CRM Ascent October 2022
Converge Rocky Mountain is a movement of dynamic, Christ-centered churches. We seek to transform lives and communities by strengthening and multiplying Jesus-filled believers and congregations
in the Rocky Mountain West.
Celebrate Your Pastors!

Converge Rocky Mountain has some of the finest ministry leaders in the country. You'll find some CRM pastors comforting communities after devastating wildfires. Others are orchestrating food give aways to hungry neighbors. Several are planting churches in rural communities that others often overlook.

Our planters and pastors are driven by the truth that every life matters to God. They are willing to leave the ninty-nine to search for the one lost individual who needs Jesus. Our ministry leaders preach with power, accuracy, and passion. They spend countless hours, praying, preparing, equipping, and leading their congregations forward. We may never know the emotional toll the last couple of years have taken on our leaders. The challenges they've faced, the changes they have navigated. But our pastors have remained faithful to their churches and to their God.

This month we stop to say thank you. To celebrate our ministry leaders and to pray for them and their families. But let's not let our support and celebration be confined to one month a year. Support your ministry leaders regularly through your encouraging words, volunteer service, and financial investment in building God's Kingdom. Your pastor will be strengthened and your church will thrive.
New Executive Assistant
CRM Welcomes Leanza Thomas

"Hi! I am Leanza (Lee-Ann-zuh) Thomas! I am born and raised in Colorado but lived in Southern California for a few years. My husband and I move back here in 2019. I worked in a church office as an executive assistant for 4 years before moving to work at Converge Rocky Mountain.

I have a 7-year-old chocolate lab puppy (not really a puppy but she will always be one in my eyes) and a 10-year-old black cat. We bought our first house this past year and are learning a ton about homeownership. I am an avid volunteer in youth and kids’ ministry as I believe pouring into the next generation of believers is vital. I am looking forward to partnering with you and your churches! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want to connect!"

You can connect with Leanza at:

Converge has teamed up with Alliance Defending Freedom, ADF Church Alliance, to better prepare and protect your church. ADF Church Alliance is a membership program that provides legal help so you don’t have to navigate religious freedom issues alone. The program acts as a hub for churches to gain access to experienced First Amendment lawyers who are available to answer religious liberty questions, conduct document reviews and provide advice, and even represent your church in court if necessary and appropriate – it’s virtually all-inclusive for religious freedom issues. 

CRM is offering a ZOOM introduction with an ADF representative on Nov. 3, 2022. Hopefully Converge pastors from around the country will join us as we learn together about this valuable resource. There will be a time for Q and A after the presentation. The ZOOM introduction will be held on November 3, 2022 at 10 AM MST. Pastors and key church leaders are invited.

Here is your ZOOM Invitation

Paul Mitton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 9996 5308
Passcode: 776448
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An Alongside Cohort is a small group of 10-12 pastors’ wives that gathers together for the purpose of taking the next step in embracing the unique opportunities of this God-given role. The cohorts have four intentional, guided conversations that dig into issues that we all must wrestle through in order to continue in ministry with a healthy heart. We incorporate some practical tools wrapped in rich conversation about topics that present challenges to all of us who are navigating this ministry road. The cohorts are facilitated by seasoned coaches who ask layered questions to peal back the onion on complicated issues and ultimately helping all of us see God’s hand working, even in the difficult.
Partner Church Contribution Packets On Their Way
Your church will soon be receiving its partner contribution packet for 2023. The packet will be filled with resources for your church, coaching/training opportunities, a description of our mission field, and information on each of our church planting couples. I encourage pastors, mission leaders, and mission teams to review the packet and then fill out your proposed contributions sheet for 2023. Your estimate helps CRM leaders plan accurately for the financial resources we’ll have available for the 2023 ministry year. You enable CRM to strengthen your church and start healthy new churches across our region. Thank you very much for supporting your mission's movement.
It's Not Too Late!
S2 Conference
November 8-10, 2022

Come spend three days in the beautiful East Valley of Phoenix, Arizona with your team for a time of intentional learning about how to multiply your influence and ministry. Hear from some of the greatest church leaders of our time at this powerful event.

  • Practical, impacting teaching from top leaders of today
  • Resources, ideas, and how-to steps through countless breakouts.
  • Uplifting worship that will recharge and refresh your spirit.
  • Quality time with your team to talk about where God is wanting to move in your church
CRM will host a team dinner
Wednesday, Nov. 9th night at Joe's Farm Grill!
Save The Dates!
Two CRM Mission Trip Opportunities for 2023
Nordic Baltic- May 2023
During this trip to Estonia and Sweden, we will encourage CRM international missionaries, visit area pastors, and participate in several ministry opportunities. More information coming next month.
Nov.22-Dec.2, 2023
Join a veteran missions team as we encourage pastors on outer islands, care for the needy, love on kids, and be humbled by the incredible, faith-filled believers we will find in the Philippines. Buses, planes, ferries and outrigger canoes will all be part of the adventure. Stay tuned for more details.
Attention Bethel Alumni...
Bethel University Comes To Colorado!

Bethel University is coming to Colorado for a Royal Road Trip! We have a number of events planned during our time in Colorado and President Allen would love to have you join him at the Alumni Event! Simply reply to this email ( to RSVP. We hope to see you there!

We Are Stronger When We Pray Together!

  • Praise the Lord, for our tremendous pastors and ministry teams leading each CRM church. They are all gifts to our movement.
  • Praise the Lord for conversions and baptisms taking place in our churches. Transformation!
  • Praise the Lord for the arrival of CRM's new Executive Assistant, Leanza Thomas.
  • Pray for all the fall outreach events taking place this month.
  • Praise the Lord for our faithful prayer warriors who stand in the gap for the ministries of Converge
  • Pray for the VP of Church Starting search. The right person will be crucial to take our planting efforts to the next level.
  • Pray for churches looking for Worship and Youth Directors. Pray that God will raise up gifted candidates. Let Paul Mitton know if you are aware of any possibilities.
  • Pray for Crow Hill Bible Church, First Baptist Idaho Sprigs, and Cody Bible Fellowship-Cody, WY, as they seek new pastors.
  • Pray for spiritual leaders battling depression, discouragement, or difficult seasons in ministry.
  • Pray for our homegrown Converge international missionaries serving around the world.
  • Pray that God will provide the financial, prayer, and people resources needed for CRM to continue to reach the Rockies effectively for His Kingdom.

Pray for Regional President Paul Mitton
  • Paul and Janelle are having a busy fall visiting as many CRM churches as possible. They are praying for you daily, so please let them know of specific prayer requests for your church and your family. They also just had family pictures taken. :)

  • This fall Paul will also be participating in Bethel University and Converge Board meetings He will also attend the S2 conference with CRM staff and many of our pastors. He's also helping several churches find new pastors, doing some conflict resolution, and working to build the church-strengthening facet of CRM. He would appreciate your prayers for wisdom, strength, and safe travels.

  • November 14-20 Paul and Jan will take a delayed trip to Iceland to celebrate a big birthday for Janelle.