Hello, fellow Chapter members,

Incredibly, time is growing near for Genny Bush (Golf Events), Georgia Wiley (Finance), and me to step down from our Chapter Board positions. Our bylaws require that Board elections be held during September of each year. This allows about a month or so for you to consider and (hopefully) commit to volunteering your time and talents to the following roles:

• The role of President carries a one-year term, with the opportunity to be reelected for a second one-year term. 

• The Golf Events Director role (currently held by Genny Bush) carries a two-year term with the opportunity to be reelected for a second two-year term.

• The Finance Director role (currently held by Georgia Wiley) carries a two-year term, with the opportunity to be reelected for a second two-year term.  

Nominations for these three positions are officially open, with voting scheduled for mid to late September. Transitions from the current Board to the next will be completed by November 1st.

Preemptive thanks to Pat Kibler, Ellen Morrison, and Edna Morris for volunteering again this year as our Chapter Election Committee. Please contact them directly to express your interest in serving on the Board (Pat Kibler, Morrison, /Edna Morris,

Linda Tissiere (Membership Director) and Jennifer Hermanson (Communications Director) will continue for another year so there will be a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Just as importantly, Genny, Georgia, and I will be available to provide heaps of support.  

On a personal note, I have found that serving on the Board has been a tremendous honor and very gratifying. I encourage you to consider nominating for a Board position.   

We have loads of excitement yet to come during our 2024 season. We have outings scheduled during August at The Club at Viniterra and Old Trail Golf Club in Crozet, with our sights set on a thrilling September including our “not-to-be-missed” Chapter Championship (aka Cha Cha) at Piankatank and the opportunity to experience Solheim Cup 2024 firsthand in Gainesville.  

Lastly, sending best wishes to Genny Bush (Captain), Joan Harrison, Barbara Patterson Oden, and Linda Tissiere who will be competing as a Regional Cup Team at Colonial Heritage during mid-August. Way to represent, ladies!

See you on the course!


145 Richmond Chapter Members

-New Member Recruiting Continues All Year-

Let's keep going - invite your friends!

  • Sarah Abogabir

Join our Chapter Here!

Lots more Golf to Play in 2024 -

Don't Miss Out - Put Registration Dates on Calendar

Register for Events - See "Upcoming Events" box

July Golf Recap Below

Check out the Fun Outings!

Kingsmill Match Play with Hampton Roads, July 14:

Congratulations to Us!!...Another victory against our wonderful neighbors...the Hampton Roads chapter. It was a HOT, TOUGH day out on the course but the RIchmond women were troopers and persevered with a great score of 8 vs 4 to keep the cup in Richmond.  

Everyone collapsed into the James RIver Ballroom for a great pasta buffet.  

And, we had a very successful raffle for our 2 charities.  The first prize was a round of golf for 4 at Kingsmill with the lucky winner going to a Hampton Roads player. Wanda Fisher won the 50/50 raffle. Congratulations to both!

Kudos to Kingsmill for a great experience and for their generous donation to the charity raffle (rounds of golf)

Spring Creek, July 25:

Thankfully fifteen members played beautiful Spring Creek without a drop of rain! That course is glorious, with amazing wildlife. We felt fortunate to play the now private course. Congratulations to Joy Cimburke for closest to the pin on the 8th hole, and to Janet Schwartz and Dianne Buchanan our raffle winners.  

Upcoming Golf Events - Register Here

The remainder of events will be open to members only. Guest registration may open if there is space available at the Last Call email.  

Old Trail Sunday 8/18 Open until 8/11. Beautiful course with mountain views. Hopefully cooler temps in the higher elevation for some great golf. It can be challenging with high rough but you don't want to miss it. Well worth the trip to Crozet. This is an REC option event.

Chapter Championship Saturday 9/7 @ Piankatank Golf Course on the Middle Peninsula. Registration closes 8/23. We have had a great sign up so far...34 folks for 48 slots. Don't delay. Looks like there is interest for more scramble teams at this time so the "3 max" restriction has been removed.  Even if we had 6 scramble teams, there still would be plenty of players for flighted stroke and "just for fun" play.  

