CODSN Newsletter header with the CODSN logo atop a collage of various family photos, the date August 2024, and text: "Serving Crook, Deschutes, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake and Wheeler counties.
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Dear Families and Partners,

Although summer is in full swing and we hope yours is fun-filled, August also is a good time to prepare to ensure a smooth upcoming transition to back-to-school time for many of our children and young adults. This fall, our 20-year-old is heading back to college, ready to embrace the new term with enthusiasm and determination. It's a period of transition, but it's also an opportunity for growth and learning. Let's support our kids by focusing on their strengths, presuming their competence, and trusting in their ability to navigate this journey. By believing in them and their potential, we're fostering their confidence and resilience, ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed.

Working together for families,

Dianna Hansen

Executive Director

Staff Highlight

Decorative Graphic: We (heart graphic) our volunteers!

Recognizing Katie Sinclair

We appreciate all of our volunteers! This month we would like to especially recognize Katie Sinclair, a super volunteer for CODSN. Katie has been volunteering with us for a few months now helping us do a lot of behind-the-scenes work to make our events and offerings run smoothly. She has been busy assembling new parent binders, prepping activities for events big and small including our spring Breaking Barriers conference, and performing website quality assurance tests. Thank you Katie for your caring efforts!

Join Us At Our Events

Decorative graphic with CODSN logo in the middle

We have several events this month for summer family fun, while also getting ready for back-to-school time. Visit our calendar and events webpage for more details and registration! Click the title of each to see its flyer. Click the "Register Here" text links at the end to register.

Visit Our Webpage for More Details and Registration

All Counties/Virtual

Virtual Transition Back to School Schedule Training with Treehouse Therapies. Join us to learn how to create routines, prepare your children for change and school demands, and support them with school structure. Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 5:30-7:00 PM. Register Here.

Transition to Middle and High School and Special Education Presented in Spanish ~ Virtual. Learn about Special Education at these ages including diploma options, accommodations versus modifications, and more. Friday, August 30, 2024, 5:30-7:00 PM. Register Here.

Deschutes County

Youth Meet-Up: Graffiti the Tunnel. Come hang out and leave your mark on the City of Redmond--we will have paint and supplies. Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10:30 AM-11:30 AM, Highland Ave. between Sam Johnson and American Legion Parks, Redmond. Register here or with Grace:

Youth: "All About Me" Training. Youth ages 14-26 will create an All about Me page for use in IEP meetings, job resumes, doctor appointments, and more. Monday, August 19, 2024, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM, CODSN Bend Office. Register here or with Grace: or call 541-548-8559.

Family Respite Night, Jason's Run & Recharge Program. Caregivers, enjoy the Eagle Crest Resort while we entertain the kids. Choose up to $100 in vouchers. Special thanks to the Jason Opdycke Memorial Fund. Wednesday August 21st, 5:30-7:30 PM, Eagle Crest River Run Lodge. Register here.

Spanish Support Groups: Back to School Trainings in Bend and Redmond. Be ready for a successful back to school transition with new schedules, routines, and IEP meetings. Activities for kids and a light snack provided. Interpretation in English available with 72 hours notice. No registration needed.

Bend: Thursday, August 22, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM, 1270 NE 27th St.

Redmond: Friday, August 23, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM, 704 SW Forest Ave., Suite 101.

Ladies Who Lunch. Join us August 27th! Back in time for school! Our new Bend day and time is the last Tuesday of each month from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM with location to be confirmed soon, Bend. (New separate Redmond dates coming in October). RSVP to or 541-548-8559.

Harney County

Emergency Preparedness Training and Kits. Come learn about emergency preparedness for individuals/families with disabilities, and take home a custom Stay & Go kit! Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM. Harney Co. Chamber, Burns. Register here. Questions? Contact Nichole or 971-813-4944.

Lake County

Emergency Preparedness Training and Kits. On Thursday, August 1st from 5:30 - 7 PM, join us at the Lake County Library to learn about emergency preparedness for individuals/families with disabilities. Build and take home a custom Stay & Go kit! Register here.

Click Here for More Details/Registration For These Events

Interpretation is available with 72-hours advanced notice. For questions or help registering for any of these events, call 541-548-8559 or

Decorative graphic with "Majestic August!" in the center.

More News and Events

Decorative graphic with "Partner Events" as it's title.

We are partnering with others who are bringing you these fun and educational events. Click on titles for more information (links provided where available).

Deschutes County: Sensory Friendly Movie at the Tower Theater "Encanto." Enjoy this enchanting story with lights and sound on low; and with sensory bags, a quiet space, and added space for added wheel chair seating available by request. Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 6 PM, $8.00, Tower Theater. Limited scholarships available upon request. Register here.

Klamath County: Summertime Get Together. We are partnering with Klamath Falls City Schools Special Service Department who is offering a family friendly community inclusion event: light meal, shave ice, playground, resources. Sunday, August 28, 2024, 4-6 PM, Moore Park, Klamath Falls. No registration.

