielded a vision for FUUSN’s building that included a rooftop pool. I encourage you to follow the children’s lead: Dream. Have fun. Let your imaginations roam free for a bit. 

Part of the power of transformation is that it takes you to places you couldn’t have previously imagined. It would be unbelievable to see a caterpillar and envision a butterfly. Nature and time work their magic for the caterpillar, but it’s the people and the vision that work our magic in congregations. Let’s take this time to see what we can conjure, shall we?

Books and authors who have influenced me:

from the Question Box service on February 18

  • Simone Weil, especially Waiting for God
  • Parker Palmer, especially A Hidden Wholeness and Healing the Heart of Democracy
  • Wendell Berry
  • Octavia Butler 
  • Madeleine L’Engle
  • John Paul Lederach on conflict
  • Ron Heifetz, Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskey on leadership & organizations
  • adrienne maree brown, Emergent Strategy
  • Arthur Riley, This Here Flesh
  • Rabbie Danya Ruttenbert, On Repentance and Repair and also her online newsletter
  • Rabbi Sharon Brous (her latest book is The Amen Effect)
  • Colum McCann, Apeirogon
  • Kathryn Schulz, Lost and Found

Theme for March: Transformation

What does it take to make change in ourselves, in our community, and in our world? How can we mark and honor the changes that take place slowly, over time? How can we mark new life and fresh understanding that happens within and around us? This month we mark transformations of many different kinds: the spring equinox, Easter, and the Transgender Day of visibility.

Nominating Committee Now Seeking Candidates

The 2024 Nominating Committee is now preparing a slate of nominees for open leadership positions at FUUSN for 2024-2025. Nominees must be FUUSN members. The election will be held at our Annual Meeting on June 9, 2024. All positions that need to be filled for the coming year are described below. Serving in one of these roles is a great way to contribute to FUUSN and learn about our Society. We welcome all candidates.

If you are interested in serving (or continuing to serve) in one of these open positions, or know someone who you feel would be a good candidate, please send those names to the Nominating Committee at The formal period for suggesting candidates is February 15 to April 1, 2024.

View all open positions here

Upcoming Events This Week


Feb. 28, 6pm: Bible Study for Unitarian Universalists (preregistration required)

Mar. 3, 12pm: Reparations Task Force

Mar. 3, 3:30pm: JourneySongs Hospice Choir Rehearsal

Mar. 4, 2:30: Member Services Committee

Mar. 4, 7:30pm: Soul Matters Small Group Ministry (preregistration required)

Mar. 5, 4pm: Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop (preregistration required)

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

RE This Week

Spirit Circle: Self-Reflection and Lent

Mar. 3, 4pm: 4th-6th Grade Owl - FUUSN Chapel

Mar. 3, 5pm: All8 Arts Workshop

Bible Study for Unitarian Universalists

Join Rev. Parisa and Devin Shmueli for this this six-session series. We will explore especially the stories in Genesis that appear in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We'll begin with an conversation about what the Bible means for Unitarian Universalists, as well as how to engage the texts and translations, and then dive into the stories together. No previous experience with reading the Bible is necessary, just a curiosity and willingness to engage!

Meets every Wednesday at 6pm, Feb. 28 - April 3. We will offer a simple supper with each session. Register here.

Racial Justice Ministry Reparations Task Force - March 3, 12pm

The monthly meeting of the Reparations Task Force/ RJM will be Sunday, March 3rd, after service in the Children’s Chapel. All welcome. We will be planning for Carl McCargo’s rescheduled reparations  presentation on March 10th as well mapping out spring priorities. Contact Jean Smith or Linda Lancz.

Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday Morning Greeters Needed

What could make attending Sunday service even more fun? How about welcoming old friends and newcomers to our sanctuary this Sunday morning? Sign up as a Greeter here.

FUUSN Oral History Project

Some years ago, FUUSN undertook an oral history video project interviewing long-time church members and staff. Interviewees included Jackie and Charlie Colby, Allan and Anne Hartman, Peter and Brenda Roberts, Roberta Humez, and Gerry Krick, among others.

The Preservation Committee recently renewed work on the project, seeking both to make the existing videos readily available for viewing and to record new interviews.

We have compiled a working list of members targeted for interviews, but it’s far from complete. Please let us know your ideas about members who might share important stories about their experiences in this community over the years.

We seek volunteers who can pitch in to help with the oral history project, including editing video. Please contact Elli Crocker Morse or Gayle Smalley.

