In these verses it talks a lot about favoritism between parents and kids. I can relate to this because of my little sister, Mary Wilson. We often argue and get mad at each other. But at the end of the day we forget all of the disagreements. With this story of Joseph and his brothers it’s sort of comforting, even reassuring to think “at least me and my sister get along better than Joseph and his siblings.” Just like how in the story when Joseph’s dad gives him the coat, the other brothers are upset, and mad at Joseph, even offended. Just like when my parents will do something for either Mary Wilson or me, the other gets upset and accuses our parents of having a favorite child. At the time I believe it and don’t think of much else. Later I can look back and say “I was silly to say or think that”. 

Our church, the Bible, as well as God, has helped me be able to “let it go”, to love and put others first. I love our church and being a part of it. This story means so much because it was one of the first stories I learned in my Sunday school classes. Some of the most basic Bible stories are what I can relate to. I’ve learned that God has put me and my sister together for a reason, even if it’s not clear, since we can’t get along all the time. Just like Joseph and his brothers we will get along eventually.


Dear God, Please help me put my sibling first and love her. Help me understand her point of view and situation. With any argument help me apologize even though it’s one of the hardest things to do.

Caroline Ringo is in the 5th grade at Pine Street Elementary School and is the daughter of Laura and Will Ringo.

Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors

by Henry (age 7)