Faith Academics Service

September 3, 2024 ~ Newsletter

One Community One Family

Dear Christ the King School Community,

We look forward to Back to School Night this Thursday. It is our opportunity to come together and learn about our amazing school year ahead.

We are very fortunate to a part of this amazing community. We are thankful to all of our families, faculty and staff. Let's make the 2024/2025 school year a success.

Abundant Blessings,

Mr. Joe Silveira


Christ the King School


Dear Heavenly Father,You watch over us and always hold us in your graces. We are never alone because of Your support. Please help us to mirror that love and respect. Please hear the intentions in our hearts for our CTK community.

We pray for Emma Vado's (1st Grade) grandmother who has gone to Heaven.

 If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.

Important Dates

Wednesday, September 4 - CTK Spirit Wear, 12:00pm Dismissal

Thursday, September 5 - Hot Lunch - BBQ Chicken with Fried Rice(Pre-Order Only), 6:00pm Back to School Night

Friday, September 6 - 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform

Wednesday, September 11 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal

Thursday, September 12 - HL - Pizza (Pre-Order Only)

Friday, September 13 - Teacher In-Service Day, No School

Drop off & Pick up Reminders

Safety at drop off and pick up is of upmost importance to all of us at CTK. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to follow the guidelines we have set out. Please comply with the following no matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise:

  • Always use the upper lot to drop off and pick up students. DO NOT use the small lot, drive in front of the church or up the service road off Brandon Road for any reason.
  • Morning drop off begins at 7:50 with orange vested supervisors on the lower yard. If you are here before 7:50, you can keep them in your car or sign them into CLUB CTK. NO child should be on campus without adult supervision for any reason.
  • If your child walks or bikes to school please time their arrival as close to 7:50 or later as possible.
  • Friday Morning Choir at 7:30: Please ensure that your children have reached the front of the church safely and remain with them until school personnel arrive to open the church. Please keep in mind the safety of all students and resist the temptation to drive by church or to leave your children unattended. The few extra steps are always worth it!
  • Please drive SLOWLY and CAREFULLY in the school parking lot during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. It is always important to pay attention to the crossing guard and signals near school. Small children can be hard to see in a crowded lot, so we ask that you be aware of their safety at all times. Also, when parking please pull forward to the front spaces, if available, and park facing the gym.
  • Please leave all parking spaces along the fence empty. The area all along the fence is for carpools only. Parking in these spots prevents the flow of carpool traffic and backs up traffic onto Gregory Lane. Please park in the center of the lot.

Drop off and pick up tips from our staff members that work the carpool lines:

1. Pull forward:  It is difficult to see the little ones in the parking lot. When parking in the main parking lot, pull forward to the front slot. If you are parked behind another car, please wait until the car in front of you pulls out, or all students are cleared from the parking lot to back out very carefully.

2. The Walking Gate: Students wait inside the gate until the parent pulls in front of the gate. Students are not allowed to wait outside the gate.

3. Gym/ Parish Hall: Students are not allowed to wait near the gym/ parish hall area, they must remain inside the walking gate.

4. Main parking area: Students must be accompanied by an adult while walking to their parked car.

5. Other parking areas:  Do not use the small lot, the front of the church, or the service road off Brandon during morning drop off or after-school pick up.

Please click here for guidelines form our handbook. Our children are one of our greatest gifts; we appreciate your help in keeping them all safe!


As much as we all love our furry friends, per the Oakland Diocese policy we can not have dogs on campus. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for leaving your pets at home.

Please click here for the statement from the Oakland Diocese

Volunteering on Campus

We are so happy to have volunteers on campus! We want to thank everyone for giving their time to help our school year be the best that it can be. Please remember all volunteers must have the following on file in the school office prior to volunteering on campus:

  • Complete the Virtus Training, and submit the certificate
  • Submit proof of a negative TB test or TB Risk Assessment questionnaire completed and signed by licensed health care provider
  • Have a completed Volunteer Application Form on file in the office
  • Livescan Fingerprinting

If you are unsure if you are up to date, please email Mrs. Rubino here to check.

