Wesley Update

February 18th, 2024

Apologies for the delay this week, this past weekend was All Campus (which I'll talk about in an upcoming newsletter) and it's taken a bit to get caught up!

-Pastor Kyle

Pastor's Corner

"Remember that you are Dust and to Dust you shall return."

Not exactly the uplifting vibe you typically find on a college campus, is it?

This past Wednesday we held two Ash Wednesday services for students, staff, and faculty of Lamar. For a lot of folks, Ash Wednesday was completely foreign to them which made for some entertaining out-of-context quotes:

"You got a little something on your forehead" - a student, as he tried to hand me a napkin to clean my forehead.

"Ash Wednesday? That's just for Catholics, right?" - a Lamar staff member, receiving ashes for the first time.

"Those ashes aren't from.... you know...." - a understandably worried student before learning the ashes came from palm branches

ask-umc-ashwednesday image

Source: umc.org

It may seem odd, but Ash Wednesday is one of my favorite holidays in the Christian Calendar. On this day, we grapple with the paradox of our faith and our lives.

On one hand, God tells us we are fleeting creatures, we will die one day, our remains will return to the Earth, and the world will continue to spin on and on. That's a little morbid, isn't it God?

And at the same time, we're given a hope that even though we might not last, even though the things we build might crumble, even though the church we worship in might change, even though these things are fleeting, God is not.

God was there when we were dust and God will be there when we return. Every step of our lives God is present.

I encouraged everyone who took ashes to not let this paradox fade from our minds once the ashen crosses fade from our foreheads. For these 40 days, be like Jacob and wrestle with God. Wrestle with this paradox of our faith, with the things that get in the way of us being better disciples, with the question of how can I love more like Jesus?

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyle Tremblay

Ministry Updates

Cardinal Closet Update

A student walks into the Health Center, pinky toes sprouting from his only pair of shoes, asking for mental health counseling.

An interviewer looks over a student at a career fair and mentally tosses their resume in the "do not respond" pile because the student showed up to the Career Fair wearing ill-fitting pants, unmatched shirt, and no tie, not realizing the student didn't own any of those things.

A Texas winter strikes, suddenly going from 70 degrees to 30 in just 24 hours, but a student shows up to class wearing no jacket, no hat, because they've never lived somewhere with cold winters.

These are just a few of the real stories that happen on campus as told to me by faculty, students, and by witnessing it myself.

Last semester we were approached by the Health Education department and the Student Government here at Lamar about partnering for opening a Clothing Closet in addition to our Food Pantry, so we can meet this need. We've been working tirelssly to get this program off the ground and now we need your help!

We're looking for new or gently used clothing items, including shirts, jackets, pants, skirts, shoes, accessories, etc. If donating undergarments, they must be new and in original packaging. We will also take a few extra hangers if you have some to spare.

If you or your church would like to donate clothes for this endeavor, please reach out by email at revkyle@thewesleyfoundation.com or phone 409-728-7473.

Donate to Cardinal Closet!

Our new Cardinal Closet logo!

Lunch and Worship

Thank you to Jeff Bell and the Methodist Men from Wesley Methodist Beaumont for providing our meal of Subway Sandwiches, chips, and cookies this week!

In addition, Jeff presented an incredibly generous donation from Wesley Methodist to us and I want to say thank you for continuing to serve college students at Lamar!

If you or your church is interested in providing a meal, please give us a call or email!

Jeff Bell presents a check to Lamar Wesley! We run off of support from churches and groups like these!

Consider Becoming a Monthly Donor

Our mission is to serve the students of Lamar and help them see God at work in their lives.

Your gifts help make this mission possible.

By becoming a monthly donor of as little as $10/month, you can provide 3 scholarships that send students to UM ARMY.

Donate Today

Lamar Wesley Foundation

Phone: (409) 728-7473

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