Dear NCART members - We are very excited to launch a new newsletter theme along with some additional news on how we will improve our communication with you. The newsletter will be moving from the end to the beginning of the month. We will also send out a bi-weekly update to keep you informed in a timely manner - scheduled to begin March 20, 2024.

We have added a new marketing resource - Barry Steelman. Many of you have known Barry, who previously worked for Permobil and Stealth Products. We are excited to have an industry veteran lead our marketing and communications efforts.

You will also see a new section - NCART In Action. NCART is fighting for the industry and to protect consumers from uninformed regulations, legislation, and policies that deny access. We are lobbying both on the federal and state levels and we will be keeping you informed of our efforts.

We look forward to improving our communication, and as always, if there is a question or suggestion, please send that to me at


Greg Packer (President of NCART), Tom Powers (VGM), Mike Isaacson (VGM), and Matt Flatt from NuCare Home Medical held meetings with Iowa legislators about repair and service reform. The conversations included eliminating prior authorization, funding and coverage for preventative maintenance, and funding and coverage for repair travel and assessment time. Below is a picture of Greg, Representative Josh Turek (former industry member), Representative Timi M. Brown-Powers, Tom Powers.

Wayne Grau attended meetings in Massachusetts with Chairman John Lawn, Healthcare Finance Committee, to discuss repair and service reform. Wayne also attended a product expo at the PDAC to learn about various CRT equipment and participated in various calls with Connecticut stakeholders about repair and service reform.

Power Seat Elevation Update!

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released their final coding and payment determination for seat elevation systems. The full decision can be read here on page 135. Below are some of the highlights:

·   CMS has established one code for Complex Rehab (CRT)

·   E2298, “Complex rehabilitative power wheelchair accessory, power seat

elevation system, any type:

·   CMS delayed a decision on K0830 and K0831- the DME MACs would calculate

local fee schedule amounts to pay claims for covered items.

·   The fee schedule amount for E2298 is $2,000.34

·   The new codes and fee schedules will be effective April 1, 2024.


NCART is conducting further analysis of the decision and will have a more detailed report along with scheduling educational webinars soon.

NCART hires a PR firm

NCART has invested in the services of a public relations firm to help us educate regulators, legislators, and consumers about the value of Complex Rehab equipment for the consumers that we serve. We look forward to spreading the word about CRT and its value to individuals who utilize our equipment. 

Welcome To Our New Friend Of NCART Members

We would like to take this time to welcome our new Friend of NCART Members, General Motors and QUA Inc.

NCART is the only national organization dedicating every effort and resource entirely to representing suppliers and manufacturers of Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) products. NCART is strictly focused on working with policymakers, legislators, and others to establish and maintain appropriate coverage and funding to protect and improve CRT access.


If your company provides or manufactures CRT, help us fight the negative trends in coverage and payment that continue to mount by becoming an NCART member. Your support will enable us to continue to advocate aggressively as we work to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to the specialized equipment and services you provide.


You can easily and securely submit your application online by clicking the button below. For additional information or questions, please contact Wayne Grau, Executive Director, at or 570-902-9878.

Join NCART Now!