March 15, 2024

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March 19 â€” Election Day.

March 19 â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

March 25 - April 1 â€” NO SCHOOL, SPRING BREAK.

More event information can be found at:

2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Knight Nation News is a weekly publication from the Kings Local School District. If you know someone who isn't receiving it but would like to, click here to subscribe.

Kings Bond Update

A reminder that election day is March 19, 2024. Kings Local Schools has a bond issue on the ballot for voter consideration. The bond issue would fund a new high school, an addition at Columbia Intermediate, and other district facility improvements. For information regarding the bond, please visit,

As you see below, the bond language will say 5.971 mills, but due to creative financing and debt payoff, the actual bond impact to the property owner will be 3.5 mills, which is $123 annually per $100,000 home. Listen to the District's Financial Bond Representative, Kent Kashell as he explains the process in greater detail.

How much will the bond cost you if it passes? Click here to find out using our bond calculator.

If you still have questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Kings website.

Early voting ends this weekend. The Warren County Board of Elections will be open for early voting during the following times:

March 15 - 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

March 16 - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

March 17 - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

520 Justice Drive, Lebanon, Ohio 45036

March 19 - Election Day - polling locations are open from 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Please visit the Kings Facilities Page on the Kings website to learn more.  

2024 Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition Results

Eleven King High School students' artwork advanced to the State competition in the Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition.

At the Regional level, Nineteen works from KHS students were selected out of 842 entries to advance to the state level. At the state level, one piece was selected in the top 25, and three pieces out of only 319 works were chosen for the state exhibition.

Congratulations to KHS senior, Keira McCoy, whose film, "Deja Vu" placed in the top 25 in the fifty-fourth Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. Her work, "No One is Ever Actually Okay" was chosen for the State Exhibition.

Two KHS students were also chosen for the State Exhibition. Allison Peck was chosen for her work entitled, "Windy Day." and Eleanor Flinders was chosen for her work, "Trip to the Creek."

In 2024, there were 8,113 regional entries submitted from 3,000 schools. Approximately 1500 artworks were selected to enter the state judging. State jurors then selected 319 pieces for the exhibition with 25 of the 319 chosen to receive the Governor's Award of Excellence.

The Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition will open for viewing on Sunday, April 21 at the Rhodes State Office Tower in Columbus.

Pictured above L-R: Eleanor Flinders, Allison Peck, and Keira McCoy.

Keira McCoy - "Deja Vu" (film) one of the top 25 artworks in the state exhibition.

Allison Peck - "Windy Day"

Keira McCoy - "No One is Ever Actually Okay"

Eleanor Flinders - "Trip to the Creek"

Teen World Mental Health Day

At Kings High School, the spirit of compassion and support for mental wellness rang through the halls as students recently came together on March 1 to celebrate World Teen Mental Wellness Day (March 2).

Spearheaded by the school's dedicated Sources of Strength Peer Leaders, this initiative was a testament to the power of student-led advocacy for mental health. With enthusiasm and determination, these young leaders organized a series of events and activities aimed at promoting mental wellness within the school community.

The day was filled with opportunities for students to engage in meaningful conversations about mental health and learn valuable coping skills. Kings Social and Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers said, "The energy and passion displayed by the students was truly inspiring, reflecting their commitment to breaking down stigma and providing support to peers." The day was made possible by the generous support of a grant award from b1#, Interact for Health, and the Joe Borrow Foundation.

 A special shout out to students Mary Myerly, Mia McFaline, Corina Macy, Christian Corro-Zambrano, and Lily Austin for spearheading the planning and grant proposal and our Sources of Strength Peer Leaders. Sources of Strength Staff Advisors include Kim Sellers, Andy Endress, Heidi Murray, Jon Froah, and Margie Coleman.     

Kings High School is a Sources of Strength (SoS) school. The mission of Sources is to spread hope, help, and strength to our community by helping students and staff turn to their strengths and supports during tough times.   

KHS Student is Regional Runner-Up in Rotary Speech Competition

We told you last month about two Kings High School students who were winners of the Mason-Deerfield Rotary's Four-Way Test Speech contest.

Congratulations to Cristian Corro Zambrano who placed second overall among 23 competitors in the Regional Rotary Club Four Way Speech Competition. Taylor Kleis also did an amazing job, barely missing out on the final four!

Pictured is Crisitian with KHS Speech teacher, Pete Moore.

KHS BPA State Results

Twelve Kings High School students recently competed at the 2024 Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference in Columbus, Ohio.

Seven of those students placed in the top 10 in the state. One student, Keira McCoy, placed second in the state in Digital Media Production which qualifies her for the National competition in Chicago May 10-14.

KHS BPA State Qualifiers include Keira McCoy, Austin Staubitz, Michael Barger, Levi Miller, Parker Wind, Hanna Cook, Nora Spelic, Charlie Reeder, Mia McIntosh, Ian Lynch, Franklin Dominguez-Davis, and Ethan Livingston.

The students are under the instruction of Cassandra Barnes, Reggie Holtry, Isaac Trybus, and Kelly Shields.  

See the full results here.


Sweet Way to Study Biology at KHS

Students in Michaela King's Biology classes at Kings High School are studying Mitosis –  a process of cell duplication, or reproduction, during which one cell gives rise to two genetically identical daughter cells.

During the Mitosis Lab, King created a fun and tasty way to learn! Students used Oreo cookies and sprinkles to demonstrate the stages of mitosis.

What a great way to learn!

STEM Project at JFB

A few fourth-grade English Language Learners (ELL) in Dave Devore's classroom at J.F. Burns spent some time with JFB Building substitute, Margarita Eminyan creating and engineering a helicopter.

Margarita, originally from Armenia, has been a great help in supporting ELL students at JFB. She speaks Russian and connects with students still immersing themselves in an English school.

Margarita worked with Khadicha, Kevin, and Dani to create the helicopter. The students then proudly presented their work to all the 4th graders, Mrs. Montag and Mrs. Wilson.

Health Update from WCHD

The Warren County Health Commissioner, Duane Stansbury would like to alert parents that there was a Measles exposure at the Heritage Bank Arena at the Disney on Ice show on March 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

While this outbreak has not affected any students or staff at Kings, the Warren County Health District is offering information about the disease and steps you can take to protect your family.

Kings Summer Camp Registration

Kings Summer Camp, Knights on Vacation registration has begun.

To secure a spot for your child, you will need to complete this registration form. One form must be completed per child. Once your spot is confirmed and your child is accepted, you will receive an email notification that your child has been accepted into the program, hopefully by Spring Break.

Kings Kids Before and After School Program

We are excited to announce that registration for the Kings Kids Before and After School program will begin on April 2, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. 

We will once again offer the Kings Kids Before School program at Columbia Intermediate, J.F. Burns Elementary, Kings Mills Elementary, and South Lebanon Elementary. We will offer the Afterschool program at JFB, KME, and SLE.

If your child attends CIS Kings Kids in the Before Program, they will start their day at CIS and if they plan on attending the after-school program, they will be bussed back to their home elementary. 

To register, use the Google link on the Kings Kids Before and After School Program Webpage. HOWEVER, the link is not active at this time. No responses will be accepted until the link becomes active on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 8 am. The Kings Kids Before and After School program will fill up fast. Make sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 2, 2024.  

Kings Choir Family Alumni Celebration

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, more than fifty Kings alumni from all around the country, representing two decades of Kings Choirs, will storm The Castle just to sing together again!

Singers will gather to reunite and rehearse on Friday and Saturday with a culminating performance that includes our current KHS Choir Family at 6:30 p.m. All Kings Choir Alums are invited back home to enjoy the celebration and to join us at Putters after the concert! 

ALUMS: Still want to sign up? Please contact Mrs. Milthalter at

Registrations for the Class of 2037

Kindergarten Registration has begun! The online process runs through March 22, 2024. To enroll for kindergarten, your child must turn five by September 30, 2024. Register here.

KECC Now Registering for Preschool

It's time to register for preschool! Kings Early Childhood Center is your child's first experience in the Kings Local School District. We provide excellent early childhood education and special education services to Kings’ youngest learners.

Registration Information for 2024-2025 can be found on the Kings website.

Contact Sherri Cain, Administrative Assistant, at 513-398-8050, ext. 10042, for additional information.

Calling all Kings Alumni

We are looking to bolster our Kings Alumni database. Are you a Kings High School graduate or know someone who is? Please share the form with your fellow graduates. This will help our reunion committees and keep you updated on what is happening at your alma mater!

Please complete this Alumni Roundup Form.

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): Janelle Groff, Board Member; John Skerl, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Board Member; Stacie Belfrom, President; and Peggy Phillips, Vice-President.

The Kings Board of Education will meet for their monthly Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be broadcast live on the Kings Youtube channel.

Visit the Board of Education page on our website for meeting dates, meeting recordings, and agendas.

District Online Spiritwear Store

If you are looking to purchase Kings Spiritwear, visit the Kings Online Spiritwear Store provided by our partner ROKKITWEAR. All items will be printed and sent out within 5 business days! You can also personalize any item in the store!

Keep in touch with all things Kings Spiritwear by following our Facebook page!

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram, you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Website

Did you know that our Kings website is supported financially by local business advertisements? This allows the District to save between $20,000-$30,000 per year in website hosting fees.

Special thanks to the following businesses for their support -

Showbiz Dance Academy, Donatos Pizza, Shine Orthodontics, Hickman Orthodontics, Peoples Bank, Worthington Industries, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, Car X Tire & Auto, Sharefax Credit Union, Frankart Family Dentistry, Grace Rec, Kings Dental, and Panera Bread.

If you or someone you know would be interested in supporting our website please click here.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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