Hi, Mia!

The climate crisis is not a distant threat. As wildfires ravage our state, pollution dirties our air, and droughts restrict our water supply, it is clear that the time for bold climate action is now.

Bold climate action includes watching out for bad bills that may have been written with good intentions, but in practicality threaten California's green economy. 

This includes my opponent's bill, AB 2143. This bill is a gift to the fossil fuel industry as it would wipe out the small business rooftop solar industry in our state, upon which the majority of our solar projects rely. AB 2143 hurts the very people it claims to help. Here's a bit of background on the bill and why I urge Governor Newsom to veto this bill:

  • First, it's important to understand that most solar projects are managed by small businesses in the private sector and NOT by large federally-funded public works projects.
  • Next, AB 2143 would force small solar businesses to be wrongly classified as public works projects, requiring them to adhere to prevailing wage - which would force most small private solar providers out of business.
  • To be super clear here, prevailing wage and minimum wage are NOT the same thing. I am a STRONG supporter of a strong livable wage, but a prevailing wage isn’t that.
  • This bill would force small solar businesses (who already pay their employees an average of $25 an hour) to play by the same rules as large federally-funded corporations - and it would wipe these small solar providers out of business. 
  • AB 2143 will directly hurt over 65,000 solar and storage workers, including union solar contractors and women-owned and BIPOC-owned businesses.
  • It also will kill the future of rooftop solar by making it less accessible for residential, multi-family housing, small businesses, non-profits, places of worship, and more.

But we don't have to pick between doing what's right for the environment and doing what's right for workers and small business owners. In my vision for a Cleaner and Greener California, I lay out a plan building on the Green New Deal for California, where we can create tens of thousands of union-protected jobs including installing and maintaining solar panels, building wind farms, building energy efficiency optimization, and improving our stormwater capture systems.

As we work to create a cleaner and greener California, we have to stay vigilant over bills that say one thing, but do another. AB 2143 is such a bill. It's intentionally written to confuse and in the end would hurt California's progress on rooftop solar and the 65,000 people employed by this industry.

Please contact Governor Newsom's office online NOW or call TOMORROW during regular business hours at 916-445-2841 and urge him to veto AB 2143.

Some are attempting to use this bill to pit the environment against unions. As the only progressive, clean-money candidate in this race, I say that WE DO NOT HAVE TO CHOOSE between jobs with a livable wage and saving our planet. With smart, well-thought out climate policy, we can protect both a livable wage AND the environment.

In solidarity,

Upcoming Events


Thurs, Sept 22

7pm - 8pm

Join TeamMia from the comfort of your home to learn about our field strategy going in to November and how you can help - plus meet other campaign volunteers and share your own ideas about how we can win in 50 days! 


And if you're able, please join us earlier at 5pm as we text AD-52 voters >>


Sat, Sept 24


The annual 5K Run/Walk is Homeboy Industries biggest community event of the year and all proceeds go to support their vital work.

We'll join Moms Demand Action volunteers for a Mothers & Others Day of Action at this fun community event, grab some lunch together, and then talk with voters in Atwater Village. I hope you can join us, all are invited!



Tues, Sept 27

Noon - 2pm

Join activist, delegate, mom, and author of "Chop Wood, Carry Water" substack, Jessica Craven as she leads us through phonebanking best practices, and then we'll start dialing voters in our district! 



Vista Hermosa Oil Well Tour

This weekend, volunteers, campaign staff, and I went on an informative tour of the Vista Hermosa community near Echo Park, which has been disproportionately impacted by the harmful effects of abandoned and uncapped oil wells. There are hundreds of these abandoned oil wells in Vista Hermosa, where residents have had to deal with resulting health issues for generations. In the Assembly, I will fight for this community and communities just like this to receive the environmental justice they deserve.

Learn more about the tour on Twitter or Instagram >>

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