Pledge Party Hosts Wanted!

March and April are the months that the FUUSN community organizes around the key way we fund our congregation -the annual pledge drive (APD). One great way to get involved is to host a pledge party - either in your home or at FUUSN. Please let the folks on the pledge drive team know your interest in hosting - it can be a sit down dinner, a fun family afternoon event with light food, a wine and cheese party - whatever would feel right for you. The APD budget has funds if you need support for your party. A member of the pledge drive team, a board member, and often Rev. Parisa would join you at these parties and help facilitate the discussion.

These events are going to be scheduled between March 9th and April 13th- please let us know what dates would work best for you, any accessibility information about your home (number of steps, etc.), if you would like to invite families with children, and any ideas you have about the type of food, etc. you would like to serve. The best way to contact the Pledge Drive team ( Kit Ryan, Michael Costello, John Dundon, Chip Highfield, and Suzanne Buchko) is the pledge drive email address: We look forward to hearing from you!

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Save the Date

Online presentation on Article II of the UUA Bylaws - March 7, 2024 at 7pm

This year's UUA General Assembly will include a special vote by delegates on new wording for our principles and purposes as stated in our UUA by-laws, known as "Article II." This vote finalizes a multi-year process that includes considerable work by the Article II Study Commission and the UUA Board of Trustees. Article II has not been updated since the 1980s. Congregations are encouraged to be in rigorous conversation about Article II. It is important that we all engage with one another, ask questions, share thoughts and concerns, and prepare for the final vote to be held at the 2024 General Assembly. Register here.

If you are considering being a delegate at GA in June, it will be especially important to hear from our congregants what they think about the proposed changes. Information about the Article II proposal can be found on the UUA website.

By-Laws Committee Meeting on Proposed Amendments -

March 10, 11:30am

Join the By-Laws Committee to learn about proposed By-Laws amendments to be voted on at the 2024 Annual Meeting. These amendments relate to term limits for officers not already subject to term limits as well as updating the use of pronouns.

A Zoom link will be sent out on the Business List a few days before.

Eclipse Hosting at FUUSB

The First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington is offering to host eclipse viewers April 6-8, 2024. Learn more.

Racial Justice and Reparations Task Force presents:

Carl W. McCargo, M.S.

Speaking on society's "isms" such as racism, sexism, classism.

Sunday, March 10, 11:30am

Alliance Room and Zoom

Read More

FUUSN Authors Expo - March 17 after service

On March 17th during coffee hour after the service, FUUSN writers of all kinds will display copies of their work at a long table and talk with anyone interested. The format will be simple: bring a copy of your work; place it on the table, and answer questions from anyone interested during coffee hour. If you think you might want to participate, contact Curt Lamb.

March 17, 2024 Music Sunday – Finally On My Way to Yes

This service presents music about transformation and change, both personal, healing transformation and being a force for change in the world. There will be  a wide variety of songs, including The Times They Are A-Changin', Hejira, Swing Down, Chariot, and a gorgeous setting of James Weldon Johnson’s Sonnet (My heart be brave). The FUUSN Choir will be joined by the Band, CreationDance, Bob MacWilliams and Lois Shapiro.

Kudos Corner

We held a very successful Services Auction on February 3rd. There was great attendance and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We have done some number crunching and as of today, we calculate that we cleared approximately $16,700 after expenses. So in addition to a fun event, the Services Auction benefited FUUSN financially in a big way. 

We want to thank all of the generous services donors, without whom there would be no auction. And we also want to thank all of the folks who attended and contributed to the event with their enthusiastic participation.

We also want to thank all of those who contributed their time and effort to put on the Auction. First of all the Services Auction Team who helped plan and carry out the event and solicited services donors: Bill Horne, Stephanie Kendall, Christine Lookner, Karen Bottar, Jeannie Chaisson, Jacki Rohan, and Pat Rohan. And thanks to the terrific auctioneers: Norm Thibeault, Saul Lookner, and Denise Bousquet; bartenders Don Buonagurio and Julia Wolfe; data management guru Matt Ritter; and dishwashing leader John Dundon. 

And also those who helped set-up and handled various tasks during the evening: Jonathan Lilienfeld, Laurie Hackett, Bing Boucher, Helen Jordan, Nancy Mattei, Emily Gelbert, Lynne Karlson, Bruce Kimball, Kate Thibeault and Erin, Eloise, and Simon Farrell. Apologies if we have missed anyone. 

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

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FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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