No One is Turned Away

Sunday, March 17

"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each." (Acts 2:4-6)

A man carrying a clipboard chats with a young couple in Spanish as he escorts them to the door. The woman holds a baby wrapped in a blanket. I can’t make out or understand the conversation, but the couple is clearly relieved and appreciates the man who appears to be the hospital’s staff translator.

Later, a family of four, the mother in hijab, arrive through the emergency room doors with their own translator; a slender, dark-haired man who gives the desk nurse all the information she needs, moving back and forth between the two.

I wonder if there is any space in my community more equitable than this hospital waiting room. The diversity of socioeconomic class, race, gender, religion and language spoken does not dictate who gets treated when. Here, the system is based on need. Whoever has need gets help. Whoever’s need is more urgent gets help first.

A man who appears to be unhoused walks in (the staff greet him; he’s been here before) and wanders over to the vending machines to buy a bag of chips and help himself to a cup of hot coffee. Here, no one is turned away.

PRAYER | Gracious God who welcomes all and expects us to do the same, we pray for your Spirit’s guidance in this diverse and beautiful world. May we see each other as siblings rather than strangers. May we marvel at the ability you give us to communicate, translate and understand many and various languages. Help us be among the helpers, those who respond to need with care, concern, and compassion. Amen.

Devotional by:

Teri M. Ott

Harrisonburg, Virginia

These devotions come from a book of the same name published by The Presbyterian Outlook. Hard copies of the devotional book are available around the church.