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The E-pistle of Sunday, March 10th, 2024

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist, A Penitential Order, Rite I

7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel

Holy Eucharist, Rite II 

10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed

5:15PM Holy Eucharist

in Emmanuel Chapel

The Cathedral Church of St. Luke

in the

City of Portland

and the

Episcopal Diocese of Maine

Whoever you are,

and wherever you may be on the journey of the spirit, 

The Episcopal Church welcomes you.

Welcome to St. Luke’s Cathedral

We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another. Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ. 


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Sunday Morning Service Participants


The Reverend Suzanne Roberts M.D., Associate Priest


The Reverend George Stevens, Interim Dean


The Reverend Rebecca A. Grant, Deacon

Music Leader & Organist

Christian M. Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music


Harold Stover

Prayers Leader

Julie Rothrock


Bob Parshley, Martha Parshley, Chester Bishop

Head Verger

Eleanor Roberts


Randi Hogan


Alec Thorne

Live Streaming

Jack Swanton, Sam Allen

Contributing Ministries

The Cathedral Choir, Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild, The Healing Team

Music copyrights granted under #A-713087. Sources: The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, Voices Found, My Heart Sings Out, The Saint Helena Psalter, The Book of Common Prayer,, Enriching our Worship, The Holy Bible (NRSV)

5:15PM Service of Holy Eucharist

Celebrating: The Reverend Christopher Worthley, Assisting Clergy

Reflecting: Judd Hume

Happening at the Cathedral Today

Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT)

Results Presentation

Today Following Coffee Hour

Today, March 10 at noon, the results of the Congregational Assessment Tool survey will be presented to the congregation of the Cathedral of St. Luke. 

At this meeting, Susan Czolgosz, of WorkLife Consulting, will interpret the survey results in preparation for our search for the new Dean of the Cathedral. 

There are two ways to participate in this meeting; in person and via Zoom. 

In person participants will gather in the Upper Hall following coffee hour to view Susan’s presentation. 

Others may choose to join the meeting via Zoom by clicking here.

This presentation will last around an hour. For those who cannot attend, a recording of the meeting and all relevant materials (executive summary, slides, etc.) will be available. 

Please join us.

Daylight Savings Time begins This Sunday

This is a friendly reminder that this Sunday, March 10th, is the start of Daylight Savings Time.

Remember to set your clocks an hour ahead before bed Saturday night. We look forward to seeing you in the morning!

The Biblical Study Team

Session 125: Paul’s declaration to the Christians in Rome was the answer to the questions on all believers’ lips: when will the risen Christ, and the New Age Kingdom come? “How is salvation to be achieved?” and “When will the New Age begin?”

Paul’s eagerness to share this unbelievably good news, had, as its just audience, the then known largest and most important city in the world: Rome.

‘Romans’ Paul’s declaration in the form of a lengthy letter, answers all these questions.

Join us in the Oratory Room from 12:00 to 1:30 to hear Paul’s message presented and explained. This is also a space to have your questions heard and discussed. For more information call Dr. Hanson at 207-405-8250.

Community Announcements

Christian Education at the Cathedral

Interested in Christian Education? In the coming weeks the vestry will be beginning work on creating a fresh job description for the Interim Director of Religious Education at the Cathedral of St. Luke. 

If you’re interested in helping shape this new position, please contact Interim Dean the Rev. George Stevens.

Eucharistic Minister Training on March 17th

Mark your calendars for Eucharistic Minister (chalice bearer) training on Sunday, March 17th after the 10 am service. We’ll review the tasks assigned to the Eucharistic Minister, handle the “holy hardware” and answer any questions that you might have about fulfilling this ministry. After the service take a moment to get a cup of coffee and then meet us at the altar rail in the church. 

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Deacon Rebecca via email.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at CSL

with prize-winning teenage fiddler

Beck Welling

from New Gloucester 

Shortly after beginning his ministry at CSL in 2022, Christian Clough, Canon for Music & Liturgy, met Beck’s mother Hannah at Common Ground Country Fair, and their first conversation led to a discovery of a common interest in music. Christian extended an invitation for Beck to play at St. Luke’s that day. We are thrilled it is finally happening!

Please see Beck's Biography below:

Beck Welling is a sixteen-year-old fiddler from New Gloucester, Maine. He began taking lessons at age four-and-a-half with renowned local fiddler Ellen Gawler. In July 2019, with Ellen and her advanced fiddle group, Beck traveled to the Shetland Islands to participate in Folk Frenzy, a week-long celebration of Shetland music. Thus began Beck’s love of Scottish fiddling, only reinforcing the connection to the country that his family’s heritage provides.

In 2001, with Ellen’s encouragement, Beck began lessons with the acclaimed Scottish fiddler Seàn Heely. All of Beck’s lessons with Seàn are via Zoom, but Seàn has taken Beck to a whole new level. In September of 2023, Beck competed in, and won, the Northeast Junior Scottish Fiddling Championships. In the fall of 2024, Beck will go on to compete in the National Competition.

Next to the Scottish genre, Beck also enjoys playing Irish tunes, and looks forward to sharing his love of this music with you all! 

Beck is available for events, dances and gatherings of all types! He can be reached via email.

Foyer Groups Return! Simple Food, Simple Fellowship

Foyer Groups are small groups (around 8) persons sharing simple meals and fellowship. The intention is to have fun and provide an opportunity for us to meet each other and/or to become better acquainted. Each group meets once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of members.

Foyer Groups are not intended to do anything, but simply to be what Christians are: groups of people who gather together and “love one another.” Foyer Groups provide time to be with one another so that friendship may grow.

Each month, a member (or two) host a gathering. Foyer Groups are not a study or prayer group; they have no agenda other than spending time with one another, which is important for the building of Christian community in our parish. The uniqueness of the Foyer Group is its lack of formal structure, its openness of communication, and it's free access given to the Spirit. 

Those interested in signing up to join a group can sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office. Sign up sheets will also be available at both the 7am and 5:15 services. The deadline for sign ups is Sunday, March 17.  

Please contact Judd Hume (who is coordinating this effort) via email or by telephone at: (207) 773-5611 if you have questions! 

Join Us for the Inaugural

St. Luke’s Chili Cook Off on Friday March 22nd

Join us for our first ever St. Luke’s Chili Cook Off on Friday, March 22nd in the lower hall. This event will be a time of fun, food, community, and friendly competition to support the pantries operating out of the cathedral who support our neighbors.

Families and children are welcome and encouraged to attend! We will have board games, coloring, and cornhole available beginning at 5:30PM in the Upper Hall. Dinner will be available beginning at 6:00PM in the lower hall.

We need volunteers to make this event run smoothly and successfully!

We are especially looking for volunteers in the following areas:

  1. Make a chili for the competition (3 spots remaining!)
  2. Serve as a vote counter
  3. Serve as a greeter
  4. Help to supervise the family fun area in the upper hall
  5. Help with clean up

A sign-up sheet is available electronically here or on the bulletin board outside of the office

The event is open to all. We encourage and welcome donations for the following groups:

St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry: Toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers sizes 3-5

St. Luke’s Food Pantry: canned tomatoes, canned tomato soup, flour, cornmeal, dried white beans, pinto beans, cooking oil, pasta

Greater Portland Family Promise: Diapers of all sizes, additional items TBD

A general suggested offering to support the cost of the event $5 is also welcome, but not mandatory to attend. 

With questions about volunteering, please contact parish administrator, Avery Levesque-Schott by email or by phone at 207-772-5434, to learn more about how you can help!

St. Luke's Food Pantry Needs Reusable Shopping Bags

St. Elizabeth’s Pantry Update

Thank you to everyone who contributed dental items over the last few weeks! 324 neighbors received an extra bag of dental supplies in addition to personal care items.

Current needs include replenishing linens and housewares for the month of March. Shopping bags, newspapers, and packing supplies are also needed. 

Questions? Contact Byrd Wood.

The St. Luke's Public Policy and

Environmental Action Team Meeting

PPEAT will meet Tuesday March 12 from 6-7 PM.

All are welcome. Join us via Zoom.

For more information email Ruth Roemer.

Eco-Tips from the

Public Policy &

Environmental Action Team

Praying in Lent for Creation: Visit Here to View as a Webpage

This is a daily prayer based on the Ignatian Examen, which an individual may wish to incorporate at the end of the day to evaluate one's relationship to the earth. (The Ignatian Examen was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola to reflect prayerfully with God on the day).

 1. I give thanks to God for creation and for being wonderfully made. Where did I feel God’s presence in creation today?

2. I ask for the grace to see creation as God does – in all its splendor and suffering. Do I see the beauty of creation and hear the cries of the earth and the poor?

3. I ask for the grace to look closely to see how my life choices impact creation and the poor and vulnerable. What challenges or joys do I experience as I recall my care for creation? How can I turn away from a throwaway culture and instead stand in solidarity with creation and the poor?

4. I ask for the grace of conversion towards ecological justice and reconciliation. Where have I fallen short in caring for creation and my brothers and sisters? How do I ask for a conversion of heart?

5. I ask for the grace to reconcile my relationship with God, creation and humanity, and to stand in solidarity through my actions. How can I repair my relationship with creation and make choices consistent with my desire for reconciliation with creation?

6. I offer a closing prayer for the earth and the vulnerable in our society.

Luke’s Garden LGBTQIA+ Group Next Meeting on March 24th at 1PM

Join Luke’s Garden for their next meeting on March 24th on Zoom. The topic of discussion will be coming out; it’s history, significance, and what to do if someone comes out to you. They will also be discussing preparations for Pride month.

To join please visit the zoom link here

Holy Week Schedule of 2024

Please see the schedule below for service times during Holy Week of 2024. With any questions, please contact the Rev. George Stevens.


March 24th, 2024, Palm Sunday

7:30am & 10:00am

March 28th, 2024, Maundy Thursday


March 29th, 2024, Good Friday

12:00pm, & 7:00pm

March 30th, 2024 The Great Vigil of Easter

7:00 pm

March 31st, 2024, Easter Sunday

9:00am | Festival Eucharist with Brass & Timpani

March 31st, 2024, Easter Egg Hunt

10:15am in the Bishop's Garden

(rain location: Emmanuel Chapel)

March 31st, 2024, Easter Sunday

11:00am | Festival Eucharist with Brass & Timpani

Painted Rocks

and Prayers for Peace

in the Holy Land

Linda Carleton is painting rocks as prayers for peace in the Holy Land. She would like to paint one for you in exchange for a donation of any amount to the Dean’s Discretionary Fund.

Contact Linda if you would like one.

Looking For Individuals to serve as Treasurer and

Junior Warden

In the upcoming months the cathedral is looking for individuals interested in serving in the positions of treasurer, junior warden, and clerk for the vestry.

If you are interested in serving in any of these positions please email The Rev. George Stevens or Senior Warden Sam Allen.

The Healing Team

The Healing Team offers prayers of healing during Communion on the following Sundays:

March 10 Peter Carleton and Judd Hume

March 17  Sara Schmalz and Mary Strnad

March 24  Betsey Deleuse and Elise Magnuson

March 31  Sara Schmaltz and Mary Strnad

Contact: any Healing Team member, or email Judd Hume.

Resources from the Diocese

& Wider Church

Bishop Brown's Message from the

Spring Meeting of the House of Bishops

Ongoing Opportunities & Announcements

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour - Please join us after the service for a time of fellowship in the upper hall through the doors to the left of the altar. All are welcome.

Interested in hosting? It is an important part of our parish life and provides us with a time for connection. Hosting is fun and easy, it requires bringing in a baked good and brewing coffee the Sunday of your choosing. Please consider signing up, a lot of gratitude comes with the job. Thank you!

Check the hosting schedule by visiting the link here.  

Please email Meredith Cough with your date.


Coffee & Conversation

Each Wednesday at 1 PM in the upper parish hall, join Deacon Rebecca Grant for an informal gathering - coffee and conversations.

There’s no book to read, no service commitment, simply an opportunity to gather and talk about what's happening in our lives. You could also help coach the deacon into retirement from her professional life! 

We’re planning this for a season - weekly opportunities where you can attend one, attend all, drop-in as it works for you. Bring your lunch, if you'd like. Topics range from “what's happening in your life” to “what brings you joy” and more.

You can email Rebecca or call at 207-441-7155.

Join the Young and The Restless

We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.

Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet every Tuesday at Maine Beer Company in Freeport for Trivia from 6-8.

 Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however trivia is a great opportunity to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.

Join Luke's Garden


Luke's Garden is the cathedral's LGBTQIA+ group which meets every 2nd Sunday of the month following coffee hour.

All are welcome!

For additional information contact Orion Williams

Looking for Volunteers to Serve as Eucharistic Ministers

The Cathedral is seeking volunteers to serve as Eucharistic Ministers.

Have you ever felt a pull to be part of what happens in the course of our worship services?

If so, consider serving as a Eucharistic Minister (chalice bearer) during the worship services.

Training will be provided along with an alb. If you're interested or have questions, please contact Deacon Rebecca either in person or via email.

Volunteer to Serve on the Altar Guild 

We love volunteering on the Altar Guild, and think you would too! Volunteering with Altar Guild is fun and rewarding.

Together, we can work to enable our congregation to engage in worship that is filled with order, beauty, peace, and tranquility.

For more information, contact Kate Leschey or Rita Siavelis.

Access Your Realm Profile

The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.

Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion. 

When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.

To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.

Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.

We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.
  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom

Click on the Episcopal Maine Logo above to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.


Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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