Title: Investigating the Relationship Between Serum Folate and PFAS Levels in a Population with Known PFAS Exposure
PI: Sarah Rhea, Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, NC State
Budget: $25,000
Title: Establishing a Super-resolution Optical Imaging Platform to Decode the Nanoscale Organizations and Interactions Among Higher-order Chromatin Structures and Epigenetic Marks
PI: Yang Zhang, Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science, NC State
Budget: $25,000
Title: Impact of Wildfire Smoke Particles and Combustion-Derived Microplastic Particles on Allergen-Induced Lung Disease in Mice
PI: James Bonner, Department of Biological Sciences, NC State
Budget: $25,000
Title: Long-term Impact of Gestational PFAS Exposure on Immune Repertoire Development and
Transcriptional Regulation
PI: Xinxia Peng, Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, NC State
Budget: $25,000
Title: Evaluating the Potential of Mast Cells as Key Drivers of Increased Susceptibility
to Physical and Psychological Disease Resulting from Perinatal Exposure to Flame Retardants
PI: Natalia Duque-Wilckens, Department of Biological Sciences, NC State
Budget: $25,000