We are a chapter of 140 awesome members and I hope many of you can make this event.  

Dogwood Trace Saturday 9/21. Registration closes 9/15. Always a chapter favorite in Petersburg. Beautiful municipal course with an option of walking. This will be our last REC event for the season.  

Gentle Reminder:  Event Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your registration on or before the closing date in advance of the event, your registration fees minus the $5 dollar cancellation fee will be reimbursed. If you cancel after the closing date, no refund will be provided unless there is a waiting list to fill that cancelled spot. A refund then can be made after the event concludes. Please try to find a replacement for your spot if there is no waiting list. If there are extenuating circumstances for a late cancellation, please contact the Chapter Events Director at to see if reimbursement can be issued.

Please understand golf courses require a final headcount submitted several days/weeks prior to the event as a "lock-in" number for invoicing our organization.

Skills Development Corner

Fairway Woods & Hybrid Clinic

AUGUST 5 (5:30-6:30PM) Rescheduled from July 22

Our July 22 Fairway Woods & Hybrid Clinic has been rescheduled due to inclement weather for August 5 from 5:30-6:30PM.

Flying Squirrels Game to

Celebrate Women & Girls Sport Night

July 11 @ The Diamond

RVA Match Play

“…Wow, I’ve made a new golf friend!"

That’s been the feedback from several of the members of our inaugural, seasonal RVA Match Play.  Once a month, the members play 1 a 9-hole round at any course & time of their choosing. The bonus is many folks have never played one another, so new golf friendships are taking root. How lovely!  Sure, there’s a competition component of match play and of course everyone wants to win, but this is also a way to introduce the notion and fun of match play and gives people a chance to play a competition using the rules of golf -- no “foot wedges” here!


With 2 months in, it’s “anyone’s game” with who will end up in the 1st & 2nd place within each of the two divisions. Most people are tied with wins/losses, but a special shout-out goes to both Lissa Smith and Christii Watkins who each have 2 wins and no losses.

2024 Virtual Scramble 

Join us for our Charitable donation check presentations!

As noted in the July, 2024 newsletter, our Chapter has collected approximately $2,500 in raffle monies through June 30, 2024 due to your incredible generosity. As a result, the J Sargeant Reynolds Community College Foundation Fund will receive $1,500 and the Sheltering Arms Adaptive Golf Program will be the recipient of $1,000. 

Please JOIN US as we present checks on your behalf!

Sheltering Arms Adaptive Golf Program

Thursday, August 8th @ 10:00 am, Bogey's Sports Park, 1675 Ashland Rd, Manakin Sabot with Sheltering Arms staff, program participants and their families, and our Chapter Ambassador Janet Phillips in attendance!

J Sargeant Reynolds Scholarship Foundation

Wednesday, August 14th @ 8:00 am, Sycamore Creek Golf Course, 1991 Manakin Rd, Manakin-Sabot, just prior to Morning League play! You do not have to play League that morning to attend.

Thank you again for your overwhelming support. We hope you will join us for the check presentations!

Aug 23-24 Regional Cup Qualifier

RVA has a team - "RVA Got that Swing"

Team Members:

  • Genny Bush, captain
  • Joan Harrison
  • Barbara Patterson Oden
  • Linda Tissiere

If you are interested in being an alternate, please contact Genny Bush. You would be a substitute in case of any unforeseen cancellation of the above players. 

Solheim Cup 2024 - Information Links

Volunteer Information

General Event & Ticket Information

Check out the schedule below for all of the 2024 LPGA Amateurs Solheim Cup Experiences. We are excited to see you there!

