Next Week Steve Munisteri

Thank you to all of our candidates who have taken the time to share their stories and visions with us over these past few months. I hope you have all enjoyed getting to know our candidates as much as I have. The start of Early Voting is just days away and by the time of our next call on October 28th, it will be in full swing.

And who better to talk to us right before Election Day than our very own Steve Munisteri. For those that don't know, Steve is our former Texas GOP State Chairman, a Presidential Campaign Advisor, Senior Advisor to the RNC, Deputy Assistant to the President in the Trump administration, Senior Advisor to Senator John Cornyn's re-election campaign and current Senior Advisor to Governor Abbott. And that's just since 2010! Steve has been involved in Texas Republican politics since the 70's - when the GOP in Texas wasn't more than an afterthought!


We are going to be tapping into Steve's deep well of knowledge to give us a status update on the current state of critical races and talk to us about the importance of Getting Out The Vote! And folks that is what these critical next few weeks are all about. We've been working for almost two years to get ready for this moment and now it is game time because none of it matters unless we get our voters to the polls. I know a lot of you are already hard at work contacting voters. If you aren't already involved, we'll tell you how you can be a part of the effort. There is no Red Wave this November without our dedicated volunteers. Join us on our call to learn more!

Call To Action

Friday, October 28th

7:00 a.m. CST


If you have missed any of our past meetings with our Republican candidates, you can find all of the recordings here on my website

2022 RNC Election Integrity Update

Election Integrity Overview

  • The RNC has built a robust Election Integrity Operations infrastructure (EIO) that draws on its legal, political, data, and communications resources. Our efforts will help ensure a free, fair, and honest election before, on, and after election day.
  • The RNC began setting up a permanent EIO immediately following the 2020 election.
  • Chairman McDaniel organized the Committee on Election Integrity which produced a comprehensive report both on what the GOP should be doing to ensure election integrity as well as recommended policy changes for election officials and legislatures.
  • Due to a longstanding court decree resulting from litigation brought by the DNC, this is the first time since 1981 that the RNC is able to lead the party’s election integrity efforts in poll watching, voting litigation, and other activities.
  • The RNC successfully managed EIO in key 2021 elections, including in Virginia where the GOP swept statewide offices and retook the state House, in New Jersey where our efforts helped ensure an honest and open election, and in California’s gubernatorial recall election.
  • The RNC Political Team has election integrity staff on the ground in 17 states and to date has recruited 27,778 poll workers and 28,671 poll watchers.
  • The RNC has engaged in 70 lawsuits in 20 states this cycle alone protecting and promoting election integrity, and it continues to engage in new litigation leading up to the election.
  • The RNC has hired 37 state-based election integrity counsels to monitor issues, gather important information from election officials, develop litigation opportunities, and ensure that state and local officials are following the law.
  • As the election approaches, the RNC is making final preparations which include recruiting and deploying additional poll watchers and lawyers, fine-tuning strategies for post-election recounts, and fully operationalizing a program that is two years in the making.
  • To learn more and volunteer, interested parties should visit the RNC’s Election Integrity website, www.PROTECTTHEVOTE.com.

Litigation Efforts

Recent Wins:

  1. The RNC has amassed a series of recent litigation wins in key states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina and Nevada.
  2. In Wisconsin, we won two victories against the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) in defeating unlawful guidance that threatened the integrity of the absentee voting process. The first challenged guidance allowing for local clerks to fill in missing information on a witness’s affidavit which a court struck down. The second lawsuit successfully challenged WEC’s guidance allowing voters to “re-vote” if they change their mind after voting and returning their ballot.
  3. In Michigan we recently won a hard-fought victory against Democrat SuperPAC Priorities USA when we successfully defended the state law’s ban on absentee ballot application harvesting and paid “busing” to the polls.
  4. In North Carolina, the RNC and NCGOP sued the North Carolina Board of Elections (NCBOE) for unlawful regulations that make it especially difficult to ensure proper poll watching coverage in areas where observers may need to cover multiple voting locations in a day. Just yesterday, a court granted our request for a preliminary injunction, ordering the NCBOE from enforcing those unlawful restrictions.
  5. We also sued Clark County, Nevada and negotiated a favorable deal where the county will provide the RNC with the partisan breakdown of all county poll workers on a rolling basis which will ensure the RNC can enforce requirements for proportional party representation.

Defending Election Integrity Laws: The RNC has played a critical role in defending recent state election reforms under attack by the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) and Democrat lawyers.

  1. The RNC intervened to defend election integrity laws in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, and Texas, including DOJ lawsuits in Arizona, Georgia, and Texas. These commonsense laws restrict ballot harvesting, regulate drop boxes, require voter ID, and ensure that only U.S. citizens can register to vote in our elections.
  2. Our efforts have helped ensure that states are on an equal footing in fighting these court battles against an onslaught of Democrat and DOJ lawyers. The RNC’s participation in these lawsuits has resulted in multiple court victories, thus ensuring these challenged laws remain in effect for the 2020 election.


