A resource for families in Santa Cruz County
...because parenting is the most important job on earth...

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The Power of Love

Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You

I like Nancy Tillman's book, Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You. It may become your family's favorite. Let us arm our children with loving, kindness, joy, thoughtful words, confidence, all within the warmth of family, as they go forth into adventures beyond our physical presence.

The Power of Love

"By showing compassion to a struggling child, we help the child take ownership of their actions and reflect on their behavior. Shaming, judging, or scaring the child does not facilitate ownership or reflection. Personal responsibility can only be cultivated, not coerced or forced, and it is required before a child can choose to change their behavior or learn new skills.

In addition, showing children compassion and acceptance only when they behave sends the message, “When you do what I want, you earn my love.” This links love with approval and leads to people-pleasing behaviors. Children then act appropriately not because they love others, but because they fear others won’t love them."

Continue learning more about the Power of Love here:


Storms are gifting us with plenty of snow and plenty of places to go. Try these snow destinations > > >


You might want to visit Jurassic Quest's "herd of life size animatronic dinosaurs including Apatosaurus, Spinosaurus, and the ferocious T-Rex and more. They're only here Friday - Monday! Scroll down for details.


Barry Brownstein's essay, Are you a Lollipop?, is intriguing food for thought. Read it to find out how it relates to the power of love!

Have an "ordinary," loving weekend with the family, Parmalee

". . . I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go. . . ."

"Love is the greatest gift we have to give our children. It's the one thing they can carry with them each and every day.

If love could take shape it might look something like these heartfelt words and images from the inimitable Nancy Tillman."

McCrary Family Scholarships

Bud and Lud McCrary co-founded Big Creek Lumber at the same age that most students graduate from high school. Times were different in 1946 and they gained valuable training in skilled trades while serving during World War II and continued learning on the job after founding Big Creek Lumber.

Although their education was non-traditional, the skills that they picked up serving their country set them up for success. After founding Big Creek they learned mechanical, business and forestry skills and became life long learners. Since its inception, Big Creek Lumber has been fortunate to have the support of employees and customers who have made their careers in the skilled trades and forestry.

Learn more about the scholarships > > > that support entering a trade.

Are You Waiting for a Lollipop?

"You can dare to be ordinary: Giving your all to use your gifts—while not looking for a lollipop—sets the stage for the extraordinary to emerge"

Reynolds calls his method of improving lives constructive living. In his Audible program of the same name, Reynolds humorously conveys that life’s rewards are in the doing, not in the outcome. Reynolds explains the false mindset:

Some people believe that if they undertake constructive living as a lifeway, life ought to improve for them. A fella came to me once complaining of this: I've been trying this constructed living stuff, and it doesn't seem to work. I get to the office earlier than usual. I do my work better than usual and all that's happened is my boss gives me more work to do. I've been taking gifts home to my wife and thanking her; she doesn't treat me any better.

Reynolds asks us, “Can you see the misconception in his thinking?”

[The client] believes in what I call lollipop living. When you were a kid and you did something properly, well, something your mother approved of, maybe she gave you a lollipop. He believes that if he does things right that, life ought to reward him. He hasn't learned yet that it's in the doing that we live constructively, whatever the results.

Reynolds provides the story's moral: “That the way to win life's game is not to count on getting some rewards for our behavior but to count on doing our life well. It’s the doing itself."

Reynolds is not saying that hard work or being a loving partner won’t be recognized. He means that if you are looking over your shoulder for a reward, you are not present to the real opportunities in front of you. Continue > > >

Parenting Support

Parenting Workshops for inspiration, finding ways to help with parenting challenges, tweaking our skills and support from leaders & fellow travelers in this incredible and important journey....

February Calendar

Always check for new posts!

It's School Open House Season.

Explore your options.

Visit websites.

Go to Open Houses & Tours

Make appointments to visit schools.

