If you took home a printed copy of the 2022 Annual Report last week and think you would like it handy during the meeting on Sunday, please try to remember to bring your copy with you. Additional copies will be available and of course, it can be accessed on your device.
If you use the building outside of regular church hours and are the last one here, please take the extra moment to make sure the building is secure when you leave--lock the doors, set the alarm, and double-check. The front doors can be a finicky. As you're going out the main doors, make sure the righthand door is closed properly first and then leave through the lefthand door, allowing it to close on its own behind you. Then turn around and check. If you need training, please ask!
Reading books from our wide-ranging church library? Fantastic! Just make sure you actually go through the library's check-out process first. It's simple and old-school, and it only takes a minute to ensure our dedicated librarians are able to keep track of our books.
Things are always changing, but we do have a recent version of a members/friends directory available. You can grab a hard copy in the church office or from the welcome desk, or find it on our website under the About Us tab. The password to access it is: access2022.
Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!
We are grateful to welcome Terri Crall as Westminster's new financial secretary! Questions about your donations? Email her at In addition, we are grateful to Peter Wirfs as he joins us as in a volunteer capacity to help us with our giving software. Both bring expertise and commitment to their roles.