In our Torah portion this week, Parashat Terumah, we encounter what could be considered a somewhat perplexing statement. In chapter 5, verse 8, of the book of Genesis God says, "They shall make a Sanctuary for me, so that I may dwell among them." 

According to our Jewish tradition God is incorporeal, meaning that the Divine is not composed of matter and has no material existence. If this is the case - that God is purely spiritual - how could a physical Sanctuary be necessary in order for God to dwell among us? We know that, according to our Jewish philosophy and theology, God is a constant. The Divine is everywhere at all times. So, again, why are we to construct a Sanctuary?

One answer may be that "building a Sanctuary" is our human way of extending an effort to become better people. We must strive to be more ethical, more kind, more intelligent, and more holy. We must build ourselves into the type of human beings who can become worthy of welcoming God's presence into our lives. In this sense, only when we work on ourselves will God be able to dwell among us. When we strive to make the best of ourselves God will, so to speak, meet us half way and then continue to elevate us even higher. But this will not happen in a vacuum. We have to begin by searching for Godliness and creating a space where the Divine can properly dwell. The Sanctuary does not necessarily need to be a tangible place. Instead, it can be a frame of mind - an approach to life - which will elevate us to that place where we can begin to become one with the Divine. 

Shabbat Shalom!

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg


Temple Sholom observes the following Yahrzeits:

7th Sh'vat - 13th Adar

Betty Friedman

Ruth Kaplan

Lillian Durst

Leo Levinson

Yom Huledet Sameach

(Happy Birthday)

Andrea Benjamin

Joseph Gherman

Martin Adler

Sonia Wasserman

Temple Sholom Upcoming ZOOM Events

Please take a look and check the upcoming events for Temple Sholom.

Mark your calendars accordingly!


Adult Education

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 16th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00pm (on zoom only)

Saturday, February 17th

Schmooze at 9:15am

Shabbat SPARK at 9:30am

Shabbat Service at 10:00am

(in person as well as zoom )

Sunday, February 18th

Shaharit at 10am (on zoom only)


Monday,February 19th

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Tuesday, February 20th

Wednesday, February 21st

Shaharit at 9:30am (on zoom only)

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Thursday, February 22nd

Torah discussion at 12pm

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Friday, February 23rd

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00pm (on zoom only)

For livestream click our website
Zoom Meeting ID # and connecting information for all services is as follows:

Meeting ID: 906 698 4216
Passcode: Shalom
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,9066984216#,0#,536917# US (New York)

Please remember to let us know in advance if you need a minyan for any particular time. We will make it happen for you!

Best wishes,

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg