November 16, 2023/ 3 of Kislev 5784/ Parsha Toldot

Candle Lighting: 4:19 PM

All of RKYHS and the JKHA 8th Grade students were privileged to stand up and be counted at the March for Israel in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. It was an exhilarating day as our students proudly joined the close to 300,000 people who peacefully and unabashedly marched for Israel and the Jewish people, and raised their collective voices to bring the hostages home. We stand with Israel now and forever and hope the country and its people felt all of the love and support. JKHA and RKYHS is incredibly grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest lay leadership and professional staff for all their tireless efforts, coordination and planning, and ensuring our school's participation in this momentous day.

Early Childhood/Lower School

Second graders are reading the book The Hundred Dresses where the main character is teased for always wearing the same faded dress. The book encouraged second graders to organize a school-wide clothing drive to help those in need. Please send in clothing items to donate, especially warm items like blankets, jackets, hats and gloves through this Monday, November 20! Clothing can be dropped at the front of the school. The second grade will be enlisting the students in the RKYHS Homeless Awareness Chug to donate the collection to the homeless before Thanksgiving.  Watch this message from second grade!

Yashar Koach to second grade on their chumash play this week. The students did an amazing job singing and dancing as they received their chumashim and embark on their lifelong learning of Torah. Students started learning from their chumashim right away after receiving them as they learned the first pasuk of lech lecha together with their families after the play.  

Gan classes learned a fun game in order to practice conversational Hebrew. Each student was asked in Hebrew to look around the room and bring something in a particular color. Students then went around the room and either brought orpointed to something in that color and said in Hebrew "here is..." followed by whatever color they were looking for. The exercise helped them get comfortable with conversing in Hebrew and solidifying their knowledge of colors in Hebrew.  

Middle School

While the March for Israel took place in DC, JKHA Middle school participated meaningfully and intellectually in this historic day, building strong Zionists, here at home:

Mrs. Zeif’s fifth and seventh grade Language Arts classes examined "Hatikvah", Israel’s national anthem. After learning about the origin of this shortened version of Naphtali Herz Imber's poem written at the end of the nineteenth century, the class' exploration began by defining what an anthem is and how it aims to use language to encapsulate the spirit and essence of something. After discussing the historical context of Israel's statehood and the poem, the class analyzed the language in "Hatikvah" for its use of literary devices and assessed its representation as a theme statement for the State of Israel.  In Ms. Shanskhalil's Language Arts classes, students read a translation of "Hatikvah" and wrote about what the words mean to them on a personal level. Students' responses were meaningful and emotional. To share their pride in Israel, students then created "I stand with Israel" signs, which now decorate our Middle School hallways, as a constant reminder of the strength we give each other and derive from one another.

In Ms. Silberman's sixth grade classes, students read a poem entitled "I am a Jew" written by Franta Bass. Students had meaningful discussions about how the poet probably felt while writing the poem and then about what feelings it evoked in the reader. Following discussion, students created their own "I am a Jew" poem that they presented to the class. 

Ms. Levenson taught the entire seventh grade a mini-version of RKYHS teacher Henny Bochner's Crash Course in Israeli History. Students were fascinated, eager to learn about the history of our homeland.  In fifth, sixth, and seventh grade Social Studies classes, Mr. Levine and Ms. Litland led their classes in researching what it means to be an advocate for Israel, by researching one of six pro-Israel organizations: AIPAC, StandWithUs, Jewish Agency for Israel, AJC, Jewish on Campus, and Federation Metrowest, going through their websites to learn their missions, goals, and steps to achieve those goals of advocating for Israel and the Jewish community

In Judaic Studies classes - Rabbi Sukenik's classes, students engaged with a TorahLive course on Israel, which included short videos and quizzes on the holiness and beauty of the land of Israel.  In Morah Nechama's classes, students learned about "The Holy Sites of the Holy Land." Most of the pictures were taken from a beautiful book of Israel’s Holy Sites published by the Israel Defense Ministry, “Misrad Habitachon”. 

High School

RKYHS Students gather with history faculty member Mr Cipriani periodically at lunchtime roundtables to discuss the current state of affairs in the country and around the world in a program entitled "Controversies in the News."  RKYHS students participated in the next session of lunchtime roundtable discussion today on the topic of Anti Semitism on college campuses. 

RKYHS hosted a chess match for the RKYHS Chess Team vs SAR. The team had a strong showing, displaying their chess prowess, skill and mastery.

RKYHS students heard from Steven Benvenisti for SEED this week. Benvensiti is a partner at the Injury law firm and a trial attorney. Benvinsiti spoke as students listened with rapt attention as he detailed a court case of a boy who was left in a coma with life threatening and life altering injuries to both his physical and mental abilities after being hit by a drunk driver while on spring break. At the end of the presentation Benvensiti revealed that he was the boy who had been hit and had beat unimaginable odds to recover. He pledged during his long recovery that he would do everything in his power to raise awareness about and prevent drunk driving. Students were handed a pledge to sign along with parents to prevent drunk driving and to play an active role in ensuring those around them don't ever drive after drinking either. In addition to speaking engagements, Benvensiti is the President of the Board of Trustees of Brain Injury Alliance of NJ and one of the Directors of Mothers Against Drunk Driving New Jersey.

With the cast set, the RKYHS Drama Club has begun rehearsals for their production of Frozen, which will take place on February 12. Students will take on roles off stage as well for set and costume design, props and lighting.


Congratulations to the RKYHS Girls Varsity Basketball team on their win vs

Central 50-41!

Congratulations to the RKYHS Girls Varsity Volleyball team on their win vs Hillel! 

JKHA Boys hockey defeats WDS!

Congratulations to the JKHA Boys Basketball team on their win vs a RPRY!

Click here to read the most recent "Catch Up with the Cobras" Middle School Sports newsletter!  


Click here to view this week's Kushner Comments 

Click here for a printable version of the Kushner Comments

Click here to read the JLC's The Schmooze




Mazel Tov to Arielle (Zadok) (RKYHS ‘16) and Scott Tajfel (JKHA ‘11/RKYHS ‘15) on the birth of a baby girl!

We are so proud to have seen so many JKHA/RKYHS Alumni who attended and participated in the rally for Israel in Washington, DC.

We are so proud to have seen so many JKHA/RKYHS Alumni who attended and participated in the rally for Israel in Washington, DC!


Click Here to Read This Week's Parnas Hayom Dedications

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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS


If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: or (862) 437-8001