Friday Newsletter

February 24, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

It’s been a lively week at Westminster. Members and friends gathered on Sunday evening for a Labyrinth refresher and then again on Ash Wednesday during the lunch and dinner hours for a time of meditative walking, silent communion, and the imposition of ashes. The snow was a (hopefully) pleasant surprise for everyone. On Thursday morning, a group of 7 gathered online for an open discussion and wonderful questions about the well-being of our trans siblings. For more about last week’s sermon, feel free to take a look here:


Now, on to the 2023 annual meeting. Believe it or not, but this will be my third annual meeting with the good folks at Westminster. Time is flying by! In 2021, it was online and I had the opportunity to join in while Pastor Brandon moderated. In 2022, it was a time of deep and painful conflict. Congregations do in fact go through times like this. Three elders (Terri Crall, Suzanne Taylor, Nancy MacMorris-Adix) have crafted a time of “Grief and Gratitude” for the annual meeting to help us all tend to the spaces that are still experiencing pain while simultaneously holding the places of appreciation. On Sunday, we will have a potluck and will gather in Boulder Hall around the round tables. Three of the teams that have been tackling special projects (strategic planning, Matthew 25, & childcare) will present their work and invite feedback from the congregation. Please bring your questions and your insights. In addition, the budget information sessions that were held throughout the fall as well as Budget 2.0 last week were designed to educate the congregation about the 2023 budget with the hopes that the presentation from budget & finance will be both familiar and helpful. The one motion that is scheduled for the meeting is the pastor’s compensation which is traditionally approved by the congregation. The elders did not receive requests for any other motions or business. Additional background information can be found on the website and hard copies will be available Sunday morning.

When Presbyterians gather, we live into our core value of “shared power” and “mutual forbearance” which means we respect all the voices in the community and we lean into both wisdom and spirit in our collective discernment. These are high aspirations indeed but they make communal life worth the effort when all cylinders are firing at once. During worship, I’ll share my annual ‘state of the union’ about where Westminster is and where she is headed. See you on Sunday!


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

This Sunday

Bulletin available here. Children's bulletins available here.

Service: 10 AM

Sunday School

Nursery care available

Annual Meeting & Potluck: 11:00 Boulder Hall or on Zoom (link here)


Red Cross Blood Drive is March 13, 1-6 pm in Boulder Hall! We need the congregation and community to pitch in and give so that we can retain Westminster's record of being the longest continuously running church-hosted American Red Cross blood drive in Salem!! For those who want to DOUBLE their donation of red cells (and still keep all that plasma, platelets and white cells!) there are at least 8 "Double Red" appointments available throughout the day. This can truly be a life giving donation. Even if you think you may not be eligible to give blood, please call/message Bill Nelson (503-576-1278, or Pamela Garland (503-551-2998) to check. The ARC has recently relaxed some of the previous restrictions on giving blood, including restrictions on recent travel to Europe. Even if you had a poor experience in the distant past we believe that your 2023 blood giving experience will be smooth, painless and will give you the satisfaction of giving someone a gift that few can duplicate! Call Bill, Pamela, or sign up here today. 

Save the Date

New Member Class: 4/30 and 5/7 following Sunday service

West Pres Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is upon us - Sunday, February 26, 2023 @ 11am. It will be a time of fellowship and future visioning together in Boulder Hall. Childcare will be available.

The Elders recognize this will be the first time the congregation will gather for its annual meeting since the conflicts in 2022. To foster a spirit of unity and goodwill, the meeting will take place in Boulder Hall. There will be a potluck as well as our usual coffee and tea. If able, please bring a main dish and a side, salad, or dessert to share. The meeting will be available via Zoom for our members and friends unable to attend in-person.

We will hear presentations on the following:

1. Strategic planning

2. Community childcare partnership

3. Matthew 25 update

4. Church finances

The annual meeting will have the capacity to vote via voice and by hands both in-person and online. If confidential, ballot or ranked voting is requested, we will likely need to reschedule that particular item of business for a future date so that necessary arrangements can be made (it required assistance from Presbytery last year).


We hope that all Westminster members and friends have a chance to be educated and ask questions about the operations of the church over the past year.

The More You Know

Read the 2022 annual report here.

Check out the meeting agenda and background documents here.

Read 2023 Budget FAQs here.

Potluck Info (yum)

If your last name begins with:

A - H, please bring an appetizer or salad

I - P, please bring an entree

R - Z, please bring a dessert

as you are able.


If you took home a printed copy of the 2022 Annual Report last week and think you would like it handy during the meeting on Sunday, please try to remember to bring your copy with you. Additional copies will be available and of course, it can be accessed on your device.

If you use the building outside of regular church hours and are the last one here, please take the extra moment to make sure the building is secure when you leave--lock the doors, set the alarm, and double-check. The front doors can be a finicky. As you're going out the main doors, make sure the righthand door is closed properly first and then leave through the lefthand door, allowing it to close on its own behind you. Then turn around and check. If you need training, please ask!

Reading books from our wide-ranging church library? Fantastic! Just make sure you actually go through the library's check-out process first. It's simple and old-school, and it only takes a minute to ensure our dedicated librarians are able to keep track of our books.

Things are always changing, but we do have a recent version of a members/friends directory available. You can grab a hard copy in the church office or from the welcome desk, or find it on our website under the About Us tab. The password to access it is: access2022.

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


We are grateful to welcome Terri Crall as Westminster's new financial secretary! Questions about your donations? Email her at In addition, we are grateful to Peter Wirfs as he joins us as in a volunteer capacity to help us with our giving software. Both bring expertise and commitment to their roles.

Pray for

Dick Hughes as he grapples with health concerns

Krystal Peterson as she recovers from surgery


The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is coming up in April. Sunday School kids will receive their fish offering banks as Lent begins and will spend the next six weeks saving up to share with those in need. Maybe you want to join them this year! You can get an OGHS coloring sheet here (that fits right in with the West Pres mission and Matthew 25 themes) or ask a teacher on Sunday!

Per capita for members this year is $45.60. Questions? Contact the church office or a member of Stewardship or Budget & Finance committees. Thanks!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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