Hello Beach family!
During my time as your ASI President, I’ve come to learn that opportunities are limitless, and it’s never too late to seize them. As we find our stride in the spring semester, ASI remains steadfast in its dedication to enriching our campus community. Whether it’s amplifying your voice, engaging in campus activities or finding support, now is the time for you to make the most of what’s available.
As students, our voices are formidable tools, and there’s no better time to wield it than now. Seize the opportunity to be an informed voter in the 2024-25 ASI Election when you join Coffee with the Candidates and the Executive Candidates Debate. These are your chances to directly connect with the candidates and dive into their missions, goals and values, empowering you to make an informed decision during the online elections voting from March 18 through March 20.
Seize your opportunity and get involved on campus when you apply for Long Beach State University’s (LBSU) President’s Ambassadors Program. This unique initiative selects individuals from our diverse student body, forming a dedicated cohort committed to representing our university in various capacities. From community events to fundraising initiatives, you could be among the next student leaders shaping the future of our campus!
While our time on campus is limited, let’s participate in the many opportunities! There’s a wealth of support and resources waiting for you and enhancing your campus experience can be as simple as subscribing to the Beach Bites Channel on the CSULB app. Receive notifications when free food is up for grabs! Additionally, there’s resources like CalFresh and the Laurén Chalmers ‘83 Beach Pantry to help you access fresh and nutritious food throughout the year. You can also visit Events & Orgs to learn more about how you can prepare delicious and nutritious meals at the ASI Beach Kitchen.
If you’re looking for more ways to make your voice heard, get involved or even find support, remember ASI is here for you. Visit asicsulb.org to stay up to date on all things ASI!
Together, we can seize every opportunity and make the most of our time on campus. Go Beach!
Mitali Jain
Associated Students, Inc.
Long Beach State University