Lake County: Family Bike Ride. Join us! Includes safety demonstration, free helmets and bike lights, a children's bike riding course and guided family bike ride, and childcare. August 10, 2024, 9:30 AM check-in, AD Hay School. Contact Take Root at 541-219-6100 or for details. Register here or at

Looking for even more opportunities? Join our Central Oregon Disability Support Network Facebook and Instagram pages (or Kintsugi in Harney County or Family Advocacy & Support Network in Klamath County for Facebook) where we share additional community events of interest.

Special Education Highlight

Tips for Preparing Your Child with A Disability for the New School Year!  Download CODSN's Back To School Checklist to guide the way!

As we enter August, we all start thinking about going back to school. CODSN is here to help you think through and plan for a smooth transition back to school for your child with a disability! We have created a step-by-step tool that you can use throughout this month to get you and your child ready for a successful start to the school year. Click the link below to download your Back to School Checklist and get a head start!

Be sure to follow us on social media to catch all our Back to School Special Education tips throughout the month as well.

Click Here For The Checklist

Youth Corner

Employer Resource Connection

Decorative Graphic with words "Employer Resource Connection"

Do you have a Personal Support Worker (PSW) or Direct Support Worker (DSW) that works for you or someone in your family?

Have you heard about the Employer Resource Connection? This is a statewide program that can help you be the employer who understands and knows how to make sure the services received in the home are what the family or individual wants and needs. They have a person in your area that you can contact to find out how this program works.

This a free program for individuals who have been approved for in-home services through Medicaid or Oregon Project Independence. You can get support to hire a home care worker and become a successful employer. Services are provided by consultants.

Learn more here and at the websites below.

Klamath County; Lake County

Public Partnerships, LLC


Phone: 844-844-0526


Crook; Deschutes; Grant; Harney; Jefferson; Wheeler

The Arc of Oregon

Alice Massey


Phone: 888-442-5550


Special Interest Content

Emergency Preparedness

Wildfire and other emergencies can occur, and best to be ready for them. Please join us at one of our trainings (see above for those offered in August). Become familiar with the three Emergency levels, and download your wildfire checklist at the link below.

Be Ready.  Be Set. Go Now!  Know evacuation levels and follow advice of emergency officials.  Make the best decision for your safety.  Don't wait to evacuate if you feel unsafe!  OEM, Oregon Department of Emergency Management logo.  Level 1 (green color) Be Ready, Prepare to Evacuate. Be Aware of Danger in the Area. Stay informed.  Have your plan and go-kit ready. Act early if you or your loved ones can't move quickly.  Level 2 (yellow color).  Be Set.  Be set to evacuate at a moment's notice.  Significant Danger in the Area.  Follow your evacuation plan & grab your go-kit.  Check news & radio for updates. Conditions change rapidly.  Leave if you feel unsafe.  Level 3 Red.  Go Now!  Leave Immediately.  Extreme Danger in the Area.  Leave without delay.  It is unsafe to stay.  Do not stop to gather belongings or protect your home.  Do not return until officials announce the area is safe.
Click Here for the Wildfire Evacuation Checklist

No-Cost Home Energy Assessments in Lake and Klamath Counties

LCRI Lake County Resources Initiative logo.  Lake County Resources Initiative is Offering No Cost Home Energy Assessments in Lake and Klamath Counties.  Whether you own, rent, or own rentals, you can learn more about your home energy systems and different efficiency programs by completing a no-cost, no-obligation home energy assessment through a local 501(c)(3) non-profit serving customers of Pacific Power and Avista Natural Gas in Klamath and Lake Counties.  Call Eric (541) 801-3063 for Klamath County or Miller at (541) 216-4006 for Lake County to schedule an appointment!

Support and Partnerships

Banner:  We are so Grateful for your Support!  3 WAYS TO DONATE.  Gear Fix Logo:  Bring your clean items to Gear Fix and ask for them to be put on our CODSN donation account.  Then a portion of the proceeds goes directly to us, and we get an extra 10% from the Gear Fix too.  Fred Meyer Community Rewards logo.  Connect your Fred Meyer Community Rewards card to CODSN.  We will receive a percentage back on your purchase at no cost to you.  Bottle Drop Give logo:  We will accept your bottle and can donations.  Email us at or call our office at (541) 548-8559 for more information
Graphic outline of Oregon with the following logos in a banner across the middle.  Logo: Kintsugi Disability Support Network -- Stronger & More Beautiful Together.  Logo:  CODSN.  Logo:  Family Advocacy & Support Network - Collaborating for an Inclusive Community.  FASN, Family Advocacy & Support Network and Kintsugi Disability Support Network are programs under CODSN.

Any information provided by CODSN, its staff, and/or its volunteers is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any information expressed or implied is not intended nor should be construed as legal, medical, or other professional advice. This email may contain information that is confidential. If you are not the addressee, or if it appears that you have received this email in error, please advise me immediately by reply email, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system.