Questions? Contact

Tuesday, September 10th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*

Wednesday, September 11th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*

Exclusive LPGA Amateurs Chip & Sip

Time: 12pm-2pm

Location: RTJ Short Game Area

*Registration is required to participate*

(Registration open July 8th)

  Register Here

Thursday, September 12th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*

Exclusive LPGA Amateurs Chip & Sip

Time: 1-3PM

Location: RTJ Short Game Area

*Registration is required to participate*

(Registration open July 8th)


Register Here

Opening Ceremonies Meet Up

Time: TBD

Location: Great Lawn RTJ

*All Thursday ticket holders will be able to attend the opening ceremonies, no additional ticket purchase is necessary*

Friday, September 13th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*


Saturday, September 14th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*

Sunday, September 15th

LPGA Amateurs Solheim gift pick up

Time: TBD

Location: Fan Activation Area -- LPGA Growth Brands Tent

*One item per member*


Nominations are Open for

2025 Board Positions!

 Volunteer Now!

Our chapter is run ENTIRELY by volunteers! Our 2024 Board has done an outstanding job. We now have three opportunities available for 2025, and we invite you to put your “hat in the ring” for the upcoming election! We are currently seeking volunteers to run for the following positions, where you can lend your ideas and passion to help us to continue to be a most extraordinary community that ensures all our members have the opportunity to CONNECT, LEARN, PLAY, and BELONG! 

Elections will be held in September, so just click on the Simple Nomination Form below, and we will get back to you soon! Nominations must be submitted by September 1.  


Volunteer Opportunities


President (Nov. 2024 – Oct. 2025)

The Chapter President is responsible for the delivery of a complete LPGA Amateurs experience for all Chapter members regardless of their experience or skill level. The President works with the Board to set priorities and goals, oversees Chapter operations in a fiscally responsible manner, conducts Board meetings, helps to develop Chapter current and future leadership, and is the primary liaison to the LPGA Amateurs national organization and fellow LPGA Amateurs Chapters. The President is elected for a one-year term and may serve two consecutive terms.

Golf Events Director (Nov. 2024 – Oct. 2026)

The Golf Events Director, with assistance from other volunteer Chairs and Managers, is responsible for the delivery of the Chapter’s golf events, including weekend events, League play, Internal Competitions, and special events.  Responsibilities include identifying and liaising with local golf courses, establishing financially responsible fee structures, marketing events, establishing pairings, and providing rules and communications to Chapter members. The Golf Events Director is elected for a two-year term and may serve two consecutive terms.

Finance Director (Nov. 2024 – Oct. 2026)

The Finance Director manages all aspects of income and expenses for the Chapter, manages the Chapter’s cash accounts within billhighway and the Chapter’s local bank account, responds to any Board requests, and collaborates with the Board to reply to any LPGA Amateurs national reporting requirements. The Finance Director is elected for a two-year term and may serve two consecutive terms.


We Need You!

The Board is seeking additional volunteers, because our Chapter is thriving and growing! Please consider each of these positions. Our Board and Extended Board are fully committed to providing you with support and training.  

Website Coordinator

Do you have basic web-based content management skills from a current or past role and have a few hours a month to volunteer? We need you!

We are seeking someone to support Laura Posey in managing our Chapter website.

What does this role involve?  

You would use your basic web-based content management skills to publish content provided by the Board to the proper areas in the content manager. You wouldn’t be responsible for writing content; you just publish it! The time required would be minimal, maybe 1-3 hours per month. We promise plenty of training and support! If you can copy and paste from Word, you can do this!

• Questions about this role? Contact Laura Posey,

• Willing to volunteer? Contact Lissa Smith,

Seeking 2025 Kickoff Dinner

Committee Members

Do you have a passion for planning social events, whether at home or out and about in the City? If so, this role is ideal for you.

We have decided to convene a Kickoff Dinner Committee to handle logistics for our 2025 Kickoff Dinner. Members of this committee would secure our venue, decide on menus, and pursue and collect raffle and auction items, with support and oversight from the Golf Events Director. The Board will take care of the rest.  

It’s our hope that the budget and venue would be finalized for this event by the end of 2024.

• Questions about this role? Contact Genny Bush,

• Willing to volunteer? Contact Lissa Smith,

Family and Friends Donations - New!

In addition to Corporate Sponsorships, the Chapter is also introducing Family & Friends Donations.