On the Offense:

  1. We have challenged laws allowing non-citizens to vote in New York City and two Vermont towns. The RNC won a huge victory when a trial court ruled that New York City’s law violated the state constitution and state election statutes.
  2. The RNC has also challenged illegal election practices in key 2022 states, including Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and New Jersey. Even the Democrats’ top election litigator noted that GOP lawsuits “increase[d] nearly five-fold in 2022” from previous elections. This is largely due to the work of the RNC.
  3. Our lawsuits challenge unlawful restrictions on poll watching, poll worker hiring practices that unfairly favor Democrats, and illegal ballot “curing” practices.

Supreme Court Wins:

  1. The RNC led efforts in the monumental Supreme Court victory in Brnovich v. DNC, 141 S. Ct. 1263 (2021). We helped finance the litigation, coordinated efforts to get the U.S. Supreme Court to accept the case, and led the selection process for counsel to represent the Arizona GOP.
  2. The RNC filed four amicus briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of critical litigation impacting voting rights.
  • The RNC filed two amicus briefs in support of the North Carolina legislature in the upcoming Moore v. Harper case which seeks to rein in reckless state courts from striking down important election integrity measures and rewriting congressional districts enacted by state legislatures.
  • The RNC filed a brief in an important case which had denied the North Carolina state legislature the ability to intervene in election lawsuits when the state does not provide an adequate defense. The Supreme Court ruled in our favor. 
  • The RNC filed a brief in an important pending Voting Rights Act case challenging Alabama’s redistricting plan which seeks to require Alabama to draw districts solely based on race.

Investigatory and Oversight Efforts

  • The RNC has, for the first time in party history, developed an issue reporting system which will allow poll watchers and volunteer attorneys to report issues occurring during early voting and on election day in real time. This system will allow us to quickly identify state and national irregularities, recognize any patterns, quickly gather information to be used in court as affidavits, and collect evidence for post-election recounts or litigation.
  • The RNC has submitted dozens of public records requests to state and local election officials around the country to monitor state voter roll clean-up efforts and uncover any unlawful activities or election integrity issues, such as the use of private grants to fund elections. We have sued officials who have refused to provide records to which the public is entitled.
  • The RNC has closely monitored Democrat election officials’ administrative rulemaking on election issues. We successfully thwarted a rulemaking by the North Carolina Board of Elections that would have unlawfully restricted our poll watchers.
  • We have sent demand letters to election officials across the country on a variety of issues. We have successfully gotten officials to back down on important issues such as not hiring enough Republican poll workers.

Political Overview

  • Staff on the ground in 17 states – placing Republican poll workers and Republican poll watchers. Those states are: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
  • During the primary elections, the RNC EIO placed poll workers and poll watchers in 17 states with staff, built fully functional legal command centers for issue reporting and resolution, and resolved 7,233 issues reported by poll watchers.
  • The EIO was able to notch some high-profile wins:
  1. Harris County, Texas: Harris County Election Administrator Isabel Longoria failed to run a competent and secure primary election. Longoria failed at the most basic tenets of election administration: she did not credential Republican poll workers, she did not train enough Republican poll workers, some polling places were not open until 9:30 AM, and she did not provide adequate support for election officials on Election Day. The RNC, State and County Parties called on Isabel Longoria to resign, and she did resign one week after Election Day.
  2. Pinal County, Arizona: During the Arizona Primary, Pinal County had similar issues to Harris County. Over 63,000 mail-in ballots had been delivered to the wrong voters and there were ballot shortages throughout Pinal County on Election Day. The RNC and AZGOP issued a joint statement calling for the resignation of the Pinal County Elections Director, who then resigned the next day.
  • 2022 Campaign Cycle Metrics:
  1. Confirmed Poll Workers: 27,778
  2. Poll Watchers: 28,671
  3. Unique Volunteers: 104,541
  4. Trainings: 4,571
  5. Training Attendees: 62,888

Plans for the Homestretch:

  • The RNC was actively engaged in election integrity operations in key primary elections nationwide and is now fine-tuning the program based on lessons learned from that experience.
  • As we approach the election, the RNC is focusing its efforts on recruiting and placing hundreds of attorneys in key jurisdictions to monitor the elections process and litigate on and after election day if necessary.
  • For the 2022 General Election, the Election Integrity Division is on pace to fill 44,000 Poll Watching shifts in addition to the Poll Workers that have been confirmed by the Election Integrity teams.
  • We are setting up legal command centers in each state that will serve as the nerve center for conducting election integrity operations before, on, and after election day.
  • The RNC is also working with other party committees and candidates across the country to plan for recounts, contests, and post-election litigation. We are retaining recount attorneys and developing detailed action plans to execute immediately after polls close.
  • The RNC continues to identify new litigation opportunities and is prepared to intervene to thwart last-minute Democrat Party litigation challenging voting rules.
  • The RNC is retaining experts on voting systems, U.S.P.S. mail delivery, and other aspects of the elections process who will be used in recounts and post-election litigation.
  • While the RNC is executing a successful and aggressive campaign to rein in lawless actions by state and local officials, we also need to set expectations for certain states. The U.S. Constitution empowers state legislatures to set the laws for administering elections, and Democrats in some states have used that discretion to enact reckless laws that undermine election integrity. A few examples include Nevada, California, and several other states where live ballots are mailed to all voters, even to those who don’t request them. And, Pennsylvania, where there is still confusion over whether ballot curing is allowed or undated ballots should be counted, and the RNC is engaged in litigation fighting to ensure the law is followed. Where those laws have withstood legal challenges, often thanks to liberal judges, we will have no choice but to play by their rules while maintaining constant vigilance for problems as they arise.  


I am excited to share with you that TFRW is working with the RNC, The Dallas and Collin County GOP locations and other partners in coordinating a multi-organizational block walk for the Republican candidates across Texas. We have several of these currently scheduled, all are invited to join!


We will be in Collin County with the Collin GOP Victory Team and area clubs to walk for the Collin County slate, working to keep our Republican majority in one of the fastest growing areas.

2963 W. 15th St., Suite 2981, Plano, TX



We will be in Houston, more details to follow.

For any information regarding any of these events be sure to contact TFRW at tfrw@tfrw.org!

*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website.

For more information, please click here.

Inflation Is Getting Worse

As Bidenflation keeps up its relentless attack on middle-class families, more Americans are falling deeper into debt, facing rising housing costs, and watching their 401(k)s plummet.

What you need to know:

The bottom line:

Democrats' reckless spending put us in this mess, and on November 8, the American people need to vote them out and vote for Republicans up and down the ticket.  

Midterm Elections Update

With 25 days until the election, Republicans are in a strong position to take back the House and Senate. We need everyone to vote. Visit gop.com to get involved. 


What you need to know:

  • Republicans are in a strong position heading into the midterm elections, including taking back the House and Senate majorities. 
  • Republicans need to pick up 1 seat in the Senate and 5 seats in the House to retake majorities. 
  • Voters across the country have nominated a great slate of candidates at the congressional, statewide, and local level: 
  • Strong statewide Senate candidates including Dr. Mehmet Oz, JD Vance, Adam Laxalt, Katie Britt, Joe O’Dea, Blake Masters, Herschel Walker, Tiffany Smiley, Don Bolduc, and Ted Budd.
  • Hispanic Congressional candidates including Monica de la Cruz (TX), Michelle Garcia Holmes (NM), Mayra Flores (TX), Yesli Vega (VA), and Cassy Garcia (TX).
  • Female Congressional candidates including Madison Gesiotto Gilbert (OH), Jen Kiggans (VA), April Becker (NV), Esther Joy King (IL), Mary Miller (IL), Erin Houchin (IN), and Karoline Leavitt (NH). 
  • Black Congressional candidates including Wesley Hunt (TX), John James (MI), Billy Prempeh (NJ), George Logan (CT), and Jennifer-Ruth Green (IN). 
  • APA candidates including Michelle Steel (CA), Young Kim (CA), Allan Fung (RI), and Hung Cao (VA). 
  • Candidates who served in our military including Morgan Luttrell (TX), Ryan Zinke (MT), Zach Nunn (IA), and Derrick Van Orden (WI). 
  • Republicans are focusing on issues that matter to families and voters in all communities:
  • Lowering prices on everything from gas to groceries;
  • Keeping our communities safe; 
  • Securing the southern border and stopping the flow of fentanyl into the country; 
  • Investing in our children's education. 
  • Democrat candidates across the country will not:
  • Make our communities safer; 
  • Lower the costs at the pump or at the grocery store; 
  • Secure the southern border; 
  • Make us energy independent again. 
  • Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to fall and he is a drag on Democrat candidates.
  • 74% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track according to the most recent Monmouth poll. 
  • 53% of Americans disapprove of the job Biden is doing, and he is 10 points underwater with just 42% approving. 
  • Do not buy into the media/polling feedback loop. The media has to create tension, it is good for business.
  • Joe Biden and Democrats have brought crisis after crisis and the American people are paying the price. 
  • A supply chain crisis and inflation at a 40 year high;
  • High gas prices; 
  • An out of control border crisis; 
  • Lethal fentanyl pouring into our communities;
  • Rising crime across the country;
  • A disastrous foreign policy agenda that has America leading from behind. 
  • The RNC has made significant investments in the midterms and to grow our Party with minority communities. 
  • The RNC has over: 
  • 700 staffers; 
  • 720,000 volunteers; 
  • 70 million voter contacts;
  • And 38 Community Centers this cycle.

The bottom line:

With less than a month until Election Day, we are working hard every day to elect Republican leaders who will fight for Americans and put us first. 

What We Are Reading

RNC Research

Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have at tad@toniannedashiell.com, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to Keep Texas RED!

Learn More: RNC
Learn More: Texas GOP
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas 
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