Health & Safety

All student medications, EPI Pens and inhalers must be checked in through the school office. If your child requires an epi-pen or inhaler and attends CLUB CTK, you will also need to supply CTK Club with those items. Please click here for our medication on file form.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night for all grades will be Thursday, September 5th beginning at 6:00pm in the Church. This is your opportunity to meet your children's teachers and hear their expectations first hand. This evening is for parents only. Please make childcare arrangements for your child.

Please click here for evenings schedule.

CTK Choir

Interested in joining the choir?

Please click here for more information

Hot Lunch

Need Help?

Click here to download a step-by-step flyer. Or watch a step-by-step instructional video here

Have a question?

Click here to read Hot Lunch FAQs or visit the CTK website for links.

Ice Cream Sales

Our milk & ice cream tickets are getting a whole new look! 

When you buy milk and ice cream tickets this year, you’ll notice the old paper tickets have been replaced with a sleek new design. The old paper tickets will slowly be replaced with the new laminated tickets.


Can I still use my old paper tickets? Absolutely! Don’t fret—BOTH tickets are valid and can be used until December. However please note the paper tickets will retire on December 19, 2024. So make sure you use up all your paper tickets by that date. Starting in January 2025 only the new laminated tickets will be accepted.


Order your Milk & Ice Cream tickets through RaiseRight. To set up your RaiseRight account, use our school’s enrollment code (L54D412C9999).


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Demi Marquez directly


The County Fair Festival is back and it's bigger and better than ever!

Mark your calendars for September 27th (4-10 PM) and September 28th (1-8 PM)

for a weekend packed with the charm of a classic county fair.

Limited edition Festival T-shirts at

T-shirt sales end Friday August 30th

Discounted wristbands and tickets are on sale now at

through September 20th—avoid the lines and grab yours today!

To make this event a success, we need your help!

- Sponsorships/Corporate matching: contact Stacy York at or Nicole Polizzi at Thanks to our AMAZING Sponsors and Corporate match to date we’ve been able to build and bring in all new games and activities. We still have time to add more – so please consider a


- Wine: for the wine toss. Drop off at the school office.

- Local Vendor Booths: Sell your products at Festival! Booth spaces are available.

Volunteers Needed:

- Chili Cookoff Coordinator: Take the lead on our new event – the Chili Cookoff

- Bingo Coordinator: Bingo is back! Take the lead on its revival!

- Contact if you’re interested in the above positions or just want to get

involved in planning CTK Festival County Fair! School family volunteer sign ups will come out in early


Stay Informed: For everything you need to know and for the latest updates about our entertainment line-up,

food vendors, reserve a sales booth, buy t-shirts, wristbands, and tickets visit our website at

CTK Golf Tournament


One of the best ways to meet your $250 School Fund Assessment fee is by purchasing gift cards through our RaiseRight program. Signing up is very simple to do! Visit and enter our School Enrollment Code: L54D412C9999.

Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form. 

Parents and family members can start shopping today to take advantage of back to school deals through several vendors on the website. Happy shopping!

Virtue of the Week


Moderation in the eyes of a child - Moderation can be defined as the avoidance of excess or extremes. There can be a lot of value in this single word when used in the context of health and well-being.


Please complete the form here if you are requesting reimbursement for school activities (for example, PTG events). After requests are reviewed and approved, your reimbursement will be ready within 7-10 business days. 

Cub Scouts


We're inviting all children (Grades K-5) and their families to Cub Scout Pack 401's first Pack Meeting of the 2024-2025 school year on Wednesday, September 11th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM at the Christ the King Parish Hall. We hope you can join us! Please contact us (details below) if you have any questions about our Cub Scout Pack.


Brian Hanley

Pack 401 Cubmaster

Parish News


Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?

Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at

CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the August 28thParish Newsletter

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via
Quick Links!

Parent Student Handbook: Click Here

School Supply List Grades K-8: Click Here

Club Registration Form: Click Here

Walk to School Form: Click Here

Student Medication Form: Click Here

Virtus Safe Environment TrainingClick Here to access the online training site and Click Here for instructions.

Diocese of Oakland Volunteer Application form: Click Here

TB Assessment Form: Click Here

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via