Jurassic Quest is Here, Friday, Feb 16, 12 – 8pm; Saturday, Feb 17, 9am – 8pm; Sunday, Feb 18, 9am – 8pm; Monday, Feb 19, 9am – 4pm, Jurassic Quest is roaring into Monterey Feb. 16 – 19! Join the world’s largest, most popular dino event with unique and exciting experiences for the whole family when Jurassic Quest visits the Monterey County Fairgrounds. See our herd of life size animatronic dinosaurs including Apatosaurus, Spinosaurus, and the ferocious T-Rex. Meet our trainers, baby dinos and become a Junior Dino Trainer at the Raptor Experience. Details

Ice Age Art Contest Grades 3–4, 5–6, 7–8, February 12 – March 11, Calling all young artists with wild imaginations! Get ready to unleash your creativity and take a thrilling journey back in time to the Ice Age. The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History is hosting an epic Ice Age Art Contest for young artists in grades 3-8, and we want YOU to be a part of it!. Details

Drop In Ceramics at The Art Factory, Saturdays, February 17 & 24, 10 - 11am, All Ages, Make your own handmade ceramic heart plate or take the project in a different direction. From proper clay wedging to sculpture in the round, this lesson in ceramics will leave you hooked. Details

Find SOMEBODY TO LOVE! February 1 – 29, Through the month of February, Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter is reducing adoption fees to half the normal rates and holding several adoption events to make it easier to find that special furry someone. Details

Lego Friday Fun, Fridays 3 – 4:30pm through May 31, Use your imagination and build anything you can dream at Lego Friday Fun! Lego and Duplo blocks will be available for children and youth to tinker with, build, explore, and creatively play!. Details

Tech Talks: AI Prompting for Document Analysis (Mac|PC),Thursday, February 15, 11am – 12pm, Use AI tools to better understand your documents. Explore the ways AI tools can assist with analyzing and summarizing documents. Join us for a look at processing documents such as personal notes, terms of service or lengthy articles. Details

Pixar Pictures at the Garfield Park Library – Up, Friday, February 16, 3:30 -6pm, Join us once a month at the Garfield Park Library for a different family friendly movie. All movies in this series will be Pixar Pictures films. The second movie in this series is Up. All movies will be shown free of charge. Light refreshments provided. Details

Try a Free Musical Me Class, Find your best day, time and town to try a free Musical Me class. If you have never experienced our classes and want to see first-hand why everyone raves about these incredible programs, please sign up for a FREE class. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our registrar today! Details

Mister Boom Boom’s Music Play Patrol African Drum Circle, Tuesday, February 20: Felton 11am – 12pm, Felton; Santa Cruz 3:30-4:30pm, Children will learn about a variety of West African hand drums including the djembe, talking drum, and will play authentic African drums. We will end the program with a dance and drum circle. There will be two shows on February 20th, one at the Felton Library at 11am and one at the Downtown Santa Cruz Library at 3:30pm. Details

Intro to E-bikes Lunch and Learn, Wednesday, February 21, 12 – 1pm, Join GO Santa Cruz and Ecology Action for this primer on all things e-Bike. They are fast, fun and everywhere, and they’re transforming how we get around. From hauling kids to having time to take the scenic route to arriving at work sweat-free, this workshop will explore e-bike options for a diversity of lifestyles and budgets. Topics include how to pick the right e-Bike, different e-Bike technologies, cost/rebates/financing, environmental benefits and how e-Bikes can replace car trips. Lunch from Zoccoli’s is on us! Details

Ready to Learn with Andre Thierry Music Program? Wednesday, February 21, 2:30 – 3:30pm, The Andre Thierry Music Program program for children combines traditional and newly composed music, exploring the Kreole culture and Zydeco Music of Southwest Louisana. Andre Thierry shares a mix of African and Native American Blues and French Kreole dance melodies with elements of Afro-Caribbean music. Enjoy singing and dancing together with the artist. He introduces the vest rub boards, drums, and accordion, all popular Zydeco instruments. Details

Nature Journal Studio, February 14, 6:30 – 8pm, Nature journaling can help us view the natural world with new perspectives, learn about our surroundings, and see the extraordinary in the ordinary. During monthly Nature Journal Studio sessions at the Museum, Melinda Nakagawa will guide you through a topic as we practice skills in a group setting and share our learning with others. We will develop observation skills and awareness of nature, improve sketching skills, and practice strategies to bring the 3-dimensional world onto the page. Rather than an art class, nature journaling is about observation, curiosity, wonder, and honing these abilities. Details

Junior Rangers at Garfield Park Library, February 15, 3:30 – 5pm, Junior Rangers is a statewide program for 7 – 12 year olds. Junior Rangers will receive a logbook, and earn stamps and rewards along the way as they participate in programs. Play games, observe wildlife, and more, all while making friends your own age in some of the best places in California. As you go through the program, you will earn some very cool rewards in geology, ecology, history, safety, plants, and wildlife. Details