Have you found yourself searching for a creative means to honor a Member’s birthday or celebrate or commemorate someone special in your life? Or are you a Chapter Member who would like to further your support? 

For the first time, our Chapter has created the means to accept ad hoc online donations for these reasons. We graciously appreciate your support.

Visit here for full details and to donate

League Registrations are OPEN!

Registering for the Leagues does not obligate you to play.  It simply ensures you will receive invitations to play each week.

There is no entry fee. Players pay the course directly each week upon arrival. Must be a member of LPGA Amateurs - Richmond to play in leagues.

Both the morning and evening Leagues have returned this year.  

REGISTER HERE for either or both weekly leagues

Weekly Morning League

Location: Sycamore Creek Golf Course, 1991 Manakin Rd, Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103

Captains: Ellen Morrison and Terri Potts

Format: 18 holes

Dates: Every Wednesday morning, April 17, 2024 – November 13, 2024

Tee-times: 9:00 am beginning April 17th; shifts to 8:32am start on June 5th, returns to 9:00am on September 4th. 

Cost: $42 incl cart; players pay the course directly upon arrival.  Lunch is optional and individual pay.

Max # Players: 12 with a waitlist

Weekly Evening League

Location: Providence Golf Course, 1160 S Providence Rd, Richmond, VA 23236

Captains: Valencia McCown, Kiki Worthington

Format: 9 holes 

Dates: Every Thursday evening, April 18, 2024 – September 19, 2024

Tee-times: 5:06 p.m. beginning March 23rd; 5:33 p.m. beginning May 4th and continuing through the Summer

Cost: $35 incl cart / $29 walking; players pay the course directly upon arrival.  Dinner is optional and individual pay.

Max # Players: 16

Handicap Index

To members who have or are establishing a handicap index, this is a reminder to post your scores hole-by-hole into GHIN to promote accuracy.

Members should post scores for all rounds - regardless of whether the scores are associated with a Chapter event - to keep handicaps current.

REC competitors are required to post scores associated with all of their REC rounds.

Keeping handicaps up to date assists us with pairings, and ensures fairness across competitions.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Hermanson,

Richmond Chapter Website

Attention Facebook users!

The Board recently decided to use the Chapter’s public Facebook page as a tool to recruit new members by educating them on Chapter events and the benefits that differentiate us from other leagues. 

As a result, we will be posting our Chapter's event results, RVA Capital Cup (RCC) competition announcements, photos, and all that fun stuff to our private ‘members only’ Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user, and have not yet done so, please register on our Chapter’s private Facebook page. Make sure you don’t miss out on the fun and photos! See you there!

 Lissa and the Board

PRIVATE Facebook Page
2024 LPGA Amateurs National Tournament Schedule

Member Access to 2024 LPGA Tour Events

New for 2024! The LPGA is partnering with Seat Geek regarding ticketing for some of the 2024 LPGA

Tournaments. This partnership will change the way that LPGA Amateurs members access their

complimentary LPGA Tour tickets at certain events as well as their discounted hospitality tickets!

A schedule will be published on the LPGA Amateurs website that indicates how members can claim their

tickets for each LPGA Tour event. 

An email will be sent next week with this announcement.

For questions, please reach out to

Promote Your Business In The
LPGA Amateurs Member Marketplace

You may be wondering why we are focused on promoting the LPGA Amateurs Member Marketplace? It is simple…the more offers that are listed in the Member Marketplace the more benefits are available for all members AND for those members who own their own business the Member Marketplace is another opportunity to provide a benefit from the LPGA Amateur Golf Association.

Businesses that add a benefit to the LPGA Amateurs Member Marketplace will receive marketing to all 13,000+ LPGA Amateurs members through the Marketplace at NO charge! Benefits can be listed either in your local Chapter area or as Association-wide benefits.  Both golf and non-golf related businesses can list their benefits, the only requirement is that the benefit is specific for the LPGA Amateurs membership.

It is simple to sign up! 

If you need more information about the program, then please contact Liz Cooper at If you are ready to register your business, please click on the link below. Please make sure our chapter is selected as the referring Chapter!

Register My Business


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