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Weekly Alert August 1st, 2024

Survey: Addressing cost of living would have the greatest benefit for Texas

Racism ranks second

Texas adults (n=59) were asked, “Many things affect the lives of people living in Texas. If you could address one of the challenges below, which do you think would have the greatest benefit for Texas?” They chose from 9 options, each of which is known to be a social determinants of health

Main findings

More than 1 in 3 respondents (36%) said addressing cost of living would have the greatest benefit for Texas; addressing racism/discrimination (15%), childcare (12%), and housing (12%) were the next most common responses, followed by crime and schools (both 7%). Other challenges selected included a sense of community/isolation/loneliness (5%), jobs (3%), and transportation (2%).

How do Texas responses compare to national findings?

The survey was administered to 558 adults in five states. Nationally, respondents said that addressing cost of living (29%), crime (21%), and housing (13%) would have the greatest benefit for their communities, followed by jobs (8%), racism/discrimination (7%) and sense of community/isolation/loneliness (7%).


The proportion of Texas respondents (15%) who said addressing racism/discrimination would have the greatest benefit was higher than in any other state (3%- 11%). Similarly, compared to all other states, more Texas respondents (12%) said that addressing childcare would have the greatest benefit. In contrast, only 3% of Texas respondents said that addressing jobs would have the greatest benefit. This was the lowest percentage of the 5 states surveyed.

Share the findings, see what others think

If you could address one of these challenges, which do you think would have the greatest benefit for Texas? Share the resources below and ask your friends and family what they think. Talking about local challenges can help focus community response efforts.


This week's report is based on responses from a panel of 558 adult residents of Texas (n = 59), St. Louis, MO (n = 141), Omaha, NE (n = 84), Baltimore, MD (n = 168) and Colorado (n = 106) surveyed July 20-22, 2024. Explore these data and more at iHeard Texas.

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Survey Poll Results

A banner in the upper left corner says “Social determinants of health” and on the left side at the top are the words “We asked: What challenge would you address to have the greatest benefit for Texas?” In larger bold font are the words “You said:
Cost of living.” followed by an arrow pointing to the right with “Swipe to see the top 5.”
In the top center of the graphic is a title that says “In the poll, 59 Texans chose from 9 challenges:” with a table below it that says “Childcare, Cost of living, Crime, Housing, Racism/discrimination, Jobs, Transportation, Sense of community, Schools.” Below that is smaller text that says “Source: iHeard Social Determinants of Health Survey July 20-22, 2024”
In the top center of the graphic is a title that says “Top 5 responses” with a list below it that says “1. Cost of living 36%, 2. Racism 15%, 3. Housing 12%, 4. Childcare 12%, 5. Schools 7%, 6. Crime 7%.” Below that is smaller text that says “Source: iHeard Social Determinants of Health Survey July 20-22, 2024”

Suggested Caption:

Texans said addressing cost of living would have the greatest benefit for Texas. What do you think?


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Check out these Texas resources!

A banner in the upper left corner says “Texas resources” and in the center at the top are the words “Need help buying a home?” Beneath that are the words “The Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation offers down payment assistance and mortgage tax credits.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for TSAHC and the following words in a speech bubble to the left “Take their eligibility quiz:” and “Or visit”
In the center at the top are the words “Need help with housing?” Beneath that are the words “The Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers aims to increase affordable housing options for Texans.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for TAAHP and the following in a speech bubble to the left “Call (512) 476-9901” and “Or visit”
In the center at the top are the words “Are you experiencing racism or discrimination?” Beneath that are the words “Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation addresses race and racism through narrative change, relationship building and equitable policies and practices in Dallas and Fort Worth.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for the organization and the following in a speech bubble to the left “Want to join the Dallas or Forth Worth Racial Justice Community of Practice? Visit”
In the center at the top are the words “Are you experiencing racism or discrimination?” Beneath that are the words “The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas (ACLU) is a leading civil rights organization.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for the organization and the following in a speech bubble to the left “Visit for civil rights resources and to get in touch.” and “For general inquiries, call (713) 942 - 8146”
In the center at the top are the words “Interested in learning more about high quality childcare?” Beneath that are the words “Texas Rising Star can help you find high quality child care.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for the organization and the following in a speech bubble to the left “Visit to learn more about what they do and find certified care providers near you.”
In the center at the top are the words “Need help with childcare, groceries, diapers, or an electric bill?” Beneath that are the words “ provides a list of financial assistance programs available in Texas.” Next to an illustration of a smartphone with the logo for the organization and the following in a speech bubble to the left “Visit to view local resources.”

Suggested Caption:

Texans say that addressing the cost of living, racism & discrimination, housing and childcare would benefit Texas the most. Swipe to see local resources about those topics.


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Combined Resource

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