Thursday, August 11, 2022
"Excellence and Perfection"
Rev. Sue Browning, Leader
In Person ONLY
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Many of us have grown up placing a high value on excellence. We've been taught to dream big and then pour our energies into the perfect execution of plans. Is setting high standards useful? Are there pitfalls? At this summer discussion service with Rev. Sue Browning we'll explore the role of excellence and perfection in our lives.
As we explore this theme, I'd love to hear in advance stories from you about times you've strived for excellence. How did that go? What did you learn? I'm also curious how folks define perfection and perfectionism. Is it about getting the details right (e.g., typo-free work) or is perfectionism something more? Any thoughts on the ways the standards we set for ourselves and others impact our lives?
If you have stories, reflections, and, of course, questions on excellence or perfection, please send them along to We'll also have time to share during the service.
So we can begin the discussion promptly at 10 am, please arrive by no later than 9:50 am.
Upcoming Summer Session Discussions
Sunday, August 21 — Summer Discussion, In Person ONLY
"Life is not Binary"
Sunday, August 28 — Summer Discussion, In Person ONLY
"Summer Reading"
Please select a fiction or nonfiction book you've read that you think others might be interested in reading too, and then prepare to share a two-three minute summary of it for our summer discussion. We'll be sending around a list for you to add the author's name and full title of the book so that we can put it in Reflections.
So You Don't Miss Anything!
- This Week's Discussion Information
- Upcoming Summer Session Discussions Information
- Newsletter Index
- Helpful Links, Office Hours, Upcoming Events Calendar
- Minister's Column
- ATTENTION PLEASE: Notification of Meetings
- Board Retreat August 20
- Potluck and Civil Rights Bus Tour Review
- Paid, Part-time Tech Position Available at UUCR
- Pastoral Care and Connection Committee
- Birthdays
- UUCR Contact Information
- End of Reflections Notice at the VERY END
If you don't see "VERY END of REFLECTIONS for August 11, 2022"
at the VERY END of this email, you're not seeing the entire email.
UUCR Summer
Office Hours:
Sa, Su — 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
M through F — CLOSED
AUG 14 | Summer
In Person ONLY
Rev. Sue Browning, leader
AUG 20 | Board Retreat
AUG 21 | Summer
In Person ONLY
Harry Hart, leader
AUG 28 | Summer
In Person ONLY
Amy Warner, leader
SEP 4 | Summer Discussion
In Person ONLY
Jane Hardy, leader
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
I will be on vacation from August 16-25. I'll be available for emergencies or quick questions on my cell # (call or text).
Rev. Sue
Notification of Meetings:
Calendar, Thermostat
Please let Darlene know of any individual, group, or committee meetings so they can be added to the UUCR calendar so as to not conflict with prior scheduling, and to also allow programming of the thermostats for your comfort while there. During the summer, the thermostats are set at 80 degrees when no one is scheduled to be in the building, and at 74 degrees when occupied. They are also set to start cooling one hour prior to the scheduled event to allow time to hopefully achieve the desired temperature upon your arrival. Any changes to the normal thermostat schedule for the upcoming week are made by Darlene on Sundays. She needs to know before noon on Sunday, if you have a previously unscheduled meeting for that week so she can make any necessary adjustments to the settings.
The Board is holding their retreat at UUCR on Saturday, August 20. The building and grounds will be unavailable to other individuals/groups on that date between 9:00 am to noon. UUCR office hours will be moved from Saturday, August 20 to Friday, August 19.
Recently, Philip and Linda Dutton and other community members took a bus trip to Civil Rights sites in the south. UUCR members generously contributed over $2700 to fund scholarships for this trip. Our neighbors at the Presbyterian Church of Chestertown (right across the street!) have invited the UUCR congregation to join them for a potluck at 5:30 pm on Sunday, August 28, followed by a review of the Civil Rights Bus Tour trip at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to connect and learn together. Hope to see a strong UUCR turnout!
Paid, Part-time Tech Position — UUCR Hybrid Worship Services
We are only a few short weeks away from beginning our regular Sunday sessions and are seeking a paid, part-time tech person to help with the transmission of our hybrid worship services. The position would be from September through May for two services per month, with each work session lasting approximately two hours. The person would become a member of UUCR's current volunteer tech team and would work closely with the service: minister or guest speaker, leader, and musician.
Applicant must be at least sixteen years of age and familiar with the Zoom platform and basic A/V equipment. All UUCR employees must pass a background check prior to being hired. Please contact the UUCR office ( click here) if you know of someone who may be qualified and interested.
Pastoral Care and Connection
You are encouraged to share your joys and sorrows with the UUCR Pastoral Associates (see below). This team is a mixed group — but all have had previous life experiences and a variety of professional training in counseling and philosophy. Please contact one, or several of us, if you “want to talk.”
Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley
-3 - Kevin Brien
-6 - Joan Blume
18 - Joan Biehler
19 - Bob Fox
27 - Margo Long
30 - Liz Salett
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
Summer Office hours: Sa, Sun — 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Closed — M through F
VERY END of REFLECTIONS for August 11, 2022