ISSUE 17 ~ OCT 2022
Stories from the Turkish Caravan, by Pir Shabda
Update on Murshid Wali Ali, by Sabura Meyer
Visiting Murshid Wali Ali, by Tawwaba Bloch
Ashram Diary, by Sabura Meyer
SoulWork: Neuroscience, by Raphael and Yahya
Physicians of the Heart Wazifa Card Deck
The Music of the Sufi Choir & More, from Allaudin Mathieu
Stories from the DUP Turkish Caravan, Ya Rashid Ya Jabbar
by Pir Shabda Kahn
Dearest Family,
September 10th began with a 13-hour flight from San Francisco to Istanbul to join the "Caravan Ya Rashid Ya Jabbar". Around 60 of us met in the old city in Istanbul, in the shadow of the great Blue Mosque and Aya Sophia, near the Topkapi Palace, with Roman ruins below our feet.
The Caravan, and the Beyond Initiative is vision of our very own Sheikh Arjun Jorge Calero from Colombia, who serves on the Board of Trustees for the International Network of the Dances of Universal Peace and also the Ruhaniat BOT. He is partnered by an incredible staff of Juan Nuraddin from Spain, Sheri/Sherifa from Iran living in Istanbul, Sinan from Istanbul and Ari Arzu from Izmir in Turkey. Deep bows to all of them! Our main teaching staff included Murshid Allaudin Ottinger, Sheikha Lakshmi Tamariz from Ecuador, Nur Jahan Roxana from Chile, Malika Salazar from Colombia and New York, and Yelena Swarana from Latvia....continue reading
An Update on Murshid Wali Ali Meyer
by Sabura Meyer
Dear Friends of the Heart,
I hope this finds you flourishing and that your summer allowed for more gathering with friends and family than we’ve experienced over the past couple of years. Wali Ali and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary in the middle of July, and looking at our wedding album brought many of you to mind and heart in a vivid and joyous way. What a beautiful, beautiful day that was.
In that vein I’d like to offer an update on where Wali Ali and I are on our journey together. Last year, anticipating there may come a point when he would need full-time care, I began researching memory care facilities. All of them were beyond our price range but more importantly, I could not see my beloved in any of them no matter how difficult things became...continue reading
Help Fund Murshid Wali Ali's Care at Elder Ashram
In July 2022 Murshid Wali Ali entered the Elder Ashram where he now lives and receives visits from family and friends. Medicare and Medi-Cal do not provide any insurance coverage for Elder Ashram so we are raising funds to cover the cost of $84,000 per year. This is a large sum, yet it is $2,000-$3,000 less per month than other facilities in the Bay Area.
Murshida Fatima Lassar is generously paying for Wali Ali's first year at Elder Ashram. Deepest thanks to Fatima!
Please join us in funding the second year and going forward! Thank you for your generous support to Murshid Wali Ali.
for Murshid Wali Ali Meyer's care at Elder Ashram
Ashram Diary ~ Let Our Love Be Large
by Sabura Meyer
One of the remarkable things about language is that when words, by necessity, take a back seat you realize they are only one way to communicate. The body has its own language, the breath, the heart, the eyes, the hands, each of these has an articulate and compelling voice. They are the portals I now listen from when I’m with Wali Ali. The trajectory of his words is no longer linear, rather a great swooping bird making circles in a widening sky with occasional laser-like dives to a brilliant point. Sometimes I can glean from his speech what he is trying to communicate, but often I have to listen from a different awareness, twinkling eye to eye, the reach of a hand, quiet breath, tone, silence...continue reading
Visiting Murshid Wali Ali at Elder Ashram
by Tawwaba Bloch
Sabura recently sent a message to the community about Wali Ali's new living situation. She included an opening for the possibility of mureeds and friends to visit him there.
The Elder Ashram is a beautiful home for elders in the Fruitvale section of Oakland, not far from me in Berkeley. It operates in the philosophy that elders are our teachers, in whatever state and condition their lifetime has brought them. They refer to dementia as forgetfulness, and train and encourage staff and caregivers to let this state teach them about living in the present. Having checked out their website I was quite curious what I would find in the facility as well as my teacher's state.
A sign on the entry gate invited me to Center...then Enter.
SoulWork: Neuroscience
by Raphael Birney and Yahya Nadler
How can one understand the multiplicity of internal worlds with its many figures that keep getting re-discovered in various healing schools throughout human history? Dreams connect us to the imaginative world each night with lucid dreams linking the sleep and waking worlds. SoulWork accesses these realms while awake. On one level some of the images relate to our current struggles, past trauma, and histories. On another level super conscious states connect us with the sacred...continue reading
Physicians of the Heart Wazifa Card Set
The cards of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah were created in response to numerous requests and serve as an adjunct to the book Physicians of the Heart authored by Pir Shabda Kahn, Faisal Muqaddam, Imam Bilal Hyde, and Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. Each card provides a summary of a Divine Name, its pronunciation, and its number on the list of 99 Names. The number 99 serves as a symbol for an unlimited quantity.
From helping us to learn and retain the meanings of the Names, to prompting us to chant their sounds, to giving a daily reading, the cards can support remembrance of God in our daily life. They serve to form an acquaintance with and perhaps even a relationship with some of the attributes of Allah.
A Note from Pir Shabda ~
It is with joy and gratitude that I share the upcoming publication of our new "Wazifa Cards". The project began with an inspiration from Sheikha Insu Hyams. Then she and I worked on the content which is drawn from our book. Murshid Jelaluddin Hauke Sturm from Berlin joined the team as the designer. The cards come in a beautifully designed box, a 20-page booklet and a carry pouch. The cards are being published by Mandala Earth and can be ordered from Amazon now.
The Music of the Sufi Choir & More
from Maestro Allaudin Mathieu
The original Sufi Choir recorded the "In Unison Chorale" on its final album, Remembrance, which includes (among other tracks) choral versions of the Invocation, Bismillah, Khatum, and the Chishti Silsila (sung by Pir Shabda Kahn).
Remembrance is available for purchase, along with the other five original albums, at The link forwards to the Sufi Choir portion of Allaudin Mathieu’s website, All albums can be purchased as digital downloads, or as CDs, and there’s a discounted bundle of all six albums. While you’re there, please download the beautiful song “Pure Diamond” as a gift.
And, of course, you can explore Allaudin’s other music and writings whilst on the website.
Donation Request & Legacy Giving
Your donations help us to answer the continuing call of our mission. We are grateful to our donors, volunteers, teachers, the Murshids' Circle and the Board of Trustees, who help us in our work and service. Thank You!
Legacy Giving
The Ruhaniat is a container for a living transmission that is anchored in the lineage practices and teachings that have been handed down to us through centuries. Please support the future of our organization by including Sufi Ruhaniat International in your will or trust. Help us pass on a thriving and vital organization.
retreats, events, recordings and online communities
Ruhaniat Family Zoom Gatherings
Work Exchange (Kaiawhina) Opportunity
January 5-12, 2023
Content Submissions
Send us your poetry, art and videos...your essays, interviews, and musings...your suggestions, feedback, and support. Include your name, city and country. Your submission implies permission to use now or in the future. We reserve the right to edit content. We may not use all